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The ProBlogger Training Day 2011

I attended the Pro Blogger training day in Melbourne last week and I am so pleased that I did. The panels were informative and interesting, the day was well organised and the networking was invaluable. I made new friendships and cemented old friendships with blood oaths and bony duck pieces. I think I met the real inventor of the internet and there wasn’t a deafening squeee within earshot.

I took copious amounts of notes and they are scrawled over five pages in my current visual diary. Most of the notes I took are ideas for future blog posts, or reminders to myself to actually get onto those minor tweaks that I have been meaning to do for ages. Like update my ceramic gallery and add a photo gallery of my favourite photos.

I am fairly happy with how my blog is going at the moment as I am not trying to turn my blog into a business. My blog is my voice, it is my connection to the world. Through my blog I am able to indulge my sense of the ridiculous as well as my ZOMBIE KLOUT. I am able to tell my stories and listen in turn to your stories.

I can blog about what I am interested in, what I am doing, what my concerns are and I know that I will always get valuable feedback, as well as invaluable support and hand holding from you my lovelies.

I am thinking about having a reader survey to find out what you are all interested in, but I also know that I will probably take ages to get around to it so if you feel inclined can you give me some feedback in the comments section. Anonymously if you like.

Let me know what you would like me to write more about, publish more or less photos, or if there is anything that you think I can be doing better here. That sort of feedback is invaluable because even though I can read peoples minds, I cant do it without being in the same room as them.

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  • Jayne October 27, 2011, 1:04 pm

    Write MORE.
    And then some MORE about EVERYTHING ELSE.
    Cos I likes what you write just as it is 🙂

    • frogpondsrock October 27, 2011, 1:08 pm

      Okay Jayne 🙂 I can do that. Thank you for the vote of confidence. I am sitting here at the computer grinning away and re-reading your comment.

  • Rusty Hoe October 27, 2011, 2:39 pm

    Jayne’s response was perfect. But if I had to pick something, I would love to see more of your ceramics and your creative process. I think the most interesting part of any art is not so much the item itself (although your ceramics are lovely), but finding out what the starting point was and how that was transformed into the final art piece. Not an art step by step guide, but more the thought process and emotions that contributed to the piece. Does that make sense? I’ve had pain pills today so everything is very shiny. Ignore me if that was complete gibberish.

  • Elephant's Child October 27, 2011, 5:24 pm

    Be yourself. Often. And perhaps more often than that. I would also like to see more of your ceramics, but anything you feel like on the day is just fine with me.

  • sleepydwarf October 27, 2011, 8:22 pm

    I really enjoy reading your blog Kim. I find that even though we have different lives, I identify with a lot of what you say. So keep doing what you’re doing. It’s great 🙂
    I’ve been interested in reading about your drawing lessons and would love to see more about how that’s coming along. I also like what RustyHoe said – an insight into your creative process.

  • river October 27, 2011, 9:06 pm

    What they said ^
    I just like reading whatever you decide to write about.

  • Patti October 28, 2011, 5:02 am

    I like reading about your personal stories, the good, the bad and the ugly. I find that the most interesting.

  • carolina October 28, 2011, 5:39 am

    Hey, it’s your blog, so you write what you want to write about. And how did you get those clouds to do a synchronized move for the photo? Well done 😉

  • Bev October 29, 2011, 4:31 am

    Everyone has given you good advice. You blog because you enjoy blogging and you write about what you are feeling about that day, or doing that day, or reading that day, or whatever you want. That is what makes each of us unique. My journal has been going for 12 years now. I have a lot of readers, but not a huge number. They are my faceless friends who comment from time to time…and that is lovely. But mostly I write for ME.

  • amandab October 30, 2011, 10:05 am

    I am always surprised and interested in what you write, even if I don’t always know or have anything to say . Doesn’t mean I am not reading. Eventually. 🙂

    I love that there are bloggers out there, like you, who just blog for the joy it gives them. It doesn’t always feel like that anymore.

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