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Funny thing, This blogging…

I was reading a post written by Hyphen-Mama where she talks about the impact blogging has had on her life. H-M  wrote..

[….My real life friends (and there are not many of them) don’t blog. I find myself saying things like “there’s this blogger woman who…..” Then I feel stupid. They believe I live in this fairy land of “invisible people” who I may or may not be making up. “Sure, Hyphen, tell me more about this woman in Tasmania who grows frogs and is just like my sister.” Rolls eyes. Smiles. “Hyphen needs a hobby, have you tried knitting?”….]

I have found that blogging has had an enormous impact on my life. Yet I don’t talk about it much in real life because people think that I am either making things up or that I am in danger of losing my marbles. Or then there are the people who are openly dismissive and/or scornful. I have given up trying to explain to the spouse that for ‘fuck sake’.. I am NOT PLAYING on the computer. *Sigh*

I just print things out that I am proud of and leave them lying around where he can find them. He loved the conversation that Xbox and I had and he cracked up laughing at parts of it  but but but there was still the silent implication that this isn’t real you know Kimmy.. *sighs again*

I feel immensely proud of Veronica and I have watched  her blossom into an accomplished and very funny writer.

I have found a whole community of people that I have come to care about very much.

I worry about Ivy and I admire Tiff. I had to go out into the garden this morning and ‘earth myself’ when I read that ET wasn’t pregnant.

I could add link after link name lots of names of people that have touched me. But I wont because seriously I don’t have enough time to do you all justice.

I will end with a question though.. How has blogging changed your thinking? Can you talk about your blogging to non-bloggers? Am I a figment of my own imagination? oops that was 3 questions sorry don’t answer the last one.. hehehehe  Cheers Kim xxx

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  • Ree May 10, 2008, 12:18 pm

    Kim, you and Hyphen Mama (who I adore…I must go tell her that) have summed it up perfectly. I, too, have very few “friends” that I can touch and hear with my ears. But I hear you all with my heart. You listen without interrupting. You share my pain (and if you don’t, you could have fooled me). You make me laugh and you make me cry. And I love each and every one of you as though we’ve known each other for decades.

    Rees last blog post..Haiku Friday – Most Boring Day Ever

  • river May 10, 2008, 4:57 pm

    My hubby tolerates my reading blogs, but often reminds me not to get “sucked in”, they’re probably a bunch of scam artists out to get you or your money. I reassure him everytime that I know what I’m doing and none of my personal details are “out there”. My daughter reads blogs written by her favourite tv stars about their shows so she understands, but the girls at work don’t understand at all. Their loss, ha ha.

  • Xbox4NappyRash May 10, 2008, 7:58 pm

    Oh Kim, you’ve given me a much need laugh at the thought of you running outside to ‘earth yourself’ and hubby wondering what the fuck is wrong with her now!

    Your question, I don’t talk about blogging to non-bloggers (except ET) simply because no one else knows our story. When the time comes I will let them know, but none are bloggers themselves so I can’t imagine much conversation anyway.

    How has it changed my thinking? couple of ways, one, it’s reminded me how much I love to write, and how much I want to keep doing it, I don’t intend to ever stop now, in whatever form it may be.
    Secondly, it’s made me realise that there are quite simply, some fucking amazingly kind people out there. I know words are cheap, but I’d had the sweetest unprovoked comments, messages, e-mails and even post from people from opposite sides of the planet.
    Quite amazing.

    Are you a figment of your own imagination? in a way yes, or more of ours. I have a very distinct image in my mind of who Kim is, and Veronica, and Tiff, and everyone I read. I imagine people do the same of me. Probably a significant distance away from what the reality is, but the good thing is, it’s my own imagination, so sod anyone else!

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Better than Christmas

  • Taz May 10, 2008, 11:13 pm

    i love reading other people’s blogs..

    and i am enjoying seeing how much Maddi has changed..

    Tazs last blog post..A very proud Mummy!!!!

