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I woke up with words in my head

But, by the time I had made my coffee they were gone.

sunglasses in kelp

My son is having a mental health crisis but we are able to see glimmers of light on the horizon of our despair. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome brings a whole raft of problems to visit my children and I am powerless to fix them.

This powerlessness is what frustrates me, I am a doer, a plan maker a solution giver.

a public hanging

 To find that my solutions, whilst feasible do not bring instant success is a bitter pill for  me to swallow.

I can not heal my children, I can not heal my husband, I can just love them and hope.

And heal myself ?

I can do that.

I protect myself by only dealing with what I can deal with today. I live in the moment. I have no control over tomorrow, so I do not concern myself overly much with tomorrow. I have deleted everyone on social media who pains me or disagrees with me. I can not control the Ehlers Danlos and the pain it causes but I can control who is in my social media networks and the pain they cause me.


But all is not doom and gloom in the frog ponds rock household, you my dear internets know that I am an optimist at heart. A shiny shiny optimist who believes, thanks to the Lord of the Rings movie and Samwise Gamgee, that there is always hope.

There is always hope and there is always much hilarity to be had if you take joy in the small things that life has to offer.

Like Giraffes.

Giraffes on facebook, now outnumber humans in my newsfeed and it is deliciously ridiculous.

And enormously funny.

So. Many. Giraffes.


Friends send me cards with words inside that tell me that they know me so well and they make me smile and warm me with their friendship.

My husband gave me a brown paper bag filled with stones he and David gathered from the river.

They are good stones that make me smile.

bag of rocks

Years ago I rescued this moth after I photographed it floating in a bucket of washing machine water and I could feel it saying thank you as it flew away. Over the years I have rescued countless moths.

green butterfly - Copy

My son is down at the beach staying with friends, he has been staying here with us, while he gets his head together and I found this image on the internet yesterday.

When David comes home, I can make him a nest


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  • Anna October 28, 2013, 9:06 am

    Hi from one giraffe to another 🙂
    I love the nest. We could all do with a nest from time to time and to share one, even better.

  • Bronnie October 28, 2013, 10:58 am

    That’s a welcoming nest. And the rocks, rock. Blessings.

  • Happy Elf Mom October 28, 2013, 2:05 pm

    We’ve been through several crises… and they are not easy. I think it has permanently damaged our family, really. There are just some things you cannot say, and it is so intense and hard to handle and yet you must almost all alone.

    Oh, Kim, you are in my prayers. And I’m so sorry you are facing this.

    • frogpondsrock October 29, 2013, 5:49 am

      Oh Mrs C, that is so sad, I am sorry I wasn’t there for you. And yes there are so many things that can not be said. Love and Light to you my friend, love and light

  • Elephant's Child October 28, 2013, 2:44 pm

    The small things in life are HUGE in my world. And underpin each and every day and how I approach it.

    I love that nest – what a glorious thing to share. Thank you.

    Hugs to you and yours.

    • frogpondsrock October 29, 2013, 5:51 am

      I saw the nest on twitter and it was perfect. Such a simple graphic that says so much. And the small things are not that small really. Changing the subject totally, how are the bees up your way? They are late here and I am starting to worry a bit.

      • Elephant's Child October 29, 2013, 5:56 am

        The bees are here. Which is excellent. Some trees are behaving oddly though. Very, very slow to come into leaf (let alone blossom).

  • river October 28, 2013, 5:23 pm

    Love the nest, may I borrow that? I know someone who will appreciate it.
    Your singlet is looking a little tatty on the line there, maybe time to buy a new one?

    I think you should have written the words down before you made your coffee.
    I think it’s good that you’ve deleted your detractors.

    • frogpondsrock October 29, 2013, 5:53 am

      I borrowed it River,so of course you may, I think it is wonderful. and my singlet, hehe you do make me laugh. I didn’t have time to write the words down, I woke up with them swirling around insinde my head along with the remnants of my dream and by the time I had walked to the kitchen the words were gone, leaving only their essence.

  • Alison October 28, 2013, 5:24 pm

    I love this nest. And the giraffes. No social media has been indescribably good for my always rather precarious mental state. Hoping you and your family get some well deserved bloody good luck bloody soon.

    • frogpondsrock October 29, 2013, 5:58 am

      The nest is very cool. Our luck is not dodgy honey, it is our genetics that are a bit wonky, it is just that we just have a lot to deal with at times and I dump my pain here to be rid of it. Everything is okay really, just a bit tricksy at times 🙂

  • sleepydwarf October 28, 2013, 8:05 pm

    ((hugs)) xx
    I like the nest too. It made me cry for some reason.

    • frogpondsrock October 29, 2013, 5:59 am

      I think it is the gentle sweetness of the message that made me cry. Love is powerful. so is friendship. Thank you

  • jebaru October 29, 2013, 8:20 pm

    What is it about moths? They’re touchingly vulnerable, unassuming and short-lived. I love them. Yours is simply gorgeous. Speaking of vulnerable, I heard on the radio about the development of robot bees that may eventually be used in pollination. Let’s hope it isn’t ever the only option left. Please let us know when your bees appear.

    • frogpondsrock October 30, 2013, 6:19 am

      Robot bees. ok. *sigh* lets spend millions developing robot bees, instead of looking at the chemicals and conditions that are actually killing the bees. I have no words. and yes. I will let you know.

  • janet October 30, 2013, 11:58 am

    I hope David is feeling better. I loved the rocks and especially the nest. Thanks for sharing them with us.