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I balance amazing cooking with indifferent housekeeping.

For years I have had as my intro blurb thingy on various social networking sites, as well as in my about me page of my blog, a line that says I balance amazing cooking with indifferent housekeeping.I have been so busy lately that my indifferent housekeeping has fast descended into damn near non-existent and my cooking is only just barely covering my arse.

The Spouse is very fastidious, some might even say a touch OCD. Where as I am just a human bomb ofย  chaotic clutter. I am a collector of everything from rusty nails and interesting rocks, to bells and antique bottles. I cannot walk past a secondhand bookshop and I am in dire need of more shelves.

When I was contacted by Nuffnang last week to say that a company that produces cleaning products wanted to advertise on my blog I thought it was a hilariously, delicious irony. Of course I agreed as I am always hopeful that one day I will catch the cleaning bug and my house will look lovely and shiny.

I work in my kitchen at the moment and so when I should be practicing my domestic skills I am messing about with buckets of clay.

As I was writing this post this morning I was forced to actually notice the amount of dust that has accumulated on my bottle collection. The bottles are on a shelf behind the woodheater and are a bit tricky to get to but instead of cleaning the bottles I photographed them instead.

Then I noticed this spiderweb, it is on the left, near the plant. I have lots of spiderwebs in my house, the spiders catch the flies for me and so I leave them alone. I will have to remember to ask The Spouse not to remove it yet as he is forever destroying the spider’s homes, the minute my back is turned. I would like to see the spider catch at least one fly before all her hard work is ruined.

I have run out of space to store my moulds and so I had to put them somewhere where they wouldn’t get damaged. Plonked in the middle of the lounge room floor seemed a logical choice.ย  The coffee table is also covered with books, novels and half completed assignments but I will tidy that up later.

The Spouse was absolutely chuffed when Amy walked into the house the other day and saw my moulds in the middle of the room. She looked at me and very seriously asked me, “Nanny what’s this mess?”

So there you go my lovelies, If your husbands start to nag you about your messy houses just show them this post and you will be off the hook.

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  • Edwina April 25, 2010, 8:43 am

    Doesn’t look too bad, actually!

  • Veronica April 25, 2010, 9:05 am

    And we’re not going to talk about how filthy Isaac is when we get home from your place…

  • Veronica April 25, 2010, 9:05 am

    (That could be because Nat lets him crawl around outside in the dirt though)

  • Kristin April 25, 2010, 9:21 am

    I always thought I was a neatnik until I married someone who is totally OCD about clutter. If any surface has anything left out on it he has heart palpitations.

  • Marylin April 25, 2010, 9:56 am

    I am a great housekeeper. When I live alone.

    As soon as there’s someone else there who should be doing some of it too, I slack off. Way wayyyyy too much!

    Luckily Dean is a clean freak and doesn’t mind cleaning up etc. For now at least… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Achelois April 25, 2010, 10:29 am

    I love love love this post.

    I like your house.

    Everything about the photo’s indicate that we would like each other outside of virtuality.

    Although I don’t have the bottle to take a photo of my chaotic house which is very very messy and post it. You however have the excuse of being a creative wonder.

    There is always a reason for my piles of stuff and they have varying degress of importance, some piles even have a vague theme to them. Believe it or not when anyone asks where something is I do know and can access pretty important stuff at a moments notice. They just have to discombobulate the piles and hey presto the ‘thingy’ they are looking for is there. I don’t iron so when daughter said she couldn’t find it and was going out I was able earlier to let her know that it was under the washing on top of the dog cage. Ta da..

  • Brenda April 25, 2010, 10:30 am

    What mess? I don’t see any mess? But then again I have eyesight issues. Hehehe.

  • Mrs. Oh April 25, 2010, 12:40 pm

    Pft – you’re an arTISTE – I wouldn’t expect your place to look like anything other than something creative…even if it is with the dust bunnies and spider webs!

  • sharon April 25, 2010, 12:54 pm

    I’m tidy and like everything to be in its proper place which tends to happen now that the boys are no longer at home. Also these days I’m a bit spoilt as He-who-is-retired now does the housework. My responsibilities apart from all the financial stuff, are shopping, cooking, loading the washing machine and doing the extremely rare bit of ‘fancy’ ironing. I can recommend it!

  • Mrs. C April 25, 2010, 2:02 pm

    I love it. I just love it. If you use a woodburning stove or have an older house at all, there is just no way to keep the dust swept up. I don’t have as much dust as you do because my children are always up into everything. Mine has fingerprints. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I had been looking forward to this post and more on how you built your house for a long time!!!

