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We are all boat people here Mr Rudd, Mr Abbott and anyone else who has forgotten where you came from

My ancestors were boat people. Irish convicts transported unwillingly to Australia. I grew up in a working class suburb full of immigrants. New Australians they were called then. My father was casually racist and his language was the language of his peers. I was taught to be wary of wogs, wops, krauts and coons. The New Australian kids were different and their sandwiches at lunch time smelled funny. So of course we teased them. Australia’s national food was the meat pie and everyone had a roast for Sunday lunch.

Then I grew up and so did Australia. I grow bok choy in my garden and make sushi for my grandchildren. Sunday lunch might be a Thai green curry or Moroccan lamb. Australia has benefitted greatly from our multiculturalism and there is a lot of hope for the future.

But I feel that there is a black cloud of doom lurking just over the horizon and it has to do with our politicians and the popular media’s attitude to this generation of boat people. If our leaders demonstrate intolerance and the media reports in a frenzy of protectionist nationalism what hope is there for ordinary people to be heard?

I was down at the market last year and my son and his mate where looking at tshirts with humourous quotes printed on them. Deeper into the rack of t-shits were some with, not quite racist but certainly horrible slogans such as, This is Australia we drink beer, play cricket and speak English and other such small minded intolerant shit written on them.

My son’s friend wanted to buy a t-shirt that said, piss off we’re full.

Anyone that knows me in real life knows that when something pisses me off I get loud and  *Hmmphy*.  I explained to my son and his mate exactly why I found the t-shirts so distasteful. The salesman enthusiastically pushed his view that the t-shirts were just a joke and I pushed my view that they were crap. I reminded the stallholder that we are all boat people here mate and he would do well to remember it.

I huffed off from the stall and loudly lectured the boys on tolerance, well aware that I was being extremely intolerant of the bogan twat selling the shirts.

The experience left a sour taste in my mouth and I have been meaning to write about racism and intolerance for a while now. But I really don’t have the words other than to remind those that cry the loudest about the perils of the boat people to remember where you came from.

To remember that except for the Koori people we are all descended from immigrants here in Australia.

To remember that we are all the same under our skins and that hate begets hate.

Fe photographed two opposing protests at the Villawood detention centre and the APP have been commenting on her blog post, The face of Racism

My friend Anne,also writes eloquently here in her piece, aptly titled the lucky country and I would recommend that you go and read both blog pieces and then tell me what you think.

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  • Fe April 17, 2010, 9:35 am

    Thanks Kim. You summed it up so well…. “remember that we are all the same under our skins and that hate begets hate”.

    It’s so sad that there are still members of our society who need reminding of this.

    Here’s another interesting and related post: http://aussieobserver.blogspot.com/2010/04/shameful-policy-on-asylum-seekers.html


  • sharon April 17, 2010, 11:21 am

    Yes we are all boat people and ALL of us, regardless of colour, race or religion, need to remember that and be tolerant of each other. So-called WASPs do not have a monopoly on intolerance, it is spread across the whole spectrum unfortunately.

    I’m also ashamed that people order the manufacture, sell and buy those awful t-shirts but the really sad thing about them is that they are probably actually made in a sweatshop somewhere by the very people who are their target.

  • Joyce-Anne April 17, 2010, 2:12 pm

    Unfortunately, if people didn’t buy the t-shirts, then manufacturers wouldn’t make them. And, they aren’t real jokes, they are offensive and distasteful–plain and simple.

  • Brenda April 17, 2010, 2:58 pm

    Damn straight, Kim. Damn straight!

  • katepickle April 17, 2010, 3:57 pm

    ‘hate begets hate’…. here here!

  • Veronica April 17, 2010, 5:32 pm


  • river April 17, 2010, 8:03 pm

    How about we strip their skins off and see if they can tell who is who then. Racism is so stupid. We’re ALL people!!

  • Watershedd April 17, 2010, 8:12 pm

    I’ve never understood how someone can justify wearing a T-shirt then complains that “it’s just a joke”. Say what you mean and behave with the same intent.but then., many people say I’m too serious.

    Thanks for the link and kind words. The GOFA will heartily endorse your opinion when he reads it, I have no doubt.

  • Trace Willans April 17, 2010, 10:42 pm

    we are all the same race it is only culturally that we differ. Dammit when will we get it that we are all people.

  • Marylin April 17, 2010, 10:43 pm

    Very well said hun. xx

  • Kristin April 18, 2010, 2:50 am

    Beautiful post Kim. Speak loud and clear my friend, we need more voices of tolerance.

  • Jayne April 18, 2010, 8:17 am

    Spot on! Have already read Fe’s post and photos on this disgusting subject that no one in the ‘civilised’ world should have to entertain in 2010.

  • janet April 18, 2010, 10:44 am

    Thanks, Kim. That was very well said, and I totally agree with you. There’s a lot of the same bad stuff brewing here in the US, inflamed by right-wing extremists on frightening talk radio shows, and swallowed and repeated by folks who don’t even know that they’re being manipulated. Except for our Native Americans, we too are all descended from boat people. We are all people.

  • Patti April 20, 2010, 12:35 am

    Interesting and thought provoking post Kim. I never thought about Australia’s immigrants, but of course everyone would have had to arrive from somewhere else. I love living in NYC, it truly is a ‘melting pot’ of cultures, but even here, racism still rears its ugly head. Recently some young thugs beat up a guy just for being mexican. Crazy shiz, I tell ya. I tell my kids, you’re no better or worse than anyone, we’re all just looking for our little bit of green grass in this world.

  • Michelle April 20, 2010, 5:52 am

    Very well said hun. xx

  • WarsawMommy April 20, 2010, 6:08 pm

    Hear, hear! Spot on.

  • Barbara April 21, 2010, 6:02 am

    I went and read both their posts. The aggression in some of Fe’s pictures was frightening. She is obviously a brave lady. Anne’s words were also amazing. They are both incredibly eloquent in their chosen medium.

    But then, so are you. I think your post spoke as much to me as both of the others.

    It saddens me that this still happens. In this day and age, sure we can see that we’re all just people.

    It saddens me.

  • Barbara April 21, 2010, 6:11 am

    Bloody Hell. I’ve just gone back and read all the comments on Fe’s site as well. They really are barking mad aren’t they?

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