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First impressions, commenter’s block and other assorted babble.

I find commenting on a new blog I have found quite difficult. Sometimes I will just blurt out some nonsense then quickly click publish and scurry away. Sometimes I write a comment and then second guess myself, so I press delete and scurry away.

More often than not though, I just lurk. If a blog post has zillions of comments, well, more than fifty anyway. I get comment envy. I look at all the comments above mine and I just know that I have nothing to say that could possibly compare to those glittering comments that drip with sparkling wit.Those glorious comments that just ooze with insightful compassion give me a hefty dose of commenter’s block and I use the backspace button with gay abandon.

Today I commented on a new blog I had found whilst I was lurking on The Bloggess.I left a silly comment and then ran away.

Which in turn started me thinking about first impressions. I tried to look at my blog with a critical eye and I wondered what a first time visitor would think about my blog? I wondered whether my blog is comment friendly? I know that I have a lovely crew ofย  regular readers that don’t comment. What stops you from commenting? Are your reasons the same as mine?

Anyway, enough of this blather. I took some photos this week and I would like to share them with you.

Silvereyes eating aphids in the honeysuckle

Isn't she lovely

sky lines

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  • Barbara November 1, 2009, 10:37 am

    I think your blog is very comment friendly. You always have something interesting to say and usually some beautiful pictures (I love the first one, that bird is great but I only spotted it after looking for a while!). My problem is that you have lots of clever, funny readers and by the time I get to you anything I might say usually sounds trite. Not quite sure how I got to you so quickly this time!

  • Marylin November 1, 2009, 10:52 am

    I’m the same as Barbara, a lot of the time by the time I get here people have already said the sort of things I would, and I hate leaving those “great post” comments!

    Love the second pic. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Mrs. Oh November 1, 2009, 1:03 pm

    Gorgeous pictures as usual! I think I lurk until I feel like I somewhat ‘know’ to whom I am commenting upon. But for the most part I am like you: nothing I can say could revile what everyone else has said.

  • Sharon November 1, 2009, 1:04 pm

    Love the photos, but then, I always do ๐Ÿ™‚

    Mostly I comment if I think I have something to share/offer. I prefer blogs where I am made to feel welcome and both you and Veronica do just that, so, ‘Thank You’ for your lovely blogs!

  • Brenda November 1, 2009, 1:41 pm

    I’m like you Kim, I lurk too especially around my fave big name bloggers. I’m quite shy…honestly I am. LOL!

  • river November 1, 2009, 2:08 pm

    I lurked for a long time before starting to leave comments. I found if I had something in common with the blogger I found it easier to comment. If I find a blog I really like, I’ll go back and read my way forward through their archives to get a better sense of who the person is. Sometimes I’ll forget I’m not reading a current post and leave a comment there as well. I think your blog is very comment friendly, if I didn’t feel welcome here I certainly wouldn’t stay around. I love the bird photo and that grasshopper is wonderful, his face looks like a wise old man.

  • jebaru November 1, 2009, 7:31 pm

    My first impression when I found your blog? I envied you for living where you do – the envy reinforced by your excellent photos, for which I was grateful. I quickly gathered you were going through difficult times and felt compassionate but didn’t comment because it seemed so personal and you had commenters who were obviously close to you and could offer far more comfort than I. You are generous in sharing so much and easy to relate to. Mostly I don’t comment because my work involves typing all day long and I’m over it come the evening when I relax at the computer. It’s called being lazy and I apologise!

  • Tanya November 1, 2009, 8:26 pm

    It is much like life, some people are doers and some are watchers.

  • Jientje November 1, 2009, 11:49 pm

    Awwwww, LOVE your pictures, they take me there, thanks xxxx

  • Marilyn Rodrigues November 2, 2009, 9:44 am

    I’m a lurker too, either too lazy, or intimidated by all the lovely/insightful/helpful/witty comments already there(much like you).

    I do like the photos, esp the wise little grasshopper and the gorgeous tree-sky one.

  • plumtree November 2, 2009, 9:49 am

    I often don’t comment on blogs simply because I am busy. I also think that some posts are meant to be personal musings and are not attempts at conversation. Many of my friends tell me that comments are very important to them. I don’t have a blog in part because I don’t want to stress about how, and how many, people would respond to me. I try to comment regularly to my friends, and to a few blogs that I know are important to them. I don’t look at other blogs.
    Hugs Kim, I love your photos! Please include them in an exhibition of your art!

