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Photographing Fungi

I joined a fungi group on facebook and the members post the most beautiful photographs of Tasmanian Fungi. On my walks with the dogs, Monty and Harry I am noticing more and more fungi.

Today I escaped from the puppy and went for a walk across the road on my own. I can not photograph any toadstools when I have Monty with me as his inner Labrador shouts at him to eat all the things and I have to be super vigilant, also he likes to lick the camera.

I did take a nice photo of his ears before I snuck off, he is getting a Kelpie twist to his ears that I find quite enchanting.

Montys Ear

I have no idea what toadstool is what and I wont put any of these photos into the fungi group because I  am more interested in the play of light and shade, the micro landscapes and unexpected surprises, rather than a scientific image.

toadstool and web

toadstool 2

toadstools 1 copy

crevices 2  copy

crevicesfungi 4

fungi 5

fungi 3

That was my day today, a happy day full of puppy dog’s ears and toadstools.


Sunday Ceramics 19

Hello fellow mud bunnies how are you all this fine Sunday morning? I am surrounded by frolicking puppies, who are determined that I play puppy games with them and I am missing a shoe, but mostly I am very well. Thank you.

Sunday Ceramics

This week in the studio, I have been cleaning.




I am at the end of a making cycle, and in the process of making, I destroy my studio. I am sure I have mentioned this here before, this cycle of creativity and chaos that for me, go hand in hand. I always end up with the smallest space left available to me before I can not take the mess anymore and then I have to spend a couple of days cleaning, and then the whole cycle  begins again.

This week the cleaning has been much more intense, as I am giving away a heap of glaze materials and raw clay to a new arrival to Tassie and so there has been much evacuating of the studio as I wait for the dust to settle.  For the dust police out there, I do mask up when I am cleaning and then I also wait overnight for the invisible particulate matter to have vanished properly.

This is the amount of space I normally have left before I need to clean.


When I am working in an increasingly smaller and smaller space, the work of necessity also becomes smaller and I am often sent off on a new tangent.

This is a Walkers Porcelain and I have been thinking about river rocks.


I have also been making small ambiguous animal rock creatures for Evelyn, my youngest grand daughter’s birthday next month.


This week has also seen me be humbled by the support of my friends, both online and offline friends who have generously supported me in my quest to go to the Regional Arts Summit in Kalgoorlie in October. My Pozible crowdfunded project will be open until the 12th of July and even though I smashed my target in a few hours of the project going live, every little bit does help, as the target amount I set was the barest minimum I needed to get to Kalgoorlie.

I felt a bit greedy asking for help once my target had been reached, but as my daughter Veronica so eloquently said, it isn’t charity, it is a chance to pre-order my work. And so once I had got the idea of charity out of my head, I felt much better about continuing to ask for all your money.

Clicking on the photo below will send you to my pozible page.

Urban decay cups

And that is me for the week.

If you would like to join in, you know what to do.



Send Kim To Kalgoorlie, Pozible. It worked.

When I am not swanning around the internet pretending to be a zombie whispering former princess, I am plotting world domination through the medium of clay. I say plotting world domination only semi flippantly, as I am passionate about community engagement via the medium of making and I believe that any arts based organisation has a critical role to play within its community.

The title of “former princess” is an internet inside joke and unless you internet you wont be privy to the joke, which is okay, you just have to trust me when I say it was hilarious at the time.

My title of President, is a very real title and one that is never hilarious, well maybe the bit where I pantomime wearing a crown could possibly be mildly amusing, but that is beside the point.

I am the President of a statewide organisation and I take this role very seriously even when it seems I am being flippant.

I was wearing my presidential hat the other day while I was doing some admin for the TCA and a suggestion by Eunice from Tas Regional Arts, that I should consider going to Kalgoorlie this October took hold. My initial reaction was Kalgoorlie? I will melt, I will cook, it is too hot, too far, I could not possibly go.

Within two days and with the encouragement of my facebook friends, I had changed my mind.

Discovering that Antony Gormley’s sculpture, “Inside Australia” was a mere 170 kilometres away from Kalgoorlie was the only push I needed.

Once I decided that yes, I was going to go to Kalgoorlie, things started to happen, a friend popped up and offered me accommodation in his caravan, saving me nearly a thousand dollars. Another friend pre-booked a small ceramic workshop for next summer which covered my train fares. Still more friends in Perth offered me a place to crash on either end of my journey and so with this sort of magic happening I just had to go.

