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A lazy photographer.

I didn’t realize how lazy I had become in regards to my photography. Once I had adjusted the settings on my lumix I could just snap away merrily and take zillions of photos that I was reasonably happy with. The Nikon is a whole different ball game, it is tricky and complicated and my ratio of crap photos to decent is about a hundred to one. Luckily I have fluked a couple of decent shots that give me hope, that eventually I will learn how to use my tricky, tricky camera.

I am also learning how to use photoshop to edit my photos which is another tricky and complicated programme.I don’t like to edit my photos, it is a pain in the neck and a complete time thief. Most of the photos that I publish here have only had minimal editing or in the case of this lillium, not been edited at all

I know that all I really need to do is take the time to properly read the instruction book that came with the camera but time is something that is in short supply lately.

The mice have decided to do a little bit of interior decorating for me. The helpful little rodents decided that this neglected corner of my kitchen needed a bit of sparkle. So they broke into my secret stash of left over Easter Eggs and ate the chocolate. By way of apology they then nibbled the paper into mouse sized pieces and artistically filled a spider web with sparkly foil.

I have packed up the cups for Brenda’s bloggy birthday giveaway and I will post these off today. If you haven’t entered Brenda’s giveaway I think there is still time, if you’re quick.

Yesterday there was a lovely sunrise and as much as I am conscious of how busy my life has become. There is always time to take photos of the sky.

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  • Veronica May 13, 2010, 9:37 am

    You’ll get there! The lillium is pretty.

  • Achelois May 13, 2010, 10:20 am

    Oh my mushed brain – I read ‘its all this lithium’ and got all worried.

    I don’t read instruction manuals either. I have not the patience or the inclination. I only resort to them when in dire straits. I am more of a tactile learner I guess.

    I love your sunsets. Love love them.

    I have a love hate relationship with photo editing – I love to eradicate myself from photo’s as I am the most unphotogenic person on the planet. But also have a guilty feeling if I use them to make it look as though I have taken a decent photo. I used my camera the other day to take a mini moving thingy (I can’t remember the name) of granson playing football and have 3 minute moving images of fleeting glimpses of him whilst I pan the grass! Next came horror of horror – my voice – now I not only think I sound drawly I know I am far more beautiful than the photo taken of me occassionally portrays. I am not ‘that’ middle aged, I am not ‘that floppy’ and my hair is not ‘that’ grey. Looks like I have just talked myself into becoming an avid photoshop addict then.

    You can always keep the old camera in your pocket to take ‘comfort zone’ pics whilst you get used to the new one.

    You underestimate your photographic talents though as ever.

  • plumtree May 13, 2010, 11:44 am

    The lillium is perfect against the bokeh background. (I love the word bokeh & try to work it in whenever possible!) Yes, I know that feeling about time & instruction manuals….

  • river May 13, 2010, 5:32 pm

    Fantastic sunrise Kim. I saw a similar sight once when I was living and working on a sheep station halfway to Alice Springs, but it was the moon coming up.

    I’m no longer able to edit my photos, my Nero program seems to think I’ve done enough of that and no longer presents me with the option. Pfft!!

    Love the lily, but I’m very glad it’s an image, not for real, I’m so very allergic to the pollen on those pretty stamens.

  • Barbara May 13, 2010, 5:50 pm

    Your pictures are beautiful. And those cups look perfect for a long drink of hot chocolate with fluffy cream on top.

    I’ve started using Gimp. I don’t like to edit either and up until now have only edited one or two of my shots. But, I love some of the really stunning shots that I’ve seen that have been achieved with photoshop and I’d like to try a bit of that.

    I like what the mice did. Bet the spider’s pissed off though.

  • Jientje May 13, 2010, 6:21 pm

    Love your photos, as always.
    That spider’s web cracked me up!

  • Marylin May 13, 2010, 8:21 pm

    I’ve still not read the manual for my D60… I did get Nikon D60 for Dummies though. Much easier to find out what I needed to know! 😉

    I love the sunrise!

  • janet May 13, 2010, 9:57 pm

    Lovely lilium picture… do they smell nice, too? I don’t read instructions manuals much, only as a last resort when I’m desperate. I learn best when someone shows me step-by-step how to use a gadget. My oldest son lives too far away now, and we’ve always counted on John to help us figure things out. He has infinite patience, which he didn’t inherit from me! If my Canon power shot ever wears out, I may try a fancier camera, but I’m pretty happy with it for now, and carry it everywhere.

  • Kristin May 14, 2010, 2:09 am

    Photoshop is daunting. And thanks for the reminder that I still need to enter the giveaway, if only for a chance to win your beautiful cups!

  • sharon May 15, 2010, 6:39 pm

    Love the pics Kim.

    I have a new Fuji digital camera and am still working it out. It’s quite a bit cleverer than my previous one. Unfortunately the booklet gives little info as they have an on-line thingy instead which is a shame as I’d prefer a little booklet. Will have to see if I can get something printed out, that’s if my resident nerd can get the printer to work with Windows 7 on the laptop!