  • stacey@Havoc&Mayhem November 2, 2009, 11:54 am

    Love the last photo!

    I don’t comment much because in real life I don’t say much. I listen and lurking is listening in digital form, only more like eavesdropping because you don’t actually know for sure that I am here. Mostly I just nod along while I read. I’m getting better though at commenting

  • taz November 2, 2009, 12:36 pm

    fantastic shots

  • Achelois November 2, 2009, 12:59 pm

    Sometimes I comment and sometimes not – no real rhyme or reason to it with me. Now being honest about it has made me feel somewhat shallow.

    Mostly with your blog I just think what utter crap it makes mine look in comparison. Your photo’s, mixture of work, personal thoughts and humour along with your allegiance to sometimes gritty ecological matters makes it an enjoyable and eclectic mix.

    Other blogs I lurk as whilst I enjoy the content, I don’t engage enough with the author to feel confident enough to comment.

    Quite often I comment and think oh no I’ve just written total crap. I tend not to comment if I really disagree with something a blogger has said as think life is too short to show hostility to people I don’t even know. I did write a comment though recently on a blogging doctor’s site where I just fundamentally had to tell him I was pleased I wasn’t one of his patient’s.

    I rarely get many comments on mine but then I am a little afraid to say too much about stuff and think I am to restrained. I really admire blogs where people just say it how it is.

    Anyway I am off as one reason I err on the side of caution on commenting is that being a touch typer I go on and on…..

  • Abi November 2, 2009, 8:55 pm

    I’m about to do that thing you said you do in your first paragraph ๐Ÿ˜‰ this is the first time I’ve come across your blog, and you seem friendly so here goes…

    I really love the third photo, blue is my favourite colour and it’s just beautiful

    *scurries away superfast*

  • Jayne November 2, 2009, 9:14 pm

    You rock, Kim, your comments are never silly – light-hearted and funny, yes ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hyphen Mama November 3, 2009, 7:03 am

    WOW.. those photos are vivid.

    More and more lately I’ve been lurking and not commenting. Not that I don’t have a million things to say, because I do… but I delete what I’ve written and scurry away. It’s easier than dealing with my overactive paranoid brain that thinks that everything I do is stupid.

  • Hyphen Mama November 3, 2009, 7:07 am


    See, I shouldn’t have left this comment.

  • Ree November 3, 2009, 12:51 pm

    Lurk? Me? No way. I love the last photo. So peaceful.


  • Achelois November 3, 2009, 2:19 pm

    I am going to do that embarrassing thing of commenting twice on the same post. Because I re-visited to read more comments and forgot to say first time round, probably because I don’t pay enough attention to detail when reading blogs. Your blog is comment friendly.

    The linked blogs were hilarious reading. Sometimes I get sillily shocked that people can be so ‘out there’ in blogs and have to remember I am actually a fully grown adult and witty rude is ok and I am not a prude honest I am not. I just couldn’t blog like it I don’t think for fear of doing it really badly. Then getting comments that made me realise it was all really awful.

    I sometimes err on the side of caution if authors have to approve my comment before publishing – I know people often have really good reason for it but it puts me off I guess.

  • Kelley @ Magnetoboldtoo November 3, 2009, 6:11 pm

    If you discovered the reason for people reading and not commenting you would make a billion bloggy dollars.

    Cause I have NO IDEA. Seriously, no freaking idea.

    You are doing everything right babe, your posts are honest and well written and sometimes just a little heartbreaking.


  • Joyce-Anne November 4, 2009, 10:41 am

    Love the photos! They are beautiful.

  • Miss Ash November 6, 2009, 3:42 am

    I get comment block, too. With the _exact_ same symptoms.

    Wasn’t scared to comment on your blog, though, for some reason. You’re not a stranger… Instead, you’ve always been a mom and a real person, very open and aware and embracing…

  • kompostela November 20, 2009, 12:34 am

    Oh, I see why you love my blog:) You can’t get there comment envy because you are only the one commenter I have:)