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Is stupidity contagious?

This is a question I asked on twitter last night as I tried to de-stress from a hectic day in a classroom where the forces of  stupidity were strong.

There are two students in my Art theory class who need the simplest of concepts explained to them in great depth making a simple fifteen minute introductory session, stretch into an hour of eyeball stabbing frustration.

There is also one rather large bombastic young man who very seriously told me that he had never been a teenager because he had been a chef at 15. I couldn’t think of a reply to that statement as I was trying not to choke on my coffee.

At least in this group we don’t have the obligatory over sharer who feels compelled to regale the class with anecdotes of  their time living in a grass hut, building fires from camel dung  and drinking yak milk smoothies or some such other sensory delight.

To be totally honest I know that I am the flippant smart arse in the group who, when things get particularly grim in the stupidity stakes bursts out with a one liner and of course that wastes more time.

Sometimes listening to one of the students carry on I feel like Yoda is on my shoulder whispering to me, “The stupid is very strong in this one.”  I am in danger of developing a nervous wince when ever they open their mouths and even now I am shuddering as I remember a particularly painful question and answer time.

On the upside the class is interesting and I keep on thinking of that old saying no pain no gain.There are also some really talented people in the group who are as frustrated as I am. I just wish that  sometimes the painfulness of being in a group situation where the class moves along at the pace dictated by the slowest learner in the group wasn’t quite so sharp.

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  • tiff March 27, 2010, 6:33 pm

    I think I would be the over sharer in that group. Yeah, that’s who I’d be.

  • Sharon March 27, 2010, 7:15 pm

    A case of grit your teeth and try to stay focused on the things that matter to you Kim. I used to doodle during such irritations, perhaps you could do some sketches for the new ideas/pieces in your head!

    Or take some knitting with you lol!

  • Pia March 27, 2010, 8:07 pm

    “the stupid is very strong in this one”….

    made me laugh and laugh and laugh. It’s going to be one of those phrases I never forget. I know i’m going to be listning to someone in the future and that phrase will pop into my find and I am NOT going to be able to keep a straight face…

    What have you done to me?!?!


  • Mrs. Oh March 27, 2010, 9:38 pm

    *snort laff @ the stupid is strong with this one* Heck, it is strong with way too many!

  • janet March 27, 2010, 10:16 pm

    That’s hilarious…and I remember the feeling. You brought me back ~40 years to high school French class… nearly crazy with boredom, almost dozing, waiting for someone to get it, so we could move on…duh! Yoda would have helped!

  • Mrs. C March 27, 2010, 11:16 pm

    LOL “The stupid is strong in this one” was the funniest line *ever*.

    By the way, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that header on top of your blog. Very nice.

  • WarsawMommy March 28, 2010, 3:18 am

    I’m with Pia and Mrs. Oh and Mrs. C: that Yoda line is freaking hilarious. I will think it to myself whenever I am in a meeting with a moron – so I’ll be thinking it soon. And often.

  • Jayne March 28, 2010, 8:17 am

    I’m in contact with several people who are obviously looking for your group, Kim 😛
    I’ll give them directions, shall I ? *snort*

  • Achelois March 28, 2010, 9:31 am

    Just don’t mention your blog Kim, some people who think they are clever may get a shock.

    As I am far away and you can’t hit me I shall leave on this note (something someone close to me says this and it drives me crazy). Try just looking for their good points……

  • Kristin March 28, 2010, 9:52 am

    I *loved* this post. Thank you for this. You just described my entire college experience so succinctly, not to mention many of the staff meetings I now attend. Most of my class evaluations contained a line asking why the professors chose to teach to the lowest common denominator. And trust me, one liners. Not a waste of time!

    When it comes to group discussions (or blog reading for that matter) I heart intelligence, relevance and efficiency of words. Anything else moves quickly into eyeball-stab territory.

    You’re very funny. Write more of these, please.


  • Marilyn March 28, 2010, 12:30 pm

    That would kill me, I’d probably quit the class, but then I’m pretty impatient!

  • river March 28, 2010, 2:30 pm

    “…students….who need the simplest of concepts explained..”

    That would be me. If I’m trying something I would like to do but have absolutely no talent for, I find I need to be coached along like a baby. Either until I give up, or until I get the hang of it and manage on my own. Because I have no artistic ability, usually it’s the giving up that wins.

  • Marylin March 29, 2010, 1:36 am

    I’m with Tiff… I’d be the oversharer… >_<

  • Barbara March 29, 2010, 9:09 pm

    Oh dear, I often need simple concepts explained to me, and I over-share because I babble when I’m nervous. You’d hate to have me in your class!!

  • Tanya April 4, 2010, 9:29 pm

    Sounds exactly like when I was at Art School. Now I’m doing the Master of Teaching, it’s completely different.

    It seemed to me as though a class full of artists is a class full of people who are all on completely different levels.

    I was always annoyed with the slow ones and the sarcastic/smartypants ones.

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