I still needed to find nearly two thousand more dollars to cover airfares and the conference ticket, but pfft details, details. I maxed out my credit card that night, booking a flight to Perth and with that purchase I was committed.

On the Saturday, I spent all day writing up my Pozible, and I mean all day, it took hours to find the right words and the right rewards. About 4.30 pm I thought I had the balance between begging for money and moaning about the heat pretty right and so I held my breath and pressed submit and prepared for the excuciatiingly long twenty four hour wait.

I am not good at waiting, in fact waiting patiently is not even a skill I possess and so I tweeted at the @pozible crew.

I nearly fell off my chair when my pozible project was approved within fifteen minutes.   And so of course I tweeted some more.

I had no idea how my project would be received, it was five o’clock on a Saturday afternoon and my twitter was full of memes with Abbott asleep, and the footy scores. I hoped that I would reach my goal but I really did not know how my project would be received.

Something magic started to happen

And just like that, in less than five hours, my pozible project was funded.

I was a bit overwhelmed and so very grateful for the support of my friends who bought my work enabling me to go on a glorious adventure.

My pozible is still live and will be live for another thirty days or so.

Whilst I have reached my target, the money raised so far really only covers my travel and conference ticket. So if you would like to support me further I would be very grateful.

Kims Pozible


Sunday Ceramics 18

I have been too grumpy to write anything on the blog lately. Grumpy and busy.

Sunday Ceramics

Having a puppy is rather a lot more work than I remembered, probably because the last time I introduced a puppy into our household I also had children at home.

I had thought I could just take Monty into the studio with me as I worked.



Monty likes to go underneath the kilns and chew on all the things.

Things that I can not see, but I am sure are important.

Here are the dogs looking innocent.

But guaranteed if I so much as twitch, they will be up out of that basket in an instant, smiling expectant doggy smiles at me.


Harry and Monty

The weather has also remembered that Tasmania is supposed to be cold in May, not balmy and sub tropical like it has been and the cold fronts that have hit us are cold.

The studio is very cold.

So I have been playing with my camera instead of making much work.

The Spouse made me a cup hanger to hang above my kitchen sink. He used a broom handle and a bit of old rope and I am happy with my new hanger. The cups make me smile dangling away in front of the window. I shall have to make some ceramic hooks but for now, fencing wire does the trick.

new cup hanger

bw cups

We moved my mother’s dining room table from Veronica’s home back to mine.


My grand daughter came for a sleepover and we painted each others nails, ate take away pizza out of the box and drank cups of tea from the good china.

Colourful fingernailsAmy

Amy asked me if I hated anyone, when I replied no, she asked, Not even Tony Abbott because he is taking away Peppa Pig and all the kids at school hate him.

I had to try and explain that life is too short for destructive emotions like hate and that Abbott is just a man. I told her if she and her school friends were going to be grumpy, they should be grumpy at the LNP party policies, not individuals.

We then went onto the more important topics of monster high dolls and minecraft.

But thinking of hate, I think I am too tired to hate. I dislike some people with a fiery passion but I do not wish them ill, I just wish them to not bother me with their stupid prejudices and ignorance.

I am lucky in that I can channel my negativity into sculpture.

Here is “Bitter Rose sings the Blues” my response to negativity directed at the disabled in our community.

Bitter Rose sings the Blues

Here is “Saint Lisa, the Patron Saint of Eugenics” Again a response to that vexing question of why would disabled women choose to breed. Such an ugly word, breed, when used towards people, rather than animals.

Saint Lisa, has three faces and she completes the trio of sculptures, that I shall exhibit later on in the year at the sidespace.

saint lisa

I shall finish with a question.

I bought this bowl in an opshop a few years ago and I would like to know who the maker is.

Do any of you recognise the bowl, or the signature?

signature unknown bowl

This is probably going to be the last Sunday Ceramics post as I do not see the point in having a link up that no-one actually links up to. Like all things, it served its purpose and I have met some new ceramic bloggers, but now it is time to let it go.



My Response to the Budget

I was chairing a meeting on Tuesday night as Hockey was handing down his horrible budget. As I was suggesting ways to facilitate world domination via clay, the LNP government was implementing ways to make Australia a most terrible place to live.

If you are young, disabled, on an aged pension, unemployed, indigenous or you are trying to raise a family on a low income, you are pretty well fucked.

I felt helpless and angry and I do not like feeling helpless.

