by frogpondsrock
on October 29, 2008
High blood pressure or hypertension to be more specific. I went to the women’s health clinic a few weeks ago and after I had finished blathering on about myself “J” checked my blood pressure and noted that it was a tad high. 150 over something.
So Yesterday I went to visit our local GP and he checked my blood pressure again.
“Holy High Pressure Hose Batman” it was 190/100..
Fuck! I must be ready to explode..
So now I have to do the dreaded E word.
EEEEW even typing it gives me the creeps.
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by frogpondsrock
on October 26, 2008
Once again it is time for weekly winners “Yay for Lotus”. I have had a really busy week and I have taken a gazillion photos…
On Monday I helped an Echidna, (the full story is here)

I was quite busy with my ceramic work during the week. I have nearly got everything organized for the exhibition *phew*…

Yesterday the Spouse and I went for a drive. Our teenage son is away for a short holiday with my mum and it was really nice just to be out by ourselves.. YAY..

I saw a Sea Eagle perched in a dead tree. Unfortunately my camera just isn’t good enough to take a clear shot. I asked some locals that were fishing along the beach and they told me that this eagle is there all the time. So when I get my new camera I will go back and snap away joyfully…

Further along the coast we came across some dying trees and once again I was reminded of the quote by Kahil Gibran.
“Trees are poems that earth writes upon the sky,
We fell them down and turn them into paper,
That we may record our emptiness.”

Then just to lighten the mood I thought this was great…

So that was my week.. How was yours?
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by frogpondsrock
on October 25, 2008
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! You were all Wrong MUAWHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!
I think that this one was probably the hardest yet… Whilst no-one was even remotely close the guesses were good. Very Very good..

Lots of people thought that it was a goldfish. It even looks like a goldfish. But it wasn’t a goldfish.. Sorry.
It wasn’t a motorcycle, a microphone, a marble or a minogue.
It wasn’t a supernova, a garden gazing globe or ceramics in the kiln.
It wasn’t a colourful aussie bird or my brain on drugs..
It also wasn’t a snowglobe with rabid pumpkins inside it.. (thanks Jayne for that late effort..)
It was a close-up of a redback spiders bum… For those of you who don’t even like pictures of spiders look away now.. so not only did this post make your eyes bleed. It also made some of you go EEEEEK…
My job here is done!! Muawhahahahaaa….

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by frogpondsrock
on October 23, 2008
I seem to remember saying this:-
Yes that’s right, No more Mrs nice guy..Muawahahaha… The next mystery object is going to be so tricky that your eyes will bleed…”insert evil giggle”
Well then my bloglings what do you reckon this is????

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by frogpondsrock
on October 22, 2008
I knew it was true. I have been saying it for years and now I have proof… Ha!!!!

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by frogpondsrock
on October 21, 2008
I had to take Veronica to her midwives appointment yesterday and as I was about to walk up the front steps to the car I saw an echidna perched on top of the stone work.

My first thought was, “How the hell did you get up there?” Echidnas can climb and I have seen them happily eating ants on 3 foot high dead tree stumps. After I had taken a few photos, I noticed that this young echidna was shivering and she also wasn’t making any attempt to climb down off the stonework.
I gently placed a towel over her so that she wouldn’t panic and fall off the wall. I very, very carefully (because echidnas are very prickly) lifted her off the stonework and placed her on the ground. She immediately tried to bury herself . Echidnas have really strong claws and they will partially bury themselves so that only their spines are exposed and would be predators soon get sick of being prickled and leave them alone.
After about ten minutes she trundled off.

Now that she/he had safely wandered back into the bush, I had a good look around the stone steps to see if I could work out why she had been up there. It soon became obvious that she had fallen into the frog pond and once she had climbed out she was stuck..

I think that she/he had come down looking for either a drink or a feed of ants and had fallen in.
She/he had then managed to clamber out up onto the stonework..

This is how I found her. I really like Echidnas they are one of my favourite native animals..

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by frogpondsrock
on October 19, 2008
I am sure that it was only Sunday a few days ago.. *sigh*.. So here are my Weekly Winners thanks to Lotus our hostess with the mostest..

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by frogpondsrock
on October 18, 2008
We did a gas firing at TAFE on Tuesday and some of my stuff that came out of the kiln was just gorgeous. I have published photos of my shells before but I was so pleased with this one that I couldn’t resist.. So here is a photo that I took this morning..

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by frogpondsrock
on October 15, 2008
I certainly wouldn’t have thought that a year ago, when I started a blog that I would be sitting here writing post number 301. You can blame Veronica, she made me do it..
Lots of stuff is whizzling through my head today, lots of stuff whizzles through my head most days, my brain is a very busy place.
Apart from the odd hiccup with Veronica, these past few weeks have been quite pleasant.
Mum finished her 3 week course of radiation therapy on the 17th of September . She will have a scan on the 29th of this month to see what has happened with her tumours and isn’t due to go back to the oncologist until the 6th of November. So it has been very easy to pretend that mum isn’t sick, very easy indeed. I am sure that it will get harder to pretend the closer we get to the big appointment.
There have been a few positives that have surfaced as a result of mum’s cancer. The main positive being that mum and I are friends again. We hadn’t been estranged or anything dramatic like that. I had been avoiding my mum because everytime I spoke to mum she made me feel like a naughty child. So it had been easier to let the days slip by, rather than actually listen to what mum was saying .
A friend of mine said it very well. Her words to me were, “Of course your mum makes you feel guilty, she is your conscience.” and she was right.
Does your mum make you feel like you are a naughty child?

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by frogpondsrock
on October 13, 2008
Veronica is home YAY!!! All is well.. Veronica has posted all the medical details so I wont double up with the same information..
I spent the day at Veronica’s today looking after Amy. We had a quiet day inside with Amy spending most of the day snuggled up next to me on the couch. I haven’t watched that much childrens television in a long time and I am sure that I will have strange dreams tonight…
I would like to thank everyone that commented on Veronica’s blog (and mine as well) for their support.
The emails and support from you my dear internets was very nice and really helped..
Tiff gave her readers this piece of bling and I would like to pass this on to everyone that commented here on my blog, .Thanks Heaps xxxx

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