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Shoddy workmanship.

If there is one thing that really gets up my nose it is a job poorly done. Why on earth you would even decide to do something if you were going to be half arsed about it is beyond me. Either do the bloody thing properly or just don’t bother.

I submitted my blog  to Ask And Ye Shall Receive for a review, their blog has the url of  iwillfuckingtearyouapart.blogspot.com so you would reasonably expect that you weren’t going to get bouquets when you deserve brickbats.I have been a regular reader of ‘Ask’ for a couple of years now, so I am also well acquainted with how they operate.

What I didn’t expect, was that I would get a reviewer who was unprofessional enough to let his distaste of the bloggies awards colour his review, to the point that he only read the first few pages of my blog.

In the comments he is very quick to point out that there are much better Aussie blogs out there that could have been nominated.Whilst I agree with that sentiment, this review wasn’t supposed to be about my unworthiness as a bloggies finalist. It was supposed to be about my words,which he didn’t actually bother reading.

He is a gushing fan of my daughter, which is as it should be because quite frankly, Veronica is brilliant. The disappointment that my blog wasn’t the same as Veronica’s was almost palpable.

On the strength of a couple page views and roughly half an hour on my blog, I have been dismissed out of hand as nice but boring.

I think it was the accusation of dullness that stung more than anything because it is the first time in my life I have ever been accused of being boring.

So how do I deal with a label of dullness. Well apart from stirring the guts out of my daughter about her ardent admirer from Adelaide. I am going to ignore it.

As I wrote in my about me page I am comfortable in my skin and I don’t feel the need to portray myself as anything other than what I am.

I know who I am and where I am going.

I have shed my skin numerous times. I left all the edgy, angst-filled, woe and the desire to change the world behind me when I was a teen. The dark experimentations and addictions were sloughed off in my twenties. My thirties were a decade of coming to terms with myself, coupled with some very serious drinking. Now in my forties all my various addictions are distant memories and I know that I am on the cusp of a great adventure.

Do I need to tell the stories of out drinking a twenty stone tin miner with more hair on his back than King Kong or doing drugs as a teenager in a public toilet. Will these stories, dredged from my past make my blog edgy and hip? Or do I put those recollections behind me and be thankful that I am alive,that I have made it to 44 with only the loss of my teeth to mark my journey and just write about who I am now?

I think the here and now suits me.

Professor Booty says that I am not his “demitasse of espresso”. Simply by uttering that slice of oh so superior superciliousness, he shows that he isn’t my fucking cup of tea either.

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  • Brenda February 14, 2010, 9:11 am

    You know I don’t swear. That much. But What The Fuck?!?! You and Dull. Hell to the No. You are brilliant my friend. Just the way you are! End of comment.

  • Kelley @ Magnetoboldtoo February 14, 2010, 9:36 am

    I have had worse. From people that start the message off with ‘I love your blog but…’

    The only thing that counts is you are doing what you love, you have made hundreds of friends that come back time and time again to see what you have been up to, AND you are a bloggies finalist.

    I would hate to think what he would say about me!

  • tiff February 14, 2010, 9:57 am

    I love your blog.

    Stay true to yourself Kim.

  • Jayne February 14, 2010, 10:02 am

    To the Tiny Turd who labelled you ‘dull’ (pardon moi as I laugh hysterically for several hours)I offer him a good dose of cod liver oil to shift whatever shit he has on his pithy liver and a sandbox in which to play while the grown ups get on with Grown Up Things.
    And may the fleas of a thousand camels infest his jocks for a decade!

  • Marylin February 14, 2010, 10:08 am

    What a load of bollocks!

    I love reading about what you’re up to, because it gives an insight to who YOU are.

  • Veronica February 14, 2010, 11:11 am

    I knew he’d missed the point when he called you boring. Ha.

  • Trish February 14, 2010, 11:20 am

    Stay true and don’t let him bring you down.

  • Ali February 14, 2010, 11:20 am

    It is a complete steaming pile Kim. Your blog always gets me thinking and I love it. The end.

  • Kristin February 14, 2010, 11:36 am

    I love you and I love your blog and Madame B can sit on it and twirl.

    P.S. I don’t read boring blogs.

  • Fe February 14, 2010, 11:38 am

    You’re a braver woman than I, dear Kim. I know that my blog goes from silent and boring BORING (usually co-inciding with a bout of depression) to busy and loud and very possibly STILL BORING!

    But your blog? NEVER boring!! Always beautiful and keen and a pleasure to see and read.

    He’s a big old stinky-pants. Obviously arrogant.

    Did you check HIS blog out? Oh wait, he probably hasn’t got one.


  • Mrs. Oh February 14, 2010, 12:36 pm

    Pft – I love your boring old arse!