Anger I can deal with, as I find a certain level of anger motivates me a bit and as I poke at the anger to find it’s true source I often come up with some good work or some fabulous scheme.

Yesterday I came up with both.

First for my fabulous scheme because it popped my bubble of anger and made me hug myself with happiness.

If you live in Tasmania and you are on any sort of centrelink payment and that payment is your main source of income, you can have any of my work for free.

Just go over to my Ceramic Gallery and have a look and see what you like and if there is something there that catches your fancy and if I have some in the studio you can have it. NO STRINGS ATTACHED.

I shall also be making a BUDGET RANGE. That won’t be budget work, it will be my VERY BEST work, but it will be in response to the budget. And it shall be super exclusive, so exclusive in fact that the Joe Hockeys and Tony Abbotts of this world will not be able to purchase any of it. But you, you the Tasmanian welfare recipient, it shall be yours.

And we can be poor and disdained and have beautiful things together.

I will have cups similar to these that are nice to use for either hot or cold drinks.

rainbow cup 250 ml


Spoons like these

spoons by Kim foale

Bowls like these

Corfu stone

Skull beads of course, and maybe some buttons.

skull beads by Kim Foale

Because, be buggered if the nastiness that is happening at the top of Australia is going to trickle down to me.

I will counter the LNP meanness of spirit anyway I can.

And if you are prepared to wait six weeks or so, some of this work can be yours.

I do not like where my country is heading.

I do not like this attitude of kicking those less fortunate and so I REFUSE to participate.

I am DEADLY serious about this, PLEASE if you would like my work, just contact me and it is yours.

Now for the work I made yesterday in response to The Budget.

I give you Abbott The Disabler.

sculpture (1)

sculpture (4)

sculpture (2)

sculpture (3)



A hilarious side note to this article is, because I have The Stop Tony Meow plugin when I preview these images they turn into kittens, I now have a serious case of the giggles.

Anyhow, the sculpture/kittens above will be exhibited at the TCA annual exhibition in October at the Sidespace, as part of the Relics show.

Abbott and his motley crew of privileged asshats, is trying to take away everything that makes Australia good and he is leaving us with the only relics of our humanity.



Sunday Ceramics 17

Hello out there in internet land, I just remembered that today is Mothers day, so to those of you who have Mothers I hope you enjoy your day. For the rest of us, the motherless ones, today is a day to avoid the internet. The outward show of affection or affectation that annoys me the most today is the football commentators wearing flowers in their lapels. I do not know why it is this token that makes me so stabby, but it does and so later on I shall be glaring daggers at the TV if the footy is on.

Sunday Ceramics

Enough grumbling from me.

How was your week in your studio?

Mine has been busy. I spent a couple of afternoons inside by the fire making skull beads as rewards for Dr Mel Thomson a infectious disease researcher at Deakin University, Pozible Fundraiser, Hips For Hipsters, 

Dr Thomson says,

Every week, I sit in the clinical infectious disease meetings at Barwon Health. Every 3-4 weeks, there is a ‘bad customer’ described that has one or more infected implants, usually in their Hips, caused by biofilms. These can lead to secondary problems with heart valves becoming infected as well. Sometimes these patients cannot undergo revision surgery or have failed such treatments. So are left with no hips. This is usually due to the failure of all currently available antibiotic therapies. 

skull production line

skull beads.

They always look offended as I stab a feather through their head to make the hole.

with a feather through his head

I unpacked the kiln in time to take the SOOPER SEKRIT Mothers days gifts down to the local primary school. The kindergarten children had made their mum’s small bowls that they had pressed a doily into to make patterns and then they painted the bowls with coloured slip. I was given a round of applause and a jar of jam that the children had made and my grand son seemed very pleased that his Nanny was a potter.

I was very pleased that all the work had survived as it is a huge responsibility firing things for children.

My Clay Kids have been making fairy houses and assorted treasures and this week the only thing in kiln that was my work, was some tests and a handful of spoons.


The tests shown below were interesting in that I am now thinking about testing again after having a year or two of just using my basic palette of reliable glazes. The slip painted onto bisque ware flaked off where it was applied thickly as I expected it to. I had been hoping that it might stick as there is a clay down at Bruny island that fires to a lovely purply red that sticks well to bisque. All in all the two tests didnt produce any surprises here.

The top body is a walkers ten, and I have glazed with a clear glaze. The next body is a clayworks CRT and I glazed with a Matt Glaze. The blue is a cobalt test.



