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Nerves. I Have them.

Today I go and introduce myself to some teenagers and see if they want to make some films.

I am incredibly nervous. I have already thought up and disregarded a zillion different reason why I cant possibly go in and work with these kids.

The physical manifestation of nerves interest me and as I am typing this I am trying to work out how my body is reacting.

My hands are cold and I have a whole colony of butterflies fluttering about in my tummy. My ears feel blocked and I am a bit light headed.I have a slight tightness in my chest and I need to go to the loo, again.

Ack. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I put my hand up and say yes I can do this when I have only just worked out how to make films myself?

I feel sick.


I am well prepared.

I am going to introduce myself and talk about my work. I have one of my ceramic shells that I am going to take in as well as one of my dead bird bowls.

I am going to talk about being a storyteller and how we all have stories to tell.

I have ten minutes worth of short videos to show as examples of different styles of film making.

Here they are if you are interested.

And then I am just going to make it up as I go along.

I am now going back to reread all your wonderful comments on my last post on this topic.

But I might just go to the loo and throw up first.

Nerves. I Have Them.


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  • Elephant's Child September 27, 2011, 9:51 am

    Of course you have nerves. If you didn’t have them you would be blase and would not do the wonderful job you are going to. (After nearly 14 years at Lifeline, my tummy lurches every time the phone rings).

    I hope that you manage to have fun. I am sure you are going to do a wonderful job – but the hope for fun is there too.

    • frogpondsrock September 27, 2011, 10:13 am

      Thank you 🙂 I hope I have fun as well. I redyed my hair bright purple yesterday, so if all else fails I can just flick my plaits around a bit and dazzle them with purpleness.

  • Joh September 27, 2011, 11:30 am

    Great variety of clip choices there. I especially loved Taylor Mali. So good:). Can’t wait to hear how it all goes. Have fun.

  • pixie September 27, 2011, 4:01 pm

    you will be FABULOUS!!!!!