  • Hyphen Mama May 11, 2008, 6:34 am

    I <3 you! I swear if I talk about Tasmania one more time, people are going to smack me in the face! But really, I feel closer to some people I’ve never seen face-to-face than the people I’ve called “friends” for years. It’s an outlet I didn’t have before. I live in a major city, but it’s impossible to get out whenever I want. It’s impossible to talk on the phone for hours. I can blog at whatever hour the children finally settle down.
    I wish I’d have found blogging about 4 years ago!

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Werd to My Motha

  • tiff May 11, 2008, 10:57 am


    I love blogging for so many reasons.
    It has changed, me. It has broadened my world, it has helped me through some really bad times.
    I consider you my friend, Kim, even though I have never met you. That has made the biggest impact on me, feeling as though I belong to a community and I am not out here in the boonies, on my own. I have friends who care about me and who I care about very deeply.

    tiffs last blog post..Noah the funny, Noah the cute!

  • Tanya May 11, 2008, 11:53 am

    I think this is relevant…


    But to me, I like reading blogs because they are like reading novels, but I can do it at work and at home whilst looking like I’m actually doing something. I don’t have the time to sit and read a book so readings everyones blogs are fantastic, especially knowing some of you guys.

  • Sandy (Momisodes) May 11, 2008, 1:30 pm

    Blogging has changed my life immensely. Like you, I’ve found others who, although I may never meet face-to-face, I care deeply about. I love the release and freedom to express myself through writing. It is my greatest therapy.

    I’ve mentioned blogging to many non-bloggers. Those who are somewhat computer savvy get it, but others, look at me with blank stares…

    Sandy (Momisodes)s last blog post..…The Old Man is Snoring.

  • Bettina May 11, 2008, 2:26 pm

    A few years ago hubby and I went through the darkest time in our lives and it was really hard to talk to anyone in ‘real life’ about. It was too raw, too hard, too scary. But I could talk to the coven. It was the only place I felt safe. We three have never met, but they know more about me than any person in RL and I consider them family.

    To explain this to anyone who doesn’t have experience of online community is impossible. They look at me like I have two heads, can’t understand how I can feel close to someone I have never physically met and dismiss it as something less than it is.

    If only they knew! I feel sorry for those people who don’t blog – they’ve got no idea what they are missing out on!

  • lceel May 14, 2008, 2:31 am

    This post has been cooking in my brain for several days. I wasn’t going to comment here because I knew there was SOMETHING that needed to be said but I wasn’t sure how to say it or how it would be received.

    There are some people out here whom I love. It sounds funny to say that, because you would assume the online relationships, interactions between essentially anonymous people who don’t have the ability, for the most part, to see, feel and touch each other. Physically. Our only touch is emotional. But that emotional touch is, in many cases, long enough and deep enough to bring about genuine emotional feelings for the people whom you have touched and who have touched you. I, for one, value this community of friends and lovers I have found out here. Yes. Friends. Yes. Lovers. After all, there’s nothing like a good mind fuck, once in a while. And I don’t mean fantasizing, either.

    lceels last blog post..blog365 134/365

  • lceel May 14, 2008, 2:35 am

    In the previous comment insert “would seem shallow, dependent as they are on” between the words relationships and interactions in the second line of the comment. Because I’m an old man who had a brain fart, that’s why. And my mind is fucked.

    lceels last blog post..blog365 134/365

  • Petra May 20, 2008, 5:52 am

    What gets me is when I ask friends if they read my blog (when they ask me about something that I’ve blogged about a million times as though they know nothing about it), and they respond with “well, I don’t really play on the computer much” – uuuhhhhh!!!! Excuse me? Reading about your good friend’s life (or your daughter – my parents never read either even though they know about my blog) and seeing pictures of her family is a waste of time and ‘playing’?! Since when??? 😛

    Yeah, blogging has changed me in some ways – made me closer to some and not-as-close to others.