The test pieces shown below were fired to cone 9 and the KR is easily snapped in half. The 50/50 KR and Ball clay, snaps in half with minimal pressure as well. The KR and Fire clay mix is as porous but stronger and the Clayworks LGH and KR mix is strong but boring.


So I think I will go with my original plan for this commission and just use the KR as a glaze, rather than in the body.

It was so cold in the studio the other day that I painted spring flowers onto some espresso cups and I shall put these cups into my shop once I have taken a better photo, probably tomorrow, if I remember. I am never going to be a zillionaire.


That is it from me for the week. Now I am off to get ready for CLAY CLUB. (yay)

Add your name and URL to the Mr Linky below.


Link back here to me.



22 days of Puppy

Monty the Labrador/Kelpie X has been with us for 22 days now and I had forgotten how demanding a puppy can be. Not as demanding as a toddler thank <insert deity of choice> but pretty demanding all the same.

Now that Harry, my older dog, has worked out that Monty is actually a dog rather than a tasty potential snack, albeit a small noisy, nippy, annoying dog, they have become doggy friends.


This week I started introducing Monty to his collar and a lead.

It is going as well as can be expected.










I am so pleased we decided to add a puppy to our family as he is rather cute, Monty will be eight weeks old tomorrow and he still has that delightful puppy smell. BUT best of all he is now sleeping THROUGH THE NIGHT (mostly)



Sunday Ceramics 16

Sometimes I wish I had a set of photographic glasses calibrated especially for me, so that I when I see something I like, with a quick blink I could take a photo exactly as my eye saw it. I was walking down from the studio this morning in dawns dim light and the line of the clouds was lovely, so many subtle variations of grey that I would have liked to share with you.

Sunday Ceramics

This week I have been working with a looming deadline. I work best under pressure and a firm deadline suits me as it means I actually have to do some work, as opposed to swanning about the place talking about the work.

The SOOPER SEKKRIT Mother’s day surprises made by the local Kindy kids, have just been fired and I should be able to deliver them to the children by Tuesday. All things going to plan of course.

Recently I was asked if I could make a birthday gift for a Tasmanian Artist out of clay dug from their block of land. This week I was given a bucket of  Kitty’s raw red clay and I have put some tests into this firing.

I did not sieve the clay for these tests, I just added some water and gave the clay a quick pound in my mortar and pestle.

Here I have painted the resulting slip onto a test bowl of BRT, then added a clear glaze, a matt glaze and some dots of blue glaze.


This test is the same as above but on either porcelain or walkers ten, I “think” it is W10, it wasn’t as pingy as porcelain but only the stoneware firing will truly let me know what the clay body is. As I keep on forgetting to use my  Greg Daly inspired, ‘p’ stamp to differentiate between porcelain and stoneware at the bisque stage.


From left to right in the image below, the rectangle test wad is 50/50 ball clay and Kitty’s Red, then the circle is straight KR, the next is 50/50 KR and LGH and the last one is 50/50 Fire Clay and KR. All marked with their codes and fired in a bowl just in case the KR melts everywhere.


I am raw firing these to stoneware because I am in a hurry and some dodgy tests are better than no tests at all. My plan is to lightly wedge some of the KR in with some Southern Ice Porcelain and to roll this blend into a long snake, which I shall inlay by pressing it into a rough spiral into the underside of a large bowl. I am hoping that the high iron KR will make a glorious red/orange counterpoint, emphasized by the whiteness of the porcelain embedded into the LGH stoneware clay body.

I am hoping to get this sort of texture.


The bowl will be finished off by throwing some KR slip about and glazing with a combination of gloss and matt glazes. But you know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men…

This week I met a facebook friend in the flesh, artist Michael Keighery was down in Tassie for a flying visit and we organised to meet up for lunch. I am pleased I didn’t google Michael before lunch because otherwise I would have been terrified by his credentials.

As it was I talked enthusiastically about stuff I am enthusiastic about and I picked Michael’s brains about things I didn’t know anything about and I am pleased to have made another social media friend into a real life friend.

Michael Keirghery and seagulls

This is my newest favourite afternoon tea cup. I bought this cup from visiting potter Dustin Fowler at the kiln opening sale at Ridgeline Pottery last week and I love everything about it. The teapot was a gift from my friend Lynda Fraser and it is a perfect teapot for an afternoon tea break.

Dustin Fowler cup and Lynda Fraser Teapot

Using beautiful pots everyday, pots that are predominantly woodfired makes me happy.

