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Day two is always harder than day one.

The alarm blared white noise at me at six am this morning and I did not want to get out of bed at all.

So I didn’t.

One of the perks of being an adult is that I get to make my own rules and set my own get out of bed time.

After a slow morning, faffing about on the internet I went for a walk at about 11 am.

Runkeeper is being overly optimistic and and told me that I broke all manner of personal records. Yay for me breaking imaginary records set by a dicky app on my phone.

I titled this photo, “Go home Runkeeper You Are Drunk!”

As drunk runkeeper said I traipsed all over the countryside following that erratic red line.

My actual walk is shown by  the sober black dots I added in photoshop.

go home runkeeper you are drunk

The shadows were nice on the way home. I walked for about 30 minutes and covered about a kilometre.

dirt road

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  • Trish November 2, 2013, 12:03 pm

    Moving is moving , drunk or not ;). You’ll keep breaking records too if you keep setting that alarm.

  • Elephant's Child November 2, 2013, 2:28 pm

    Love that view up the hill – and your response to the drunken app. What do we do with the drunken runkeeper, what do we do with the drunken runkeeper…

  • river November 2, 2013, 2:59 pm

    I love that second photo, the road to home, trees, shadows, what more could you want?

  • Mary November 3, 2013, 6:55 pm

    Get up when your body clock suggests it.
    What horrible walking weather but you did it!

  • Adriana banana November 4, 2013, 7:25 am

    Agree w Trish ! Yay for moving !!
    Love the view x