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A post with no name da da da dum.

Hello out there my lovelies. I am sitting here perched on the edge of the couch tapping away at Mum’s laptop, I am trying to get a rhythm together to write something about the past week but it is hard when I am not at my desk. Confused? I will try and explain but before I do, if one more person smugly tells me to get a Mac just remember that I know where the zombies lurk, and I will give them your address.

I have needed a new desktop for a long time now, the one I was using was ex council stock that Mum and I bought on tender three or so years ago and it was very very slow. The spouse’s views on computers are unprintable, he sees them as an extravagant waste of time and money. Where as I, on the other hand plan to take over the world via the internet and so I need a new computer dammit.

After lots of angst serious thinking both Vonnie and I decided to not make the change to Macs. As much as we lusted after a Mac we just couldn’t afford them as well as shiny new lenses for our cameras.

And now my brand new computer is broken aaargh and before you say anything, remember the zombies.

I am going to take it back into the shop today and hopefully they will just replace it.

But, my lovelies the computer is the least of my worries, today is the appointment with the head honcho at the paediatric unit of the hospital. The fact that the most senior doctor there wants to discuss Amy and Isaac’s blood test results scares me witless. Veronica wrote about it here if you are interested.

I had been hoping to do some work over the Easter break but time is just racing away from me. I will update this post when I get home from the hospital this afternoon. Fingers crossed it isn’t horrible news.

Updated: The paediatric appointment was just a formality, there is nothing to worry about at all. I am sure Vonnie will write about it soon. Thank you very much for your kind comments. I am sorry if I worried you.

The lovely people at Harvey Norman replaced my computer. So now I will be able to continue on with my plans for world domination muawahahaha…….

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  • The NDM April 7, 2010, 7:32 am

    Will be thinking of Veronica in that appointment today!

    Fingers, toes, eyes, (etc) all crossed.

    (PS. I wish I had a brand new Mac, too. You’d think us Bloggies nominees would have gotten sent one in the mail as a matter of course. With an iPhone. And perhaps a large wad of cash with which to go red shoe shopping.)

  • Marylin April 7, 2010, 7:32 am

    Hoping all goes (has gone?) well at the appointment.


  • Mrs. C April 7, 2010, 9:21 am

    Thank you. Fingers crossed here as well… clicking over…

  • Jayne April 7, 2010, 9:29 am

    Thinking of you all, hugs and crossed digits xxxx

  • lceel April 7, 2010, 10:13 am

    Please tell me all is well?

  • Watershedd April 7, 2010, 10:56 am

    I hate it when the doctors rooms do that. It just leaves you panicking, thinking all the worst things, even when you work in healthcare! Hope that the news is kinder (often it is). X

  • sharon April 7, 2010, 12:53 pm

    Fingers firmly crossed – for everything to have a happy resolution.

  • Avril April 7, 2010, 2:44 pm

    I seemed to have missed a lot since going away with hubby last week to the Cape. Like the new camera!!! Love it! .. and all those chocs … tons of them!! Holding thumbs for test results!
    Reading your Easter without your Mum 🙁 … we visited mine at the home in Somerset West and she did not know me this time 🙁 I am now very sad

  • Fe April 7, 2010, 4:11 pm

    Keeping everything crossed for the appointment. And I’m remembering the zombies and will say NOT A WORD ’bout your ‘puter.

    btw: I’ve just given you some bloggy-love over on fe.org.au. xoxo

  • Jientje April 7, 2010, 5:24 pm

    Keeping my fingers crossed at this side of the world as well. Sending good vibes. Hugs xxx

  • river April 8, 2010, 3:44 pm

    You’re planning on taking over the world via the internet? Hmmm, I’d better stay on your good side.
    I read Vonnie’s post first, so I’m all caught up with the good news. And how’s that amazing praying mantis photo??

  • Kelly August 3, 2010, 2:34 pm

    Link in above comment no longer valid

    I’ve always had much better experiences at Harvey Norman, far better than Officeworks!!

    I use macs all the time. They’re great!!! Hardware is expensive but software is VERY reasonable. far better than windows. I love your photography, I must admit!

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