I would LOVE to have a small wood kiln here but realistically I do not have the energy to gather all that wood.

This is our current woodpile.

Here I am photographing the woodpile and looking up towards my studio.


Here I am at my studio looking down at the woodpile, the photograph only captures about half of the wood. There is probably about 30 ton of wood here and in a typical year we will burn between 18 and 22 ton of wood, depending on how cold it is.

This is why I do not have a wood kiln, because frankly internet, I am over wood. Twenty five years of using wood for your primary heat source as well as for cooking and heating your water will do that to a person.


kettles on the heater

The final nail in my woodfiring aspirations is the degenerative arthritis in my wrist, when I wrote about my wrist being cactus fuctus, I didn’t anticipate that my wood splitting days were also over. I have always favoured an axe and I have always prided myself on my ability to chop my own damn wood. Now the thunk of the axe hitting the log sends a shockwave up my wrist that makes me go OW.

Now I use a combination of bribery, mother guilt, promises of food as well as cold hard cash to get my son David to be my numero uno wood chopper upper. All I have to do these days is wander up to the woodpile with my wheelbarrow and cart the split wood inside to my fires.

The slow combustion stove is a bit temperamental until she warms up a bit, but once the fire is going properly all the smoke clears.



The ‘best troll ever’ cups are in this kiln as well. Two mad cartoonists engaged in the greatest project ever, were going to come here and make commemorative whisky tumblers with me, but one of them who shall remain nameless *coughfirstdogcough* did not want to ride the mere 5 kilometres up a giant hill of doom to get to my studio.

So what is an artist to do but channel her inner duck and get on with the job.

be the duck

And that is that for my week in clay.

If you would like to link up your ceramic blog

Add your name and URL to the Mr Linky below.


Link back here to me.



Sunday Ceramics 15

Hello out there, I am stuck in a puppy induced inactivity zone.

Sunday Ceramics

Monty is doing very well and has settled in nicely, but oh my he is proving to be a major distraction because how can I get any work done when I have a puppy. A gloriously soft, snuggly wriggly, chewy PUPPY.


Yesterday I attended a workshop and kiln opening sale down at Ben and Peta Richardson’s, Ridgeline Pottery.
Josh Copus and Dustin Fowler are over from North Carolina and Josh has just completed a SWIPE residency.

In this Photo, Dustin Fowler is talking about his passion for clay and we can see a selection of Josh’s work displayed.




Josh is preparing to demonstrate and we can see a selection of Dustin’s work.



I will write more about the demonstration over on the Tasmanian Ceramics Association website in the next couple of days.

That is it for me today, I am wholly focused on toilet training Monty at the moment and teaching him the house rules. I am in the middle of packing a glaze firing and so there is no new making happening either. The weather has suddenly turned freezing after lulling us Tasmanians into a false sense of security with a gloriously warm April and my warm kitchen has slightly more appeal than the cold studio.

If you would like to link up your ceramic blog,

Add your name and URL to the Mr Linky below.


Link back here to me.


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Zombie chocolate day, now with added PUPPY

Hello Internet, I hope that you are all having a glorious celebration of chocolate day.

Normally on Zombie Chocolate Day, I sulk and mope and avoid the internet because it is too close to Mum’s birthday on the 11th of April. The missing is intrinsically tied in with hot cross buns and eggs filled with smarties because Easter was always Mum’s celebration. I could never get away with calling it Zombie Jesus Day, without Mum rolling her eyes at me telling me to BE NICE and exacting a promise of good behaviour from me.

This year I have passed an invisible milestone in my grief and I feel like shouting ZOMBIE JESUS from the rooftops and mentioning the full moon.

I feel like I am entering a year of firsts.

The first April in five years that I have not had to force myself to get out of bed each day.

The first anniversary of Mums birthday that I did not cry all day.

The first time since 2009, I could think about Easter and smile at the thought of hot cross buns.

And the first sign of my approaching insanity, The Spouse and I brought home a puppy on Good Friday.


After much discussion we settled on the name Monty or Montgomery Foale, for those times I feel like being formal.

Monty is a Labrador Kelpie cross and so far life with a tiny puppy has been exactly as I remembered.

Lots of racing out the door to the grass, mid puppy wee, lots of putting things out of reach of needle sharp puppy teeth and lots of breathing in of that glorious puppy smell as Monty falls asleep on my chest.

Happy Easter everyone.