I don’t do New years resolutions, they are a waste of energy. What is the point of saying I am going to do this, this and this and give up this, this and that, if you dont fully intend to do it?
Previously I had said, somewhat rashly, that I was on holidays and had time to write. (insert maniacal laughter) Ha! Bloody ha! Since I wrote that and subsequently basked in the afterglow of Tracey’s excitement, I have been flatstick busy and have barely had time to scratch myself, let alone write anything of substance.
I posted the platter to Petra. Yep, only a mere 11 months and 29 days after the platter was promised I have finally got it together to post the bloody thing fantabulous work of art.. YAY..

David’s cousin is flying down from the mainland on Saturday to stay with us for 10 days. To say that I am excited is an understatement, I am really really looking forward to his visit. There is only a fortnights age difference between the two boys and they like the same sort of stuff. Young Richard comes from a small town in South Australia. It is hot, dry, flat country and could be a total other planet compared with Tasmania.
I am a bit concerned that Richard will freeze his balls off because the weather has been decidely crazy down here this summer. It has been bloody freezing a touch chilly and snow is forecast down to the 800 metre level overnight WTF??? Hello ‘climate change control’ it is SUMMER..
In other news Mum is still suffering from Radiation pneumonitis and I am a bit worried about her. Not an “Oh my God, she is going to die” worried more an “I hope she gets better soon worried..” My brother and his family stayed with Mum for ten days over Christmas and I don’t think Mum got much rest or got to sit in her own chair either.. more about that later when I am not feeling quite so snarky..
I am worried about Vonnie as well but that is a normal, “My daughter is pregnant and I hope her pelvis doesn’t dislocate in labour worried” Well I suppose worrying about your daughter’s pelvis is a tad unusual *sigh* My current mantra is “let her deliver this child safely”.
My blood pressure has fallen from the “Oh my God I am going to go Pop” high of 190 over 100 to the “Shit that is still really high, but I might just fizz a bit” of 170 over 105. I haven’t done any of the dreaded ‘E’ word but I have managed to lose 10 kilos so far, (about 22 lbs) so I only have a gazillion more pounds/kilos to lose.
I will finish up with some photos of my cat. Tilly makes it a bit difficult to write somedays as she likes to attack my hand when I use the mouse and I end up right-clicking or pressing random buttons a lot. Today she was being very civilized and was just loitering on the desk waiting for her breakfast..

and a final photo for Taz…

I will really finish this time, (honest) with a Celtic blessing that I pinched from Jientje….
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life’s passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!