Well that sort of was the question that Kelley has asked. More specifically Kelley asked her minions her loyal readers. Anyone who is out there, actually paying attention to write a post describing our awesomenessness… So here goes….
Well it should be pretty obvious that I rock because isn’t the name of my blog Frogpondsrock??? But I suppose I should really give you some examples of why I, Kim, actually do rock in the real world..
Tadaa!!! pretty awesome eh? purple socks and flowery crocs rhyme with, Yes Kim Rocks!!!
And seriously would your everyday normal person wear crocs in the snow? I didn’t think so.. Only a seriously awesome woman who has absolutely no dress sense is supremely confident within herself would wear such footwear with such aplomb..
Then because Kelley likes shoes I thought I might share some more of my shoes.. There are the purple socks again..
Then just to give you a clearer idea of the whole Kimmy sense of style, here is a glimpse of my legs as well. Now surely if you saw someone wearing this combination of sneakers and happy pants in the shopping centre, you would definately think, “That woman Rocks!”
Ok, maybe if we add an hat then the image of my rocknessness rockishness fantastickness will be complete..
I also rock by assosciation. This young woman is seriously awesome and funny and she rocks and she invented the word schwacker and I made her, so that means I rock as well. ner ner…
Then there is my son “the rock star”
I have also taken some photographs of rocks so surely that counts as well..
Still not convinced?? Ok here is proof positive that I rock..
Cheers Kim…