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The calm before the glazing storm.

I was going to update my last post where I showed you, the total destruction that is my studio at the end of a making phase, with a photo of the tidy and sparkly clean studio.


I think this level of studio cleanliness deserves its very own blog post.

This is the carefully labelled chaos of one of my worktables. Do you see the doorknob in the lower left corner? That doorknob makes the best flower patterns when pressed into the clay.It makes the most wonderful daisy shaped dent in a ball of clay and I have had lots of fun experimenting with the impressons. The daisy making door knob is sitting on top of a pile ofย  tablecloths that were used for Veronica’s wedding, the lace of the tablecloth makes nice patterns in the clay as well.

Another photo of the previous chaos

Tadaa! Look at this! Look how sparkly and clean and home beautiful this is. There is even a bunch of flowers in the middle of my tablescape. Admittedly there isn’t a polished floorboard in sight but a photo of a clear table complete with vase of artfully arranged flowers should make the cut for this months edition of bland magazine. Yes?

I digress, I should be talking about studios and work and art and stuff and I was momentarily distracted by thoughts of all the Home beautiful type blogs I have seen popping up all over the place but I suppose it could be worse, we could have a plague of Rolf Harrisses to contend with instead.

I adore tulips and I came home from visiting a friend with an armload of tulips. I have some in the house but the majority are in the studio making me smile.

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  • sharon April 26, 2012, 2:23 pm

    Now that is just showing off! But it does look quite lovely ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I procrastinated about tidying after your last post and my reply but . . . erm . . . got side-tracked by making some backgrounds for cards during the afternoon and then spent a couple of hours crocheting in front of a movie on my laptop in the evening. So far today I have finished a card, read a magazine and been inspired to stamp some owl images which I will colour after lunch – all in the approx 30cm square of clear desk space that I have left. Ah well, maybe tomorrow will be tidy up day . . . . ?

  • Elephant's Child April 26, 2012, 4:41 pm

    I am so with you about tulips. It is why I have 400 or so tulip bulbs to put in the ground. Very soon. Or earlier than that.
    I am super impressed with the new and improved temporary ordered work space. How long did it take you?

  • Dorothy @ Singular Insanity April 26, 2012, 6:09 pm

    I think tulips would have to be my favourite flower. Or is it roses? Freesias? Hang on, there’s lilac, too! Oh, well… I’ll just have to enjoy whatever is in season…

    I’m just jealous you have as studio. One that you can keep as messy or as clean as you like… ๐Ÿ™‚

  • river April 27, 2012, 10:14 am

    I love your studio and the tulips too.

  • Adriana Christianson April 28, 2012, 11:51 am

    Hey Kim, love the space..love it more that its messy ! Have a look at http://mudcolony.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/studio.html would love u to add yr blog voice to others ..waving from the mainland (can u see me?) found u on Twitter cheers @pachristianson ๐Ÿ™‚

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