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Sunday Ceramics 18

I have been too grumpy to write anything on the blog lately. Grumpy and busy.

Sunday Ceramics

Having a puppy is rather a lot more work than I remembered, probably because the last time I introduced a puppy into our household I also had children at home.

I had thought I could just take Monty into the studio with me as I worked.



Monty likes to go underneath the kilns and chew on all the things.

Things that I can not see, but I am sure are important.

Here are the dogs looking innocent.

But guaranteed if I so much as twitch, they will be up out of that basket in an instant, smiling expectant doggy smiles at me.


Harry and Monty

The weather has also remembered that Tasmania is supposed to be cold in May, not balmy and sub tropical like it has been and the cold fronts that have hit us are cold.

The studio is very cold.

So I have been playing with my camera instead of making much work.

The Spouse made me a cup hanger to hang above my kitchen sink. He used a broom handle and a bit of old rope and I am happy with my new hanger. The cups make me smile dangling away in front of the window. I shall have to make some ceramic hooks but for now, fencing wire does the trick.

new cup hanger

bw cups

We moved my mother’s dining room table from Veronica’s home back to mine.


My grand daughter came for a sleepover and we painted each others nails, ate take away pizza out of the box and drank cups of tea from the good china.

Colourful fingernailsAmy

Amy asked me if I hated anyone, when I replied no, she asked, Not even Tony Abbott because he is taking away Peppa Pig and all the kids at school hate him.

I had to try and explain that life is too short for destructive emotions like hate and that Abbott is just a man. I told her if she and her school friends were going to be grumpy, they should be grumpy at the LNP party policies, not individuals.

We then went onto the more important topics of monster high dolls and minecraft.

But thinking of hate, I think I am too tired to hate. I dislike some people with a fiery passion but I do not wish them ill, I just wish them to not bother me with their stupid prejudices and ignorance.

I am lucky in that I can channel my negativity into sculpture.

Here is “Bitter Rose sings the Blues” my response to negativity directed at the disabled in our community.

Bitter Rose sings the Blues

Here is “Saint Lisa, the Patron Saint of Eugenics” Again a response to that vexing question of why would disabled women choose to breed. Such an ugly word, breed, when used towards people, rather than animals.

Saint Lisa, has three faces and she completes the trio of sculptures, that I shall exhibit later on in the year at the sidespace.

saint lisa

I shall finish with a question.

I bought this bowl in an opshop a few years ago and I would like to know who the maker is.

Do any of you recognise the bowl, or the signature?

signature unknown bowl

This is probably going to be the last Sunday Ceramics post as I do not see the point in having a link up that no-one actually links up to. Like all things, it served its purpose and I have met some new ceramic bloggers, but now it is time to let it go.


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  • Pam June 1, 2014, 12:28 pm

    Not sure where my url is 🙁

    Keep on blogging girl

    Puppies do grow up

    Love Pam

  • Elephant's Child June 1, 2014, 3:07 pm

    Hugs. And while I too try not to hate – I loathe, hate and despise the direction our current government is trying to take us. And am frightened by it too.
    Love your cup holder – and those painted nails.

    • frogpondsrock June 3, 2014, 8:13 am

      My nails make me smile so much. Amy chose the colours for each nail and for once my nails are quite harmonious. She has a good eye 🙂

  • river June 1, 2014, 4:51 pm

    *snap* I used a broom handle and s-hooks as a utensil hanger across my kids window. They have more utensils than Myer! so I hung a few to get them off the bench because they wouldn’t fit in the drawers.
    I love the colourful nails!

  • Krista Petrauskas June 1, 2014, 9:30 pm

    A bit sad at the notion of this being your last Sunday Ceramics – you might think you are talking to no-one,
    but, what I personally feel your has been doing is :
    make a person feel that – expressing yourself, and being yourself, and being true to oneself through your art is a worthwhile and do-able – and one should keep plugging away simply because one loves doing it – that is very meaningful.
    Importantly, more importantly it has to be meaningful to you –
    I just wanted to express that you were not a lone,’ unheard voice’, in the wilderness
    I will continue to enjoy ‘frogpondsrock’
    I don’t always have something to say
    and our present government is worrying, frightening me a lot, too.
    I am on the border of the poverty line – if they cut anything I don’t know how I will survive – like so many others
    The world has palpably changed because of a destructive & power crazy, blinkered ‘ship of fools’ devoid of human feeling and lack of care about the irresponsible consequences of their ‘entitled’ actions. Power is fleeting and can just as easily be lost
    Thank you, very much, and much appreciation of the blogs you have shared thus far.
    Cheers, Krista

    • frogpondsrock June 3, 2014, 8:17 am

      I will keep on doing the Sunday Ceramics but I will only do it every second week now. I needed to hear that you were reading and once you (and others) stuck your hands up I immediately felt better.

