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There is always a smart arse isn’t there.

I woke up this morning to find three comments from the delightful Issac a student at one of Canberra’s houses of higher learning, ANU. Obviously Issac’s work load is very light as he spent a bit of time on my blog leaving inane comments and looking up my personal details in the yellow pages directory. You will make a fine lawyer, son.

Thankyou for leaving my address in the comments section of my blog Issac, it was most thoughtful of you to remind me where I live. As one ages, it is these sort of tricky details that tend to get forgotten.

I am not sure what it was Issac thought he was gaining by leaving my home address on my blog. I have been blogging under my own name for a long time now and most of my details are available online anytime that you care to look. Also when the Tasmanian election campaign was running, I published the full details of my name and address on my twitter account in order to comply with section 191 of the electoral act.

But it does raise questions about privacy on the internet, safety of ones family if you have small children and the possibility of identity theft. I am not fussed about my own privacy as evidenced by some of my posts, where I have bared my soul here. My children aren’t small and vulnerable to kidnappers, though some days I would consider paying someone to kidnap my teenage son for a week or so and as for identity theft my credit rating is crap.

How would you feel my lovelies if some tosser published your details in the comments section of your blogs?

Comments on this entry are closed.

  • Rae September 15, 2010, 8:07 am

    What a jerk. I no longer have a blog, I had a long running one which folded thanks to similar issues, and have tried having a couple since, but just don’t have the ability to stick to it like I did with the original one. However, if someone did this to me I would feel violated in some way. It’s not as though you have kept your full name off this, nor have a silent phone (if you are indeed in the phone book) but to go that extra distance and write those sorts of comments, well that would just peeve me no end.
    I’ve been reading you for a little while now, can’t remember how I stumbled across your blog, but love your work, so have kept reading. Have to admit, it has never crossed my mind to do as he did. That just stinks of stalker.
    Are you going to start moderating the comments now? Or can you block him, or does that cause issues in other ways? Would be interested to hear what is going to happen from here.

  • Marita September 15, 2010, 8:07 am

    This is why I ended up permanently enabling comment moderation on my blog. Suspect uni holidays may have started or be about to start.

  • Veronica September 15, 2010, 8:31 am

    It might not have been so annoying had he not appeared so freaking GLEEFUL at telling the internet where you live.

    This is why I got my number changed and privatised.

  • Mrs. C September 15, 2010, 8:42 am

    I still remember “Andy” on Veronica’s blog. These people are creepy. I know one autism blogger who is literally being stalked and the personal medical details/ posts he’s done on other forums years ago are being reposted.

    I would miss the instant comment-publication and the sense of chatting in “real time” if you enabled moderation, but I would understand it. I had to disable the ability to comment anonymously when I had a troll say that I musta been smoking crack to f up so many of my children so bad (um, b/c they are autistic) and why don’t I quit having retarded kids?

    PS You’ve been pretty open with your address when we first “met.” You’re practically a public person. This Isaac is only seeking to intimidate you, and I am glad you are posting this and facing it head-on. With my troll, I figured the ol’ delete button and disabling anon. comments would work pretty well eventually. And it did for now.

    PPS How did you know that Isaac was an ANUS tudent? Whoops. However did I mess up my spacing in that last sentence? lol

  • Veronica September 15, 2010, 8:53 am

    Hehehe @ Mrc C.

    Statcounter gave us his IP address, that comes from the ANU.

  • Watersehdd September 15, 2010, 11:36 am

    How would I feel if it were me? Pissed, but it’s not others that I worry about, it’s the pratt who has done the “research” that concerns me. I guess it’s somehting that’s likely to happen, especially if you are vocal and promote social issues, even just some of the time. I said it before, it’s a tangled web we weave.

  • sharon September 15, 2010, 11:36 am

    Of course you could always be really vindictive and complain to the Uni as I think access through their system is usually subject to limitations. I know my son’s access was when he had a Uni IP address.

  • Mrs. Oh September 15, 2010, 12:11 pm

    What a knob, But then again maybe it was a public service announcement for more folks to send you chocolate;) I’ve recently had an experience regarding our church web site. Some guy fans our FB page and then wants us to pay him to secure our site. when I deleted his requests he wiped our site and for two months we have been dealing with hacks. Hopefully the problem has been resolved thanks to Tobey’s superior programming skills. But seriously these folks need to get a grip.

  • Kristin (Wanderlust) September 15, 2010, 1:57 pm

    Ah Isaac, he with little to do of any great import. Yes, when I put up my post on Veronica’s blog about my experience with domestic violence (http://somedaywewillsleep.com/things-like-this-dont-happen-to-someone-like-me/) I had 90 beautiful, concerned, heartwarming comments and then one from Isaac that seemed to chastise me for my choice to post there. He main goal seemed to be how many times he could type the world “longer” in one sentence (I lost count).

