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These are not pretty photos.

Though I also don’t think that they are horrible photos either. I went for a walk this morning and took some photos. I was fascinated by this piece of roadkill. This was a wallaby. Now it is a series of photos.

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  • Achelois August 23, 2010, 9:32 am

    These are gory – why is one blue Kim or am I being dim?

    I commented on last post and @ Dave – I hope I didn’t miss a joke….

    Next time can you start with a beautiful vista to lead me in gently. Only joking.

    It is so squashed and so is my face now after scrolling down.

  • frogpondsrock August 23, 2010, 9:39 am

    The photo is blue because I have fiddled about with the photo a bit to make a series of images. I have taken it out of the set now because it didn’t really work.

    The very top photo is the closest to how the roadkill looked on the side of the road.

    No you didn’t miss a joke at all. Dave whoever he was, was being horrible. I just left the comment there because as an artist I can’t expect people to just say nice things about my work.

    Though I love love love all the nice comments and I really appreciate the constructive and critical comments. I just ignore the horrible ones like Dave’s that don’t have any merit at all..

  • Kristin (Wanderlust) August 23, 2010, 10:07 am

    Hmmm… it’s the 21st century circle of life.

  • frogpondsrock August 23, 2010, 10:18 am

    @Kristin I suppose it is my love. Digital photography of wildlife killed by people driving too fast on a country road, altered and then published on the interwebs

  • sharon August 23, 2010, 2:01 pm

    Unfortunately it’s such a common sight ;-(

    Mind you, from the other perspective, I can’t believe how amazingly stupid the birds are around here. The other day we were just leaving the estate where we live, traveling at a sedate 50kms, no cars in front of us, no cars behind us and this silly bird flew from the side of the road straight at our car hitting the edge of the bonnet. Nothing we could do to avoid it and we left a sad flurry of feathers in our wake 🙁

  • river August 23, 2010, 3:59 pm

    It’s hardly recognisable as a wallaby at all. Only the claws give an indication.
    Is the top one the original colour?

  • Barbara August 23, 2010, 11:32 pm

    Poor wallaby.

    Will you do something similar to the albatross bowl with the image?

    • frogpondsrock August 24, 2010, 6:00 am

      I don’t know, Barbara I hadn’t thought about it. I am thinking of using the photos in an exhibition though. I just really liked the way it seems like the wallaby has become otherwordly, like an Alien creature curled up in the foetal position, with its arms trying to protect its head. Road kill really bothers me. Some days it makes me really angry but mostly it just makes me very sad.