  • Anna June 1, 2014, 11:06 pm

    Hi Kim
    a shame people didn’t follow over from Mud Colony 🙁 my excuse is I’ve been out of the country for 6 weeks, yeah I know weak excuse.
    Still, I’ll keep dropping by to read your latest post..

    • frogpondsrock June 3, 2014, 8:20 am

      Pretty good excuse Anna 🙂 and I will keep on with the link every second week. I had an email in the early weeks from a blogger telling me that she couldn’t join in with SC because it was Adriana’s baby. I thought that was a bit strange but people are strange. 🙂

  • Michèle Hastings June 2, 2014, 12:43 am

    Your granddaughter will have such wonderful memories of time spent with you!

    I am a little sad that your Sunday Ceramics is ending. I wish I had been able to contribute more. My excuse is that dealing with my aging parents has had me on a roller coaster ride since mid-February. I just haven’t been able to get my act together until this week.
    I am glad I discovered your blog and will continue to read.

    • frogpondsrock June 3, 2014, 8:23 am

      ah I will keep it going now, I can’t have you being sad. I will only do it every second week. I find it is a good tool for making me take stock of what I have been doing, because I think I haven’t done anything I check my photos and I have actually done rather a lot.
      I understand the rollercoaster of care, please do not add to your stress on my account. I was my mum’s carer when she was dying and it was an emotionally fraught time indeed. (love)

  • smartcat June 2, 2014, 8:13 am

    As I said in my posting, you will be missed!
    You have my sympathies for what your government is doing. I shudder to think of what will happen if certain member of our congress are able to get their way!
    What a great day to spend with our granddaughter , painted nails and all!

    • frogpondsrock June 3, 2014, 8:25 am

      It was a fabulous day. My grandson is coming for a sleepover this week as it is his turn and we are going to eat pizza OUT OF THE BOX as well. We probably won’t paint our nails though as Isaac has learned it isn’t acceptable for boys to have coloured nails, which is a bit sad.
      I will keep on hosting SC but only every second week now. x

  • Alison June 6, 2014, 3:28 am

    Saint Lisa is quite perfect. I read her angry words. I visualised that cruel and spiteful visage. There is something of Pink Floyd’s The Wall, the terrible marching minions in her scornful, malicious inhumanity – the ceramic that is, not the person (one hopes).

    Now I am thinking I need to be hanging things up from my ceilings. Cups and whatnot 🙂

    And oh, Amy drinking from the good china reminds me of one of the few things I have that belonged to my grandmother. Perhaps 75 years ago, back in Glasgow, my father’s mother saw some china crockery in a posh shop window and she wanted it very badly. She couldn’t buy them on grandfather’s meagre wage, so she put them on the HP (hire purchase, all the rage at the time) and that meant that each week she would pay a little towards them, but could not have them till they were all paid up. And each week my gran would walk by the window and gaze in at her teacups and saucers and covet them. And then finally she had them. And now I do.

    On my second last trip to Scotland, when she was still alive, nearly twenty years ago now, she gave them and a few other knick knacks to me. I wrapped them carefully in bubble wrap and newspaper and – not daring to stick them in my suitcase back to California where we were living at the time – placed them reverently in my hand luggage. Unfortunately, there was a problem with my visa, but my suitcase was sent on ahead. It was Friday 13th (no kidding) and I could’t get the visa sorted until the Monday as the computers were down. So, for my weekend sojourn in London I trailed around looking for the hotel my big brother had booked for me with my little beige cloth case clutched tightly in one hand. Said case containing one extra pair of socks and 6 bone china teacups, 6 bone china side plates and 6 perfect little saucers, carefully and lovingly wrapped to avoid damage. I try to remember though that as we are taught “the glass is already broken”, it doesn’t do to get too attached to things, everything is impermanent. But for the nonce I do love my grandmother’s china cups.

    Looking at them now, as I tap out this message on the sort of laptop that didn’t even exist that weekend, they were even worth washing my knickers and every other item of clothing on my back repeatedly in the hotel sink 🙂