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Plastic Pollution from Midway Atoll

Dr Jennifer Lavers gave me a plastic ziplock bag half full of plastic pollution yesterday.

I took this plastic bag of plastic pollution outside, I sat in my plastic garden chair and photographed it with my plastic phone.

As I sit here typing on my plastic keyboard, I try to count the items of plastic that I can see scattered about on my desk and I give up.

I throw my hands up in despair and sit staring blankly at my plastic computer screen and I wonder what to write.

What on earth can I say?

How can I get rid of this feeling of impending doom?

We are drowning in this stuff.

Our plastic pollution is choking the planet and I am as guilty as everyone else.

I have rolls and rolls of plastic bubble wrap in my studio that I use to wrap my pots. Never mind that it is recycled stuff that I was given, it is still plastic and I still use it.

So I will do what I always do, I will concentrate on something I can do. I will keep on talking about plastic pollution, I will try to limit my own plastic consumption and I will keep on posting photos of my work that I make in response to the Plastic Pollution Catastrophe. And I will ask that you keep on talking to me, that you hold my hand internet, so that I don’t end up rocking in the corner, overwhelmed by the scale of the problem.

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  • river November 28, 2012, 7:31 pm

    We certainly are drowning in it. I look around my home and there is plastic this, plastic that. I console myself with the thought that I reuse as much of it as I can and what I can’t reuse goes into the recycling bin, not into landfill.

  • edesigned November 28, 2012, 7:34 pm

    Stop seeing plastic as problem, try to see it as an advantage…

  • Alison December 2, 2012, 9:49 am

    Thanks, Kim. Because you told me about the plastic in exfoliating scrubs I only use natural ones, and usually make my own now with olive oil and sugar. I try to be plastic aware, but it is SO hard when we are, as you said, surrounded by it. It does become a little overwhelming. I appreciate your efforts to remind us of how important this subject is.

  • Happy Elf Mom December 4, 2012, 7:07 am

    We used to make so many toys and things out of wood when I was young longgg ago. And I don’t know if this is true or not but it seems to me that the older plastic was different somehow, much heavier. Is it a different kind and more recyclable or even worse than what we have now?

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