  • Hyphen Mama February 14, 2010, 1:07 pm

    See, that’s the bummer of letting somebody who knows nothing about you “judge” you. You don’t need him (whoever “he” is).

    I find your blog thought provoking, and full of wisdom I admire more than you’ll ever know.

    I think you’re great.

  • Liz S February 14, 2010, 1:07 pm

    He is in my opinion, an arrogant feckless tit. You, on the other hand are brilliant.

  • Mrs. C February 14, 2010, 2:56 pm

    The reviewer seems to enjoy posts with sexual deviance of some kind, judging from the calibre of the other blogs “reviewed” on that first page.

    So I’m thinking it’s ok to be boring… it just means the frog ponds didn’t um… rock him the way he wanted.


    I couldn’t even scroll down to see what other nasties he had in store after the “sex blog review” and seeing the chick in the plastic leather spank-me getup. Did this guy review… real blogs ever? Because he just struck me as a perv.

    • frogpondsrock February 14, 2010, 3:08 pm

      Hehe Mrs C, it is a review site and all the reviews are done by different people. A woman actually reviewed the sex blog.You can see who is responsible for writing the review at the top of the post.My point was that I just wanted an honest evaluation of my blog from someone outside my circle of blog friends. I wouldn’t have cared if he crucified me if he had read all of my best of and found me wanting but he couldn’t even be bothered to read that.I am pretty sure the guy that reviewed me isn’t a perv though he does have a fan boy crush on Veronica.

  • Jessica February 14, 2010, 3:23 pm

    What kind of pansy uses the term “demitasse of espresso”?!
    Jeez! You can tell him one of your boring readers says, “Quit clenching the butt cheeks and let em drop already, and when they do, go have a beer and celebrate becoming a freaking man.”

    … maybe if he pulled his head out they would have room to drop.

    Don’t take him to heart. Jackasses with a stick up their backends usually bray the loudest.

    Sorry for the crassness. But what a jerk.

    Anyone that sees dragons in the clouds and whispers to the moon is on the right track.
    Now THAT is my cup of tea.

  • river February 14, 2010, 5:10 pm

    Ignore Professor Booty. You can’t please everyone. Trying to causes much undue stress and you and your blog will suffer. Then where will we be? Us, your faithful readers who love you and your words.

  • Jebaru February 14, 2010, 7:26 pm

    Your last para made me LOL! Boring? Not. Ever.

  • Tanya February 14, 2010, 7:37 pm

    He did his job, to give his opinion on your blog. He must be in a minority when it comes to thinking it is ‘boring,’ otherwise why would you have so many readers and be nominated!

    • frogpondsrock February 15, 2010, 5:08 am

      @Tanya, If he had done his job and actually read more than three page views I wouldn’t have written this post. The whole point of this post is that he didn’t do a thorough job. When you hand in your uni assignments would you be happy if your teachers marked your assignments after only reading the title and some of the introduction?

  • Barbara February 15, 2010, 5:48 am

    What Liz S said.

    Also – you wouldn’t mind a crappy review if they’d obviously read and disliked a large chunk of your material but laziness is inexcusable. He should have just passed it onto someone else.

  • Meegan February 15, 2010, 7:29 am

    Kim Dull? OXYMORON if I ever heard one. You know who you are but how easily we let the moronic words of strangers affect our “chi”. Keep on bloggin baby…

  • Sharon February 15, 2010, 2:43 pm

    I still love your blog even if it is dull and boring lol!

    Honestly, what a dickhead.

  • Grumpy February 15, 2010, 7:32 pm

    It just shows what lovely person you are to take it all so well. ( I reckon I would probably have a lil cry)

    It is quite insulting for someone to call you boring without trying to get to know ‘you’ properly.

  • Watershedd February 15, 2010, 8:36 pm

    I’m with Jayne! 100%! Ultimately, the opinion of those you hold dear (and that is not me, so discount everything I say) should matter more than the stuck up review of an lazy critic. From one who writes just to vent (because that’s how I think best).

  • Jientje February 16, 2010, 4:45 am

    You are never boring my dear. NEVER.

  • bobbie February 20, 2010, 11:10 am

    He’s just silly, not knowledgeable. Anyone can spout off and sound…silly.

  • Colleen February 20, 2010, 7:16 pm

    Kim, The moron isn’t worth reading the review. He is probably green with envy because you have the ability to actually touch the inner soul of people, and by cracky, I’ll bet the dim wit doesn’t have a twits worth of followers. He should be taking lessons from you, kiddo!. Keep the words coming, and we will follow you. Your friend in Oregon, Colleen

  • Lindie February 26, 2010, 12:12 pm

    Remember, Those that can, do. And you do!