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Sunday Ceramics 20

Hello Mudslingers, we have reached the milestone of TWENTY fabulous episodes of Sunday Ceramics. In TV terms that is a bit over two seasons. YAY! We are potentially the G.O.T of the clay world. We are probably famous somewhere.

Sunday Ceramics

Today I want to talk a bit about FEAR.

I was talking on twitter to a young writer the other day and he was pondering whether to set up a support group in his local area. His inner voice was telling him to stop being so silly and so I stepped in and told him that if I listened to my inner voice I would never do anything.  As I walked away from twitter I wondered if I should send him some skull beads as encouragement BUT my inner voice told me NO, that it could be read as a bit creepy. I got two steps further away before I realised that my inner voice was winning, oh the irony. I hopped back online and offered him some skull beads and he was THRILLED because apparently he really likes my work.

My biggest fear is being “seen to be stupid” as most fears go, it does not have any basis in my current reality and is a pretty stupid fear. Nonetheless it is there,  and my inner voice sounds a lot like my father telling me how stupid and useless I am. And as that old bastard died over thirty years ago I only have myself to fight.

So I ignore that voice, I ignore my fear and I keep on doing incredibly amazing things that terrify me, for the split seconds that I allow myself to think about them.

This is a photo of the Long Gallery in Salamanca Arts Centre.

Long Gallery


This is a tweet, by “Award Winning Cartoonist” Jon Kudelka.

So mudslingers, here I am trying not to hyperventilate at the thought of an exhibition in the Long Gallery, next year.

I think the excitement will beat the terror, eventually.

Monty has been helping me work, He likes to steal all the sub par pieces of work in progress and run away with them.

Monty is a bit cheeky and a terrible critic.

monty clay nose

Today I will be away all day blowing things up and playing with fire and generally being a nuisance.

I am NOT in charge of the Tasmanian Ceramics Association’s Raku and Pit firing, that is on today.

Responsible, sensible, EXPERIENCED people are in charge.

It will be a fabulous day and I will “TRY” to instagram all the things, using the hashtag  #TASRAKU

*UPDATED. The Pit firing and Raku day has been POSTPONED.

Until then.

Here is the link, you know what to do.

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  • Rachael Parry June 29, 2014, 9:44 am

    You will fill that space with ease. Love the post today.

  • Elephant's Child June 29, 2014, 10:08 am

    Love the critics nose.
    And would LOVE to see your exhibition in the Long Gallery. So much.

  • Adriana banana June 29, 2014, 11:00 am

    Hello lovely ,
    Sometimes those inner voices get very SHOUTY in their frustration
    of our scardyness – good on them . Good on YOU claysista xxx

  • Krista Petrauskas June 29, 2014, 3:23 pm

    Most of us who express ourselves in artistic ways, , seem to have these fears in common – thank you for sharing this and helping to us to remember this, to keep moving forward, despite these pesky, inner voices and encouraging us to keep doing, and making, despite our fears. Me too.
    “Excitement is oxygenated fear” (Gerald Jampolsky M.D -“Love is Letting go of fear”)
    Happy 20th edition of Sunday Ceramics – glad it is being written

  • river June 29, 2014, 6:13 pm

    Hello Monty, *scratches his ears*
    I’m looking forward to seeing your exhibition in Long Gallery.

  • Georgia June 29, 2014, 7:09 pm

    That’s very exciting news about the exhibition! Good one! I’ll be interested to see what you come up with. Will you collaborate on any pieces do you think, or just exhibit side by side?

  • Michèle Hastings June 30, 2014, 1:18 am

    I am trying to learn to listen to my inner voice. I often wish I could be that person who doesn’t fear that voice or fear what others will think when I act on it. Too often it can be paralyzing. It’s a work in progress.
    Congrats on the gallery exhibition. I am sure it will be fabulous!

  • smartcat July 1, 2014, 9:24 am

    Hi Kim, better late than never!
    Congratulations on the show and also for the link to John. What delightful work!
    It’s taken me many years to admit to my inner nerd. About fifteen years ago I decided that if people couldn’t handle it that was their problem not mine. Still that inner (parental?) voice is so hard to shut down!
    We just have to be LOUDER than those voices!

  • Anna July 1, 2014, 11:46 am

    sometimes its hard to tell between excited and scared 🙂 they often run together for me…
    That negative voice is hard to stamp down too…

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