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The Lead up to Christmas

Has had me feeling like crap. I don’t have a tree up, the decorations are still stuffed in a cupboard somewhere and I haven’t even started to look for my Santa hat.

I am a mixture of pissed off and really really sad.

I have bloggers block because everything I write sounds like a bunch of self piteous crap. Oh Woe Oh Woedy Woe Woe.

I have an “Ehlers Danlos and Denial” post brewing and that is taking a lot of energy to write.

Artistically I am having a mud month, I was told by someone I respect that I am aggressively over confident and made to feel that my work is crap.

When I was growing up my father repeatedly told me that I was stupid. That I was lazy, worthless, fat , stupid, stupid, stupid.

I would argue with him every step of the way and cop a hiding for my trouble.

From my father I learned to never stay down and to never shut up because you will still cop a flogging if you are silent and feet hurt more than fists, so you may as well make the hiding worth while.

Somedays the echo of his accusations of stupid stupid stupid areΒ  loud in my ears even though he has been dead for thirty years.

See, I told you I was full of woe this week. Gah!

Louisa at everything is edible is organising Christmas gifts for the over one hundred and fifty children that are incarcerated at Christmas Island. The fact that there are over 150 children in just one detention centre makes me feel sick and very,very fucking ashamed that I have let my government get away with this shoddy treatment of refugees. Arseholes.

In the words of Richard Flanagan

If 30 Australians drowned in Sydney Harbour it would be a national tragedy. But when 30 or more refugees drown off the Australian coast, it is a political question. Not that Australia has a refugee problem. Last year just 5,500 people sought asylum – less than 2% of the migrant intake. Yet Australia does have a dismal public life largely bereft of courage or humanity, and it has created a national myth that now poisons all sides of politics. The myth is that of the boat people. It is the idea that hordes of refugees will overrun Australia unless harsh policies of dissuasion and internment are employed.

Louisa has a paypal button on her sidebar and overnight has raised $480 towards her goal of $930 to pay for the courier fees to Christmas Island.I think that is a spectacular effort and it is the Louisas of this world that make me feel less sad.

Louisa’s Christmas Island Appeal click here to help.

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  • Happy Elf Mom December 21, 2010, 7:20 am

    I have genuinely admired your work, and I say that not just because we are friends. I think your using the local trees and grasses in your work, and the colours of your pottery, were more than just something pretty. Your work says something. The piece you did with all the words, in response to the logging in Tasmania… how could anyone look at that and say it’s crap?

    I’m sorry your dad didn’t appreciate you. I am proud to have you as my bud. πŸ™‚

  • Helena December 21, 2010, 7:52 am

    Cheer up chook! There are plenty of us out here in the big bad world that love and appreciate you – and enjoy your work.
    Love, always

  • Rae December 21, 2010, 8:18 am

    Your Dad sounds as supportive as mine was. Any wonder why my kids have 3 Nanas, 2 passed away Grandpas, and a non-existant one (he’s still around, but only knows of one of my four children) Boo-hiss to them I say!

    And just as another compliment to add to those above mine – Love ya work!! Wouldn’t visit again and again if I didn’t πŸ™‚

    Merry Christmas!

  • lceel December 21, 2010, 8:24 am

    I, too, have genuinely admired your work. As far as being aggressively over-confident is concerned, what your friend has said to me is that this person has lines/boundaries/expectations, and anything that doesn’t fit within those boundaries is to be criticized. Someone, whomever that person is, has lost imagination.

    Thank God you have not.

  • Jayne December 21, 2010, 12:40 pm

    Idiots always try to make others feel as miserable, useless and as stupid as they are by accusing those around them of having the very qualities they’re scared they have within themselves.
    Fuckwits won’t listen, Kim, save your time and energy for those who matter xxxx

  • sharon December 21, 2010, 6:51 pm

    It doesn’t actually matter what other people think of your art, the important thing is that you enjoy the process and the end result means something precious to you. The approval of others is just icing on the cake. I am proud to be a bit of that icing πŸ˜‰

    Christmas can be hard for various reasons for many of us, I know I have spoken of my problems with it since our move to Australia but I find that just going through the motions of putting up the tree, wrapping the few presents I buy these days and the traditional cooking fest, does eventually provide some comfort as it brings back so many good memories. All things change, there would be no progress without change. You have the spouse, your gorgeous children and grandchildren to share the holiday with – and I’m sure the little people’s joy will bring your smile back.


  • Barbara December 21, 2010, 7:12 pm

    You’re not stupid and your work isn’t crap. Obviously I’m not trained or anything, but I think your work is amazing.

  • river December 22, 2010, 8:48 pm

    You’re most certainly not stupid Kim, and your work is beautiful.
    Whoever said it was crap clearly cannot see the passion that you put into every single piece.

    I always have trouble with Paypal. I try to set up an account and my computer tells me I already have one. I don’t. My daughter has one, she set it up when her computer was on the fritz years ago, now she doesn’t need it. I can’t close it because I don’t know her password, she doesn’t remember it either…..

  • Brenda December 23, 2010, 7:30 pm

    You are NOT those things.xxxx