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Blood and Ashes. Oil and Despair. A work in progress.

This photo of a dead sea bird is the inspiration for my newest work. I took the photo from this website.

There are reports that journalists are not allowed to photograph anything within 65 feet of the oil booms.

My head is a messy place at the moment, I have been researching reports of leaking methane and benzene in the Gulf of Mexico and the news isn’t good.

So today I have been listening to loud music, feeling sorry for myself and playing in the mud.

If you mouse over the photos you can read a description. I don’t have the energy to say much more. I am shattered today. I think the pot will look good when it is finished.


Here is the finished work. This bowl is available at the Off Centre Gallery in Salamanca.

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  • Wanderlust July 14, 2010, 2:04 am

    Good god. That photograph at the top is absolutely stunning. Stunning in a tragic and horrific sense. Yes, pour your energy into your art. It has to go somewhere. Make something meaningful of it. I can’t wait to see what comes of it. xx

  • Mrs. Oh July 14, 2010, 2:39 am

    Heartbreaking. There are no words.

  • Watershedd July 14, 2010, 8:29 am

    I want to ses the finished product. Make sure you post another pic. This is great work.

  • Mary July 14, 2010, 11:05 am

    I feel that thanks to you this poor creature has not died in vain. And attempted censorship will never prevent the triumph of truth.
    Love seeing the practical ‘cooking’ of your creative endeavours…a marvel!

  • Jayne July 14, 2010, 2:33 pm

    I just hope to goodness the fine for this bloody awful mess is a great deal more than a mere slap on the wrist.
    I hope they’re made to build, create and maintain wildlife preserves, and continue to fund breeding programs for local native wildlife who’ve been decimated.

  • river July 14, 2010, 8:25 pm

    That dead bird is a very sad image, Kim. Your bowl will be all the more beautiful because of it.
    I read a small article in our weekend paper about the spill and how lots of countries were pitching in to help clean up, but Australia hasn’t offered any aid at all.
    That’s awful. How can we blather on about how bad this is, yet not offer any aid. Clearly our government has no heart.

    • frogpondsrock July 15, 2010, 6:30 am

      @ River. A group of Aussie bird experts went over to help out but were sent home. It was very sad and frustrating listening to the bird guy talking on the radio.

      Australia has offered help but they told us they didn’t need any. Bloody corporations!

  • sharon July 15, 2010, 10:12 pm

    Too sad and depressing that this is happening again – and again – and again. So many oil spills over the years, so much death and environmental damage.

  • Linden July 17, 2010, 12:16 pm

    so when do the big bucks companies relinquish their hold over industry and allow options to mass produced products become viable? it is happening, but at a painfully slow pace, considering the fact that the alternatives are there, they just aren’t backed by the big bucks as that would mean a drop in profit, and in a world where profit is frequently driven by shareholder expectation – so the circle goes round and round and round….check out tessla http://www.teslamotors.com/ for a story of a small guy – one man – who stuck to his beliefs despite huge pressure to crumble and with a smarts of aiming at the high end – big bucks – market has created a fabulous company that is now backed by the big bucks. one step….

  • Casdok July 17, 2010, 6:57 pm

    They are turning help away? Madness.
    Loud music is good.

  • Kirrily July 26, 2010, 2:46 pm

    Hello, Kim. New visitor, first-time commenter (found you via Kristin @ Wanderlust).
    To tell the truth, I can’t find out what’s happening – am not in denial, I know it’s severe and the destruction just devastating – but every time defenseless animals are involved on a grand scale such as this, I feel like hyperventilating before I’ve even heard anything.

    Your art is an incredible, sad tribute. I am in awe of your talent.