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How to tell if you are stressed.

When I am stressed I cry a lot over nothing, not big ugly heaving sobs, I save those ones for when I am in bed. I am talking about those annoying stray tears that escape when I am in the middle of a conversation and always take me unawares. The next big indicator that I am extremely stressed is when I begin to forget stuff.

I drove out to visit my daughter the other day specifically to deliver a set of ceramic cups,Von is flying to Sydney soon and had offered to hand deliver the cups for me. Halfway there I realised that I had left the cups on the studio bench. The whole point of the trip was to deliver the cups, how could I forget them?

Frustrated with myself I posted this facebook status

Drove out to visit Veronica specifically to drop off a set of ceramic cups that need to go to Sydney. Forgot to take the cups. Was given some eggs to bring home. Forgot to grab the eggs.

The sneaky aspect of stress is that I often don’t realise I am stressed at all, I just wander about the place making a mess, leaving a trail of half done jobs behind me and becoming increasingly grumpy with myself.

It wasn’t until a friend rang and commented that serious levels of forgetfulness aren’t like me at all. During the course of that conversation I started to cry small tears again because I had been slightly worried I was losing my marbles. My friend gently laughed at me and told me it was just stress.

One of the indicators of stress for me is I hide in the computer. I faff about on twitter and youtube following links to obscure news items and re-discovering forgotten songs.

This week I have been making a video. The obsessive nature of video editing and sound design perfectly suits me. I am always a bit surprised by the music I compose as I don’t particularly like synthetic beat boxy type rythms but I think it fits this short video.

How do you know when you are stressed?

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  • tiff August 16, 2011, 7:51 am

    I am nodding nodding, nodding to all of those things. Especially the crying.
    Also; I clean the kitchen bench over and over. Like that is going to make life less stressful
    and I fiddle with things, twist hair or a necklace or a ring or something.

    Sorry you are stressed Kimmy, sending love xx

    • frogpondsrock August 16, 2011, 2:22 pm

      Thanks Tiff, I am not that stressed now that I have realised that I am stressed, if you know what I mean.

  • Glowless August 16, 2011, 11:38 am

    I think the music really fits the video. And Tricky started bopping along – a sad indicator of the future of music I think.

    I cry over everything when I’m stressed or angry. I will be in an argument and cry and I HATE it, makes me seem so weak and pathetic.

    And I faff about on Twitter and comment on blogs… 😛

    • frogpondsrock August 16, 2011, 2:26 pm

      Thanks Glowless and yay for your little bopper.
      I know what you mean I HATE those tears as well, they make me even angrier. I don’t mind crying if I am sad. But tears of frustration or anger shit me up the wall.

  • sharon August 16, 2011, 1:23 pm

    When I am stressed, I just stop. Everything becomes too hard and so I grind to a halt until I find my equilibrium again. Nearly there 🙂

  • sam-o August 16, 2011, 1:26 pm

    I get tonsilitis and teary.

    That’s me this week…

    • frogpondsrock August 16, 2011, 2:28 pm

      Bugger! Lemon and honey drinks for you then.

  • Liz August 16, 2011, 2:12 pm

    I know I’m stressed when I emphasise that I’m *not* stressed. It’s so stupid, but I can generally only recognise stress with hindsight.

    Other indicators are scratching at my face, tears at the drop of the hat and getting overly agitated about cleanliness (or lack thereof).

    • frogpondsrock August 16, 2011, 2:36 pm

      I am the same Liz, it was only when my friend asked me what was on my mind that I realised how incredibly stressed I am. My normal response is “I am Fine” when I am obviously not fine at all.

  • Elephant's Child August 16, 2011, 3:52 pm

    My eyes leak too. One of my other signs is that I march purposefully into a room, stop and wonder why I am there. Or I lose things. Things that I know I had a minute ago. Or my eyes leak. Or I read a chapter of a book and can’t tell you what I have read. Or my eyes leak. You are not alone.

  • Dorothy August 16, 2011, 11:16 pm

    Crying and forgetfulness, yes. That’s when I know something is going on and I start to write lists and take my time with things…. Hope the source of stress leaves you soon….

  • Plumtree August 17, 2011, 6:40 am

    Same and more. i cry. I forget things. I find it difficult to plan or make simple decisions, like what to have for dinner. I get angry and blow up over small irritations. I obsess over trivial, unimportant things because it is a focus away from whatever is bothering me.

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