Here is a dark sky shot that I took on Wednesday, I think that this shot mirrors my mood today..
I heard on the news today that the the ‘Ruddy Government’ as part of its cost cutting anti inflation measures, is going to abolish the annual carer payment bonus…
I heard this on the radio as I was driving to TAFE today. My first thought was ‘typical’..
My next thought was Oh Fuck! That’s Us! Shit Shit Shit… We need that money.. We really really need that money.. Because I am a full time carer, I was expecting to receive a $1600 cash boost in June this year, as we have received for the previous four years..
I wont go into details on how this decision will impact my family at the moment as I am feeling pretty gutted that any government would slash at the knees of the most Vulnerable members of society…Let alone an australian Labour government.. Bastardages…
But at the same time , Why am I not surprised??? It is so easy to cut the funds from disability payments or from programs aimed at helping families in crises .. Hell we are used to fucking living below the poverty line, and not having any services or support
I am crying now as I am writing this because it just isnt fair..I had actually been expecting this cut back but when I heard it this morning it was like a physical kick in the guts.. Truly I felt ill.. physically ill… I have been alternately sick or sooking.. All Day,, Bastards!!! I rarely get sooky and I never ever feel ill. but I think this decision might be enough to tip my scales..
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Oh Kim, I’m so so sorry to hear this. Like you say, it’s all too easy to take from the most vulnerable. Thinking of you and sending some love. BG x x x
Bendy sweety.. I wish I was as articulate as you when it comes to outlining the case for increased support for disability services.. but.. I just don’t have the energy at the moment.. I am so sick an tired of the predujice .. I am just really really tired…
xxx kim
i agree with everything your saying the government hits us when we are down they take from the poor and give to the rich, it makes us all feel sick.
the government dont do enogh for the disabled, sick and pensioners/carers something isnt right with the way the government treat us we live on next to nothing.
Virtaul hugs.
I read this over at Kelley’s too and everyone is either very outraged and/or very upset.
It is so unfair when actually carers are saving the government a shite load of money by keeping their clients out of disability services systems.
oh crap. Bastards!
hugs hon.
I’m tired. I’m weepy. I am not articulate enough today to put it into words. But wait with your anger, we don’t have enough information yet to fight it. Believe me, those of us working in advocacy are working on it.
If you are getting the $1600 then you will not lose out completely. I only get the $600.
Just wish I had the energy to care today though…..
oh big hugs kimme..
Somehow, those we elect to govern, to SERVE THE PEOPLE, seem to lose sight of the fact that the COMMON WEALTH should be spent for the COMMON GOOD. Cost-cutting, anti-inflation measures aren’t supposed to cripple those who are already dealing with difficulties.
That’s awful. I’m so sorry. I hope this decision is revoked asap.
I came over here to thank you for stopping by and commenting the other day.
Big hugs.
Oh, I am so sorry, Kim.
This just sucks.
Oh, I’m sorry Kim. This sort of craziness happens here in the U.S. too – all too often – it sucks and it often makes not sense at all. I’m sorry and I will have you in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for coming by and thanks for your prayers for our sweet baby. Take care and I’ll see you soon. Kellan
Peeking in while blog hopping. I notice your *how I got here* thingy say I am in Albuquerque. I do *not* live in Albuquerque. In fact I have a recent huge rant about how I do *not* live in the rat-hole that is Albuquerque!
I was so damn furious when I heard yesterday I rang the local MP (ALP) and vented at the dropkick.
We are caring for elserly and disabled in our homes, saving the damn Govt hundreds of thousands of $ but they don’t appreciate that!
Gebus wheezus. I voted for this bloody Government.
This is the lowest form of insult to those who do it the toughest. Yep, kids, it’s time to rant. It’s time to hit these fat cats right in the googlies.
It sucks big fat hairy donkey’s wossnames.
Hugs, Kim.
I hope today is a better day for you.
I’m sorry to hear about yer news, the next time I’m doon under and I don’t mean some agreeable lady I’ll bring my bi-focals and my trusty sniper rifle and get you a new government, oh and I don’t live in Albuquerque either not that anyone cares.
One way or another, governments will screw you. That totally sucks. The decision doesn’t affect me at all, but I have a few friends who depend on payments and they are going to suffer too.
I have a LOT to say on this issue, but I won’t go into it. I’m so, so sorry Kim. If you plan on writing a petition, I will sign it.
Kim! I just heard about this over at Terrible Palsy. What shit. Total shit. Because the answer to economic woes is to dish further crap on people with disabilities, right? **sarcasm**
Sending hugs. When I win giant pots of money on from the lottery I will definitely send some your way.
the ff