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Say Yes.

All you need to do is say YES.

Say Yes! I can do something about this.

Say Yes! I can help.

Say Yes! By saying No to plastic.

I know it is hard.

I know we are surrounded by the rotten stuff.

But if we each decide to stop buying one item of plastic.

Just one item.

I have said no to plastic water bottles.

So just Say Yes

And we can make a small step forward.

Say Yes to the planet and say no to unecessary plastic.

Our grandchildren are depending on us.

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  • Elephant's Child December 6, 2011, 7:26 am

    Our local govt. has banned plastic bags, which I think helps. I try and avoid unneccessary packing but my goodness it is everywhere. Small steps. Hopefully in the right direction.

  • goaldeebug December 6, 2011, 7:46 am

    ALL of our local stores offer paper or plastic for groceries, and yet every single time, the checkout chick/dude starts to load a plastic bag, whether I take my own bags or not.

    1. I have have my own reusable bags, which I place on the conveyor belt first and for some reason they set them aside and start packing in the plastic bags. WTF?

    2.Whenever I forget my own bags I have to say ‘paper bags please’, and STILL they continue to pack in plastic. WTF is wrong with people?

  • river December 6, 2011, 8:42 pm

    @goaldeebug; you take your own bags and they STILL go for plastic?? Shame on them. Here in SA we ask the customer if they have their own bags unless they hand them over first, if not we ask them to choose between plastic or “green”. Sadly they all go for plastic…

    Kim; I try to use as little plastic as possible now.
    I have plastic water bottles, but only four and I refill them until they’re so grungy the water tastes awful, then I’ll buy new ones. I do wash them, so they last for a couple of years before getting to the grungy stage.

  • Caroline December 6, 2011, 9:20 pm

    We try and use plastic as little as possible here and when we do get plastic bags we reuse them as often as we can. I love how more shops are now charging a small fee if you want a plastic bag. I just wish woolies & coles would offer paper bags before plastic.
    I’m like you river – reuse any plastic bottles until they are yuck, then chuck them in the recycle bin.

  • janet December 6, 2011, 11:51 pm

    Oh, poor birds! YES. Our town “transfer station” aka dump recycles all plastic except styrofoam, and I’m really trying to avoid all of it, especially styrofoam. I bring cloth bags to the grocery store, but usually underestimate how many I will need each time. We have bins to recycle the used plastic bags in our two supermarkets nearby. But I agree, it’s better not to make or use so many in the first place. It seems those plastic caps are on everything, even juices and broths sold in cardboard. I’ll try harder to avoid them. I don’t like water or other drinks sold in plastic…they taste like plastic. I’ve noticed that duck hunters leave behind a lot of plastic shot-casings in the marshes,too.
    Poor birds!

  • Marita December 7, 2011, 5:59 am

    We just adore the eco sandwich wraps I won on Veronica’s blog. I plan on getting more before start of school next year. No more plastic lunch boxes – we didn’t use plastic wrap, but were buying new plastic boxes fairly often as the girls trash them. Now I need a good non-plastic solution for husbands work lunches. We usually freeze big batches of curries and stews in plastic take out containers – due to him having lost all the tupperware containers I purchased for him to take to work. It kills me that we use one off plastic take out containers for his lunches but I’m not sure what else to do.

  • inkpuddle December 7, 2011, 7:34 am

    Oh, the consequences we think nothing about for the sake of convenience. How heartbreaking. Thank you for posting the trailer. I hope you’ll remind us when the film itself comes out, as I’d like to see it.