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Weekly Winners..

For more winners please go and visit Lotus…



It is some ungodly hour in the morning and I cant sleep. I am sitting out here trying to type quietly so that I don’t wake Jeff up. Shit! Shit! Shit! 25 weeks is way too early to have a baby.

I cant sit still and I want to open a new bag of clay and start work on a sculpture. Then I can pour all the worry and stress that is threatening to make my head explode into the clay.

There is a 50/50 chance that my daughter will go into early labour within the next week..Fuck.

It is too early to ring the hospital and find out how she went overnight. did she sleep well? I just want to stroke her forehead and whisper to her that everything will be ok and that magic kisses will fix all her hurts..

I am feeling like I am streched really really thinly at the moment. I need to walk barefoot in the garden and earth myself, I need to feel the moonlight in order to mend my soul.. But it is too  cold and dark and what bloody use will I be to my daughter if I sprain my ankle?

I can just imagine the conversation..

V: How did you sprain your ankle?

M: umm I was in the garden at 3 am.

V: (uses her bossy daughter tone) What were you doing in the garden in the middle of the night..?

M: umm trying to take photographs of the moon.

V:Did they work?

M: No…


It is now the afternoon and I have been in the garden in the daylight and I think it has helped a little bit.

I know that Veronica is nice and safe in the hospital and that is the best place for her at the moment.

I have updated Veronica’s blog for her and I have been touched by the kindness and concern shown to my daughter..

so far all is well…


It wont be so easy next time….

Yes that’s right, No more Mrs nice guy..Muawahahaha… The next mystery object is going to be so tricky that your eyes will bleed…”insert evil giggle”

The winner this time was Hyphen-Mama.. YAY!!!! Mrs Hyphen said,

“I was thinking it was the twiggy mat you used to roll the sushi up in.”

That is exactly what the mystery object this week was.. a sushi rolling mat.

Bendy girl and River also guessed correctly. Xbox4Nappyrash was almost correct but he didn’t mention the vital word, Sushi

Thanks to everyone for having a go at guessing the mystery object.. Next week it will be impossible to guess really tricky… muawhahaha..

Also Ree aka The Hotfessional is having a competition to raise money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation…

All you have to do is comment on Ree’s post Save the boobies part two... and  you are helping to fund research into breast cancer.


Mystery Object…

Ok mystery lovers, what do you think this is???


Boobs. Boobs.Boobs.

Yes that’s right, it is that time of the year again. It is October which means it is breast cancer awareness month.

So rip your shirts off girls and give those tits a darn good feel.

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. That is a scary statistic.

My grandmother survived breast cancer, her sister didn’t.

Support Pink Ribbon Day, Monday 27th Oct. Purchase merchandise, or make a donation.

Or you can go here to see heaps of other stuff that you can do to raise money and/or awareness.. And don’t forget if you see or feel the slightest change in your boobs at all GO TO THE DOCTOR. You can’t die from embarrassment but breast cancer will kill you if left untreated.


Weekly Winners..

YAY!!! This is all Lotus’s idea so you should go over and have an hello…


And the Winner is..

… XBox4NappyRash was the winner. If Ree aka the Hotfessional had commented FIRST instead of SECOND she would have been the Winner as well.

Xbox guessed that this was egg yolk, blast!!! I knew I should have made it harder..

Oh well the yolks on me *groan*…



Frogpondsrock is undergoing minor CSS changes due to ‘Pink for October’.

Please don’t freak out if the colours keep changing while you are reading this.

Cheers, Veronica

PS: Due to toddler distractions, this could take longer than I thought. Please don’t email Mum and tell her that her blog was all wonky coloured all day. Please?


Mystery Object…

Here you go mystery lovers, what  do you think this is?


Wordless Wednesday..

There are more wordless wednesday’s here