    I’m guessing that whatever he does at ANU, it isn’t study social work.

  • Kelly September 15, 2010, 2:30 pm

    Please be awake to the fact that there is no such person of whom I know as Issac here at the ANU. I get the feeling I know who is responsible for this, and can say that if I am correct, the guy will probably have to show cause at the end of the year.

    Meanwhile, he tried revealing MY location and several other Peoples’ locations in various blogs. I perhaps should not have introduced so many of my coeliac friends to your posts on Domino’s. I don’t know there’s much that can be done due to interchanged IP addresses across different areas of our campus, perhaps you might want to report it to ANU Information Commons. They may have some idea of how to track who it is.

  • Kelly September 15, 2010, 2:33 pm

    What was his email address? u_ _ _ _ _ _ _@anu.edu.au or was it a private one?

  • Calliope September 15, 2010, 2:54 pm

    If his ip is from ANU is there a way to contact them and have them shake him up a bit. Show that every time he posts someone’s personal info in their comment section, he’s leaving his own trail of information that others can access as well?

  • Jayne September 15, 2010, 5:21 pm

    What a horrid little prick.
    Formerly complain to the uni as this is a breach of the telecommunications act across several states, effectively breaking several (varying) cyber-stalking laws.
    Same as those who harvest info from others to use for themselves, it’s stalking and against the law.

  • river September 15, 2010, 6:35 pm

    Hopefully all of this, above, will give him cause to think and stop what he is doing.

  • frogpondsrock September 15, 2010, 7:07 pm

    Thank you to everyone for your comments and advice. I will be following this up with the relevant authorities.

  • Issac September 15, 2010, 8:15 pm

    I just saw that you’ve written about me posting your address. PLEASE take my sincere apologies. I really didn’t mean for it to go this far. I just wanted to show others who can post what when comments aren’t controlled.

    I will no longer participate in this activity, I promise! Please don’t follow this up with relevant authorities as I will be in an enormous amount of strife. I’m sure you understand.

    I shall post similar notes on all other profiles involved.

  • frogpondsrock September 15, 2010, 8:26 pm

    Issac, I accept your apology and it has come just in time, as I was going to contact the Uni tomorrow.

  • Marylin September 15, 2010, 8:40 pm

    Ohh that’s the twat that was on Veronica’s blog too isn’t it? I’d definitely follow this up as the others above have suggested. *hugs* xx

  • Watershedd September 16, 2010, 6:03 am

    Kim, I’m sorry, but this behaviour by Isaac is really poor to say the least. He’s done it to more than one person. In stating that he’ll be in huge trouble, he is also stating that he knew what he was doing and the potential harm to both the targets and his own reputation. Abuse a privilege and people are going to be peeved, if not pissed. Grow an ethical spine and behave toward others with the same courtesy as you plead of them, Troll.

  • frogpondsrock September 16, 2010, 6:15 am

    @Watershedd I was in two minds about accepting the apology. But Issac seems genuine enough in his remorse.

    There is also the fact that if the Uni are up to scratch they should have received an alert because I linked to them and their IT or PR person should have read the post by now anyway.

  • Liz September 16, 2010, 12:39 pm

    Perhaps Issac should post his own address too for all to see. Seems only fair.

  • Argentum Vulgaris September 16, 2010, 11:44 pm

    Issac? I was wondering whether his real name was Wayne Kerr… he certainly is one

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  • Achelois September 17, 2010, 9:03 am

    I have only just seen this post. We all know that it is relatively easy especially when somone uses their own name etc. to find location etc.

    Isaac I am sorry but I think you deserve to be reported to the uni despite your apology because I frankly think you need help. I have no reassurance at all from your words that you understand how invasive and worrying your behaviour is. I don’t get a feeling that you will seek help independently. Although perhaps this type of attention seeking behaviour is a cry for help.

    I am sorry this has happened to you Kim, thoughtless immature behaviour is very tiresome.

    I just wanted to say that I don’t mind at all if comment moderation is on a blog I read. When one looks back on blogs and I do generally before commenting one always finds there is a very good reason. It does not put me off commenting one bit.

  • Alice September 21, 2010, 12:49 am

    That was very wrong of Issac to do that. I would be right in thinking that he was the cause of you closing comments on your Domino’s post a couple of months ago? ‘A little bit of gluten won’t hurt…’ *snort*

    I hope the above will restrain him from doing this again. So many ANUers seem to have been commenting on your blogs all over the place. Comment moderation, maybe?

  • Jarrod Youmon October 4, 2010, 11:57 am

    Its a very important topic and dismissed by quite a few bloggers, even professionals. I thank you for helping making people more aware of this subject.