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Day FOUR. Thankfully runkeeper has sobered up.

Though, sober runkeeper says I walk much much slower than drunk runkeeper.

Sober runkeeper is NO FUN AT ALL.

Today I share a photo of  the flowers of a Dolly Bush Cassinia acueleata. This is an understorey plant that is native to my area.  The bark is similar to tea tree and the old timers used to call this shrub, “Kero Bush” because it burns very hotly and will catch alight even when it is green. The butterflies and other insects like it and it is very pretty in an understated way.

kero bush

1.19 Kilometres. Time 27.25. Avg Min/Km 23.08. Yay Me.

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  • Elephant's Child November 4, 2013, 10:40 am

    Love the dolly bush – though its other name makes it a frightening plant to have around in our long hot summers. Congratulations on the walking.
    How did yesterday go? Lots of amazing work by the chillun?

  • river November 4, 2013, 3:52 pm

    I remember hearing about kero bush, but have never seen one before.
    The flowers look like closed buds, do they open further?
    You’ve made it past 1km, I’m proud of you.
    Now if only my legs would volunteer.
    They won’t even sprint for the bus anymore.

  • Adriana banana November 4, 2013, 7:24 pm

    I’m SO proud of yr intended ramblings !
    Your very inspirational with yr doggedness ,drunken and
    undrunken walkings .
    Go YOU x

  • janet November 5, 2013, 1:21 am

    What a beautiful wildflower. It reminds me a little of our pearly everlasting, but it’s much fancier.
    Best wishes with your hiking.