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A gift of time…

When I started to recover from the shock and despair assosciated with Mum’s diagnosis of Lung cancer, the positive side of my nature kicked in and I treat every day with Mum as a gift of time.

Mum and I have always had a close relationship even when I was engaging in ‘destructive behaviours’ Mum was always there as an unwavering constant in my life.

It  may seem like a tired cliche but Family is really all that matters.

Now for the update.

We had gathered in Mum’s room and were waiting for the Doctor to arrive. Isaac woke up from his nap and started to scream. And scream and scream and scream and scream. So when he wouldn’t settle at all, Veronica left the room and so did half my brain *sigh*

I had been relying on my daughter to be there for this meeting as Veronica remembers every word the doctors say and she asks proper questions.

So there I was, half of me listening to my grandson screaming and the other half trying to concentrate on Doctor D.

Mum has Radiation Pneumotitis again. This is a side effect from the radiation and it affects her lungs. Mum was sick with RP at Christmas and it was fixed with steroids. This time Mum is already on steroids so there is no fix at all. She is now permanently attached to that oxygen tube. Mum can go for half an hour or thereabouts without the oxygen as long as she is sitting still. As soon as she needs to walk she needs the oxygen.

The Xray showed that the pain in Mum’s shoulder is just Arthritis (yay). But it also showed a cancer in the bone above her right elbow. This is where I am hopeless because as Doctor D was showing us the Xray of Mum’s arm I found myself looking at the line of Mum’s ribcage and thinking that that particular Xray would make a nice template for a series of jugs.I found myself thinking that I must remember to ask if I could have the Xray and then I snapped back to reality. Shit!Shit!Shit! I really annoy myself when I do that.

Doctor D wants to give Mum’s right arm a quick Zap. He also wants an orthapaedic specialist to have a look at Mum’s arm. We have a catch 22 situation here. Do nothing and Mum’s arm could snap, just like that. Zap the cancer and we could find that the cancer is the only thing holding Mum’s bone in place and Mum’s arm could snap.

The orthapaedic specialist could decide to put a pin in Mums arm to strengthen it. Apparently it is a staight forward procedure, a keyhole surgery type of thing. Hmmm we will have to see about that and ask lots of questions.  Mum doesn’t want any surgery or any invasive procedures and honestly, I don’t think that she has the reserves of energy required to heal herself as well as fight the cancer.

I don’t know how my brother, Mick is feeling because he is being very stoic and he doesn’t ask questions when the Doctor is in the room. I think that Mick and Fee are a bit shocked by Mum and my open conversations about death. But as I have said before when you have been living with a terminal illness for twelve months your perspectives do change and conversations about death become quite ordinary.

Doctor D gazed into his crystal ball and told Mum that she has weeks possibly months left. I will need to organize some portable oxygen and a wheelchair so that Mum and I can get out for day trips. Or so her friends can kidnap her as well. St John’s isn’t exactly Alcatraz, so organizing a break-out shouldn’t be too hard.

Mum is also contactable via her email or her mobile phone. So dont be afraid to ring her.

I think that is all for now. Please ask me any questions you like because I am flying blind here and I don’t know what you want to know.

Now back to the screaming Grandson, Isaac is normally a sunny, placid baby so we just assumed that he was reacting to the stress in the air. Strange room, Strange people, blahdeblahblah.

Vonnie thought that Isaac might have an ear infection so they left Amy with me and took Isaac to the after hours doctor,who took one look at his hydrocele (enlarged testicle) and immediately sent them to hospital for an ultrasound to check for a strangulating hernia. Veronica and Isaac were admitted to hospital last night as a precaution and that is as much as I know so far.

I do know that Veronica had previously taken Isaac to our GP who had told her that Isaac was too young to have anything done about his hydrocele and to not worry about it until he was a bit older.*sigh*

So that is what’s happening here. What’s happening with you?

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  • Veronica June 20, 2009, 4:02 pm

    Well we’re out of hospital with no-one the wiser as to what was wrong. Anyways, he’s sleeping now (YAY!) and in about 3 hours I can head to bed as well.

    Veronicas last blog post..Home

  • Xbox4NappyRash June 20, 2009, 4:21 pm

    *Stares at own shoes*

    Hi, look after each other eh?

    (poor Isaac, hard being a fella sometimes 😉 )

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..The nuts & seeds of the matter

  • Barbara June 20, 2009, 6:11 pm

    It never rains but it pours. I hope Isaac is ok. I hope you manage to get that wheelchair and oxygen sorted out too – some time out of the hospital will be good for everyone.

    Barbaras last blog post..I Need To Talk To You About Something

  • Avril June 20, 2009, 7:22 pm

    Oh my!! So much happening in your lives! You seem to be the centre piece keeping it all together –
    BTW I like the ribcage idea !! You can be the mommy jug!

    Avrils last blog post..Skywatch Friday : "I’m leaving .. on a jet plane …."

  • river June 20, 2009, 8:23 pm

    Heh, my mind wanders off on crazy tangents too. I miss half of the important stuff being said because my mind has taken itself for a walk in the park………
    Glad to hear Isaac is okay.

  • Tanya June 20, 2009, 8:47 pm

    My life isnt nearly as busy as yours is right now. No wonder your head is spinning. I meant to comment on your previous post, your mum is so brave, coming from experience some people just give up on life (which broke my heart) but she seems to handle it all so well which makes her more of a hero. I couldn’t imagine how hard it would be for her.

    Tanyas last blog post..Routine

  • Mrs. C June 21, 2009, 12:13 am

    Glad Isaac is out of the hospital. Just like with G, not finding out what caused SEVERE STOMACH TROUBLE?? We haven’t been mailing things back and forth, so what kind of bug is going round?

    Perhaps paranoid of me, but I think the news is not telling us what is really going on in the world. :[

    Your mum had a bad report before. I am so blessed reading your entries and seeing her go through ups and downs, but living through best she can.

    You go, Nan!

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..Homeschooling. All Summer.

  • Tinkingbell June 21, 2009, 10:11 am

    I’ve been keeping up but not commenting, because, well ,really, you have quite enough to do!

    I wish I could give you real hugs, and to your mum and your family. You are all being amazing in the way you are dealing with this. Truly, I can’t think of a better way.

    BTW I love the beakers – handmade should look as if it was made by an artisan – the Japanese potters always deliberately include imperfections to show a real person has made this. They are beautiful!

    Tinkingbells last blog post..Happy Again!

  • Taz June 22, 2009, 10:28 am

    thinking of you all..

    big hugs..

  • Hyphen Mama June 23, 2009, 9:37 am

    I’m drinking a glass of wine in your honor!!!

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..When your town becomes Tornado Alley West

  • Kathleen June 23, 2009, 12:36 pm

    My goodness we creatives are truly weird and at times we do think the most inappropriate things …but it keeps us sane I believe.

    You have a lot on your plate and it gladdens my heart to read about your relationship with Veeronica. I have a similar one with my son…he also blogs and has some great poetry which he often writes in response to world events.

    Kathleens last blog post..The Private Patient by PD James

  • Dina June 23, 2009, 2:34 pm

    I’m with you on being open and frank about death. It’s too often denied and ignored…even when people are very close to the end.

    I’m sorry you guys are going through all this. It’s natural and a part of life, but it’s still incredibly sad and depressing.

    I hope you’re able to keep your spirits somewhat up in all of this. From what I know of your family, I think you’ll be able to.

    Dinas last blog post..Isla Fisher