  • ut si April 25, 2010, 5:34 pm

    Those bottles are amazing…so Great Expectations!

  • Christie April 25, 2010, 7:38 pm

    Ha ha that is great! It’s good to have balance and I love your version of it ๐Ÿ™‚

  • river April 25, 2010, 9:02 pm

    You have bookshelves in your kitchen. BOOKSHELVES. IN YOUR KITCHEN. I’m sooooo jealous. I barely have bench space.

    On the other hand, I love your dusty bottles. oh, let’s face it, I love your whole house, even the bits you haven’t posted pictures of.

    I’m in two minds about housekeeping. I love a clean uncluttered house, with everything where it belongs and most of my home is like that, but I also like to have my things around me, so the dining table where I do almost everything is cluttered with my laptop, catalogues, the books I’m reading, tissue box, coffee mug, remotes, backscratcher, the goldfish bowl, pens, spare reading glasses, mobile phone, mp3 player, plus today there’s also a box of Anzac biscuits that my Kath. made today, oh yum! All of this on a table only 120x75cm. At mealtimes I push some of this aside to make room for my plate.

  • janet April 25, 2010, 10:04 pm

    A cool house, all around. David likes the bottles, and thinks the dust adds to their antique look. I think we all could use more bookshelves– in every room.

  • Bendy Girl April 25, 2010, 10:40 pm

    There are never enough shelves in the world to fill! Having said that, I’m a weird mix of OCD & clutter so I’d fit right in at your place ๐Ÿ˜‰
    BG Xx

  • Jientje April 26, 2010, 7:59 am

    I love you anyway!

    ( I enjoyed this post.)

  • Watershedd April 26, 2010, 8:49 am

    Oh heavens, you sound just like the GOFA! Must be the artist in you both. He cannot go past a book shop. I used to lose him to book stores, wondering where he’s gone, but I now keep an eye out for them. At least I am forewarned! He’s also a hoarder. I am a bit a of a hoarder too, but periodically I get brutal about the clutter and divulge piles of it. I go through spates of cleaning; it’s like there’s a threshold point at which I get really cheesed off with the mess and go into a minor frenzy to restore some semblance of order. Ah, life with an artist – unpredictable is EVERY sense, except the clutter!

  • Jayne April 26, 2010, 9:28 am

    That’s not a mess.
    It’s organised chaos; I bet you know where everything is and that’s the important thing ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Besides….reminds me of my place lol.

  • WarsawMommy April 26, 2010, 8:43 pm

    Ah, it’s just the clutter of a creative mind!

  • Marilyn April 27, 2010, 10:03 am

    I think your house looks cool as well.

    I’m a bit strange though, I can admire organised chaos other people’s houses – see warmth, creativity and individuality – but any clutter in my own environment makes me anxious.

    My husband’s forever checking big garbage bags to see what I’m getting rid of now.

  • Jessica April 27, 2010, 10:12 am

    A clean house is the sign of a bored mind.
    My friend Jojo also has friendly spiders. She’s got one in her cupboard she specifically keeps there for me as I find it hilarious and sweet.

    Dear, you are my Tasmanian counterpart. God kept us apart so we didn’t die in a mountain of dust and piles of clay and books. My kitchen things have spilled into the garage, my ceramics into the computer room, my shell, rock, bottle, sea glass, and driftwood collections are all over.
    Yesterday I threw out dirty dishes just so i didn’t have to clean them, and so I had more room for some really cool bottles I found at the flea market.
    What I really need is a big cave …..

  • Patti April 28, 2010, 5:34 am

    Good for you! I think creative people have too many good ideas swimming around in their heads to worry about things like being neat and tidy. I say if cleanliness is your hub’s forte, than the responsibility should be his. That’s the way it is in my house, only I’m the one who has the responsibility. Ta da!

  • Barbara April 29, 2010, 4:28 am

    I like the dust on the bottles. What are you collecting them for?

  • Leah April 29, 2010, 7:12 am

    That’s so funny… I feel like I clean constantly but the house is always messy – so I say, keep going as you are!

  • Colleen Pulley May 5, 2010, 6:17 pm

    Wow Kim! The pictures only display to the world why people love to come over and sit and visit. Your pictures are like a glass of ice tea. Cool and relaxing. You inspire the spark of creativityamong your friends. Even this one far away in Portland, Oregon. A friend who would be more than delighted to sit on the porch and ponder the beauty of life. Colleen