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Easily distracted..

Yep that is me, very easily distracted in fact. I sat down to write a post this morning  and ended up reading other peoples posts instead. I also lurked for a bit on a few random blogs and generally avoided doing any writing at all.

Tomorrow we get an update of what is happening with Mum’s tumours. We are going in to the Doctors appointment together. Veronica, Mum and myself. Between the three of us we should be able to remember what the doctor has actually said. I tend to zone out when I am stressed and then I realize that I have somehow missed big chunks of the doctor’s monologue conversation..

Also my lovelies does anyone know what this tree is?  My pop grew it from seed and gave it to me about 15 years ago. I have asked my Nan but she can’t remember what it is. You can click on the images to make them larger… I hope someone knows what this tree is because not knowing its name is giving me the shits..

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  • Veronica November 5, 2008, 6:11 pm

    We could always take some leaves to the Botanical Gardens and ask them to identify it if no one else can.

    I’m the same, I want to write but I can’t seem to get it together.

  • Mrs. C November 5, 2008, 9:20 pm

    It’s a pretty tree. Too bad it induces diarrhea… what a shame. ;]

    I hope it goes well with your mum. I’ve been thinkng and praying for you guys, and since you’ve been quiet lately on the subject I’ve just been praying for a lot of peace for you all. And for Christmas! This Christmas is going to have to be the best ever!!

    Hugs to you all.

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..The Food Groups.

  • Bendy Girl November 5, 2008, 9:28 pm

    I’ve been going through the inability to write thing-I was self censoring way too much and writing doesn’t work when you start doing that
    I really really hope you have good news tomorrow about your mum, it’s great you can all go together to the appt. I’ll be thinking of you, Hugs BG x x x

    Bendy Girls last blog post..Tomorrow’s another day

  • Bettina November 5, 2008, 10:02 pm

    I hope all goes well at the docs tomorrow.

    The tree looks familiar but I can’t for the life of me think what it’s called.

    Bettinas last blog post..Housekeeping.

  • Tracey November 6, 2008, 12:44 am

    Can’t help you with the tree, sorry. It’s very frustrating when that happens. Like the others, I’ll be thinking of, and praying for, you all tomorrow (today). Hope there’s some good news.

  • Taz November 6, 2008, 12:57 am

    will be thinking of you tomorrow..

    big hugs Kimme…

    btw no idea on the tree.. sorry

    Tazs last blog post..look Mummy i can do it myself.. 🙂

  • Ash November 6, 2008, 1:37 am

    It looks like a type of ficus.

    Except that in my neck of the wood, those trees only grow indoors! *wink*

    (The one I have is MUCH smaller!)

    My thoughts are with your family. Please discontinue the shits.

    Ashs last blog post..OMG He won!

  • Dina November 6, 2008, 2:12 am

    I hope the doctor visit goes well.

    I’m a lot like you when it comes to zoning out. What you wrote there reminds me SO much of me. I’m so much better at READING what people have said. I think that’s why I’m better at Internet relationships. I am so bad at listening to people in real life. I PLAN to listen but next thing I know, I’ve missed a bunch and am totally lost. Every so often, I’ll even admit it. Sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I was totally daydreaming. Can you please say it again? Then they say it again, but I’m not listening because I’m busy thinking about how bad I am at listening.

    Oh and I also waste time on the Internet too!!!

  • Xbox4NappyRash November 6, 2008, 3:51 am

    All the best to you ladies for tomorrow.

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..A cold day in ET

  • river November 6, 2008, 5:55 pm

    Could the tree be witch-hazel? Take a sample with leaves and flowers to your botanical gardens, they’ll be able to tell you.

  • river November 6, 2008, 6:05 pm

    I googled images of witch-hazel and the leaves look wrong, so I tried elderberry, but that’s not it either. Now I’m really curious. I hope you find out what it is and let us all know. Soonish? It’s a very pretty tree.

  • Kelley November 6, 2008, 6:30 pm

    Thinking of you all babe. Hopefully you are back from the doctors now…


    And take the pic into a garden centre. They may be able to tell you.

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