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weekly winners (yay)

This week has been a very, very long week. We have been waiting for Veronica to become un-pregnant and my grandson has decided that he doesn’t want to pop out just yet.. One advantage of  being “on call” is that I have taken some nice shots of the full moon.

UPDATED: After a speedy two hour labour my Grandson, Isaac has finally arrived.. Weighing in at 7 lbs exactly.. Mother and Baby are well. Grandmother is ecstatic!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!

This first shot of the moon is especially for Lotus.














To see more weekly winners please go over and visit Lotus.  YAY!!!


Wordless Wednesday (with some words)

All is quiet on the Baby Express!!! GAH!!!!  One added bonus of not sleeping very well as I wait for the arrival of my Grandson, is that I managed to take some wicked shots of the moon. Other Wordless Wednesday Wonders here.



Waiting for a baby..

Is really, really, really hard. As I typed that, I immediately thought of my friend XB and I winced because it is so true..

Veronica might or might not be in labour. It is too early to ring and ask her how she is feeling.. Gah..

Yesterday was the last day of my Nephew’s holiday in Tassie and about two hours before we were due to leave here for the airport, the phone rang. It was Veronica, she was having regualr contractions. We did some quick  calculations and worked out that I could safely get to the airport via the hospital, with about 20 minutes to spare. *phew*…

Just to add a bit of spice to the mix my car is playing up.

Ritchie and I went and picked up Veronica and Amy. There wasn’t room in the car for David, which was probably just as well because I was a tad stressed and when I am stressed, I snap at David. *sigh* The car decided to mostly behave itself, with only a couple of ominous shudders at various traffic lights to  keep the drive interesting.

We dropped Veronica off at the front door of the hospital and continued on our merry way. Amy was really excited to be at the airport and chattered nineteen to the dozen about “Kaitlin going home in a plane.” and “Ritchie is going home in a plane.” and “Look! Look! there is a plane AND a big truck..”

To all the parents out there that  fly with small children you are mad. Totally bonkers. And you have my admiration. Airport security checks with a small person in tow, is a nightmare.

We were at the security, metal detector checkpoint thingy, Amy was a tad overwhelmed by the all bustle and the stern looking security wanker guard. I was extremely a bit flustered because the fucking stroller wouldn’t collapse so I could put it through the xray thingy. When I  finally managed to fold up the rotten thing it bit me on the finger. Amy didn’t want to let go of her back pack AT ALL and it WAS HOT AND MY DAUGHTER IS IN LABOUR AAAARGHHH.

We made it through unscathed, well partially (stroller bites hurt you know) and we found a seat right at the very front of the  ground floor lounge where we could see all the planes and the big trucks. Ritchie shared some hot chips with Amy and I slowly calmed down….

Then the phone rang , it was Veronica, her contractions had stopped.

So that was my day yesterday. How was yours?


Weeekly Winnners

Yay!! Now  go over and see Lotus.














The Bloggies

It is that time of the year again, when we get to nominate our favourite blogs for the Ninth annual weblog awards also known as the bloggies.. I have just been over and nominated everyone that I could think of for all the categories that they might even remotely fit.. mmm Alaska could be called Canada couldn’t it? Especially  if you squinted and looked at the map when you were dizzy.. No? Oh well, good thing there are numerous categories then..

Veronica is still very pregnant and my Grandson is obviously not quite ready to come out to play just yet.

In other news just to hand, the Fabulous, Fruit Femme has just had a son. Yay! Congratulations to her and her partner Scully. And cyber hugs to Khubz who is now a Big Sister XOXOX…

Now I will finish off with a photo of Harry  who has been very patiently sleeping on my foot all morning, when in fact he would much rather be outside doing doggy things..



I slept with the telephone…

Yep, I took the phone to bed and kept it on the pillow next to me all night. Why? Because that is what this Mother does when her daughter is about to give birth.

Veronica rang yesterday (Tuesday) to say that she had a bloody show and that she was a touch crampy. My energy levels immediately ramped up to warp speed and I felt like washing the windows.. Which is really farking weird because I don’t wash the windows unless I really,really,really have to. Eventually I will crack and wash the bloody things but only  to stop Jeff nagging me to death about not actually being able to see out of the rotten things.. *sigh* and then I will only wash one side of them and he still complains that you cant see out of them and then I tell him to fuck right off and put his glasses on and so it goes on..

… Takes a deep breath…

My child is about to have a child. It is exciting and terrifying at the same time. I wrote about Amy arriving and I still cant believe that I lost the car in the car park..

