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Mystery revealed..

I really hope that you all enjoy my mystery object posts as much as I do. Some of the answers this week just cracked me up.

James reckoned that it was an avalanche on the moon…. ok my high school science is  a bit rusty  but don’t you need gravity to have an avalanche? I cant remember. It was an interesting train of thought though and I must remember to look it up.. Maybe Mrs C could find out for me?

Tiff thought that it was  three week old scrambled eggs.  I got the giggles at the thought of an alternate reality where leftovers actually exist long enough to go the pretty colours that River suggested.

Xbox was accused of pinching Tracey’s idea and Lou thought that the Mysterious object could possibly be vomit swirling down the drain..mmm Methinks Lou might have a hangover. It couldn’t possibly be vomit anyway because there aren’t any carrot chunks..

It was indeed concrete being mixed in a mixer.. Yay for Hyphen Mama.  Hyphen is the winner..YAY..  There isn’t a prize for correctly guessing the mystery object. There is however a gazillion tons of glory and a badge/photo/button? thingy for your sidebar if you would like to grab it.. Yay Hyphen-Mama  *Woot*

Well that is about as much excitement as I can manage this morning hehehehe… cheers Kim xxx

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  • tiff July 4, 2008, 8:55 am

    LOL @ the carrot chunks. What is it with that?
    Also, if you live in hawaii, do you get pineapple chunks?

  • james r. July 4, 2008, 9:05 am

    Well, technically, he said, geeking out slightly, there *is* gravity on the moon. Just 1/6th that of Earth. So…it could have been an avalanche…just a really slow and floaty one. 😉

  • james r. July 4, 2008, 9:06 am

    Oh, and for some reason I entered my website address incorrectly. It’s roadkilltoad.com/blog. I forgot the “blog” part. Oops.

  • Hyphen Mama July 4, 2008, 10:14 am

    YAY!!!! I’m a winner!!! That’s the best thing all day! I’m am proudly taking that winner button and displaying it on my site! Because I’m smart enough and I’m pretty enough and doggone it I’m worth it.

    Er somethin’.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..To Pierce or Not to Pierce…That is the Question

  • Veronica July 4, 2008, 2:04 pm

    I’m laughing so hard at James’ comment that it would have been a slow and floaty avalanche.

  • Xbox4NappyRash July 4, 2008, 3:44 pm


    I was gonna say concrete but I said you’d be more likely to mix bread than concrete.

    NOOOOO. Injustice.

  • Jayne July 4, 2008, 4:23 pm

    Congrats Hyphen Mama.
    LMAO @ the slow and floaty avalanche.

    Jaynes last blog post..The Growing Challenge 11 and Waffles

  • river July 4, 2008, 6:59 pm

    Congratulations Hyphen Mama.
    Kim, if you want to see technicolor food, my kids live in ……Street. There’s also a funny coloured puddle in the bottom of the crisper that used to be a lettuce. Neither of them wants to touch it. Maybe I’ll surprise them one day and hose out their fridge. Or not.

  • Tracey July 4, 2008, 7:52 pm

    Xbox and I were half right…my cakes turn out like cement!!

  • Taz July 4, 2008, 10:51 pm


    Tazs last blog post..Cos I Can.. 🙂

  • Mrs. C July 5, 2008, 9:50 am

    Congrats, Hyphen Mama!

    Kim, I had to google, but lookit this website!


    Type in the weight of the avalanche here on earth, and you can see how much the avalanche would weigh on the moon LOL!

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..OK, So Which One’s Cuter?

  • Mrs. C July 5, 2008, 9:52 am

    ARG. My comment got lost!!

    OK, here’s a website and you can type the weight of the avalanche here on earth and find out what it weighs on the moon LOL!

    Just yesterday one of the kids asked me the “how to go potty in outer space” question and I was able to successfully evade it by saying that it was not appropriate dinner conversation, and get your elbows off the table.

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..OK, So Which One’s Cuter?

  • Mrs. C July 5, 2008, 9:53 am

    BLEH! It doesn’t like web links! Sigh.

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..OK, So Which One’s Cuter?

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