At least this time Veronica and I have a plan. Well, Veronica has a plan and I am just doing as she tells me. *Sigh* God, that girl is bossy, I have no idea where that comes from. No idea at all. (She doesn’t wash windows either apparently)

… Takes another deep breath..

I have rung Veronica this morning and she is not in labour. There isn’t a contraction within cooee and this is all starting to become a familiar re-run of the stop start affair that was the lead up to Amy’s birth.

All my phones are fully charged. Half  my windows are clean (the inside half) I have six good fingernails left.  At least this time around, when Vonnie is in full labour, all nice and safe at the hospital I will have Amy to distract me as my nervous energy is put to good use cleaning my daughter’s windows.


weekly winners..

Yay for Lotus, this is all her idea..

It is not often that I am the passenger in a car, so on Tuesday when Mum offered to drive us both into town, (Hobart) I jumped at the chance. I took a gazillion shots and enjoyed not having to drive..YaY







All of the next lot were taken here at home..











For Sale or possibly giveaway.

One daughter.  Near new condition. Guaranteed to talk your ears off .

Reluctant sale due to failure to share with her Mother…

For more information please leave a detailed comment registering your interest…

ps. the items that weren’t shared are these two little beauties..

And the fact that I recently received the best lemon meringue pie I have ever eaten is beside the point..


Unwanted advertising.

I was reading Secret agent Mama in my google reader and admiring the gorgeous black and white heart, that she had posted.*Sigh* that woman is a seriously talented photographer. When to my surprise at the bottom of her post was a bloody great, garishly flashing ad for a teen site. My initial reaction was WTF??? So I clicked over to Mishi’s and nope not an ad in sight.Thank Fark for that because it clashed terribly with Mishi’s colour scheme.

Has anyone else noticed google doing a sneaky and slipping bloody great ads into their readers?


The first day of a new year..

I don’t do New years resolutions, they are a waste of energy. What is the point of saying I am going to do this, this and this and give up this, this and that,  if you dont fully intend to do it?

Previously I had said, somewhat rashly, that I was on holidays and had time to write. (insert maniacal laughter) Ha! Bloody ha! Since  I wrote that and subsequently basked in the afterglow of Tracey’s excitement, I have been flatstick busy and have barely had time to scratch myself, let alone write anything of substance.

I posted the platter to Petra. Yep, only a mere 11 months and 29 days after the platter was promised I have finally got it together to post the bloody thing fantabulous work of art.. YAY..


David’s cousin is flying down from the mainland on Saturday to stay with us for 10 days. To say that I am excited is an understatement, I am really really looking forward to his visit. There is only a fortnights age difference between the two boys and they like the same sort of stuff. Young Richard comes from a small town  in South Australia. It is hot, dry, flat country and could be a total other planet compared with Tasmania.

I am a bit concerned that Richard will freeze his balls off  because the weather has been decidely crazy down here this summer.  It has been bloody freezing a touch chilly and snow is forecast down to the 800 metre level overnight WTF??? Hello ‘climate change control’ it is SUMMER..

In other news Mum is still suffering from Radiation pneumonitis and I am a bit worried about her. Not an “Oh my God, she is going to die” worried more an “I hope she gets better soon worried..” My brother and his family stayed with Mum for ten days over Christmas and I don’t think Mum got much rest or got to sit in her own chair either.. more about that later when I am not feeling quite so snarky..

I am worried about Vonnie as well but that is a normal, “My daughter is pregnant  and I hope her pelvis doesn’t dislocate  in labour worried”  Well I suppose worrying about your daughter’s pelvis is a tad unusual *sigh* My current mantra is  “let her deliver this child safely”.

My blood pressure has fallen from the “Oh my God I am going to  go Pop” high of 190 over 100 to the “Shit that is still really high, but I might just fizz a bit” of 170 over 105. I haven’t done any of the dreaded ‘E’ word but I have managed to lose 10 kilos so far,       (about 22 lbs) so I only have a gazillion more pounds/kilos to lose.

I will finish up with some photos of my cat. Tilly makes it a bit difficult to write somedays as she likes to attack my hand when I use the mouse and I end up right-clicking  or pressing random buttons a lot. Today she was being very civilized and was just loitering on the desk waiting for her breakfast..



and a final photo for Taz…


I will really finish this time, (honest)  with a Celtic blessing that I pinched from Jientje….

May love and laughter light your days,

and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world

with joy that long endures.

May all life’s passing seasons

bring the best to you and yours