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To rock or not to rock, etc. etc. etc…

Well that sort of was the question that Kelley has asked. More specifically Kelley asked her minions her loyal readers. Anyone who is out there, actually paying attention to write a post describing our awesomenessness…   So here goes….

Well it should be pretty obvious that I rock because isn’t the name of my blog Frogpondsrock???  But I suppose I should really give you some examples of why I, Kim, actually do rock in the real world..

Tadaa!!!  pretty awesome eh? purple socks and flowery crocs rhyme with,  Yes Kim Rocks!!!

And seriously would your everyday normal person wear crocs in the snow? I didn’t think so.. Only a seriously awesome woman who has absolutely no dress sense is supremely confident within herself would wear such footwear with such aplomb..

Then because Kelley likes shoes I thought I might share some more of my shoes.. There are the purple socks again..

Then just to give you a clearer idea of the whole Kimmy sense of style, here is a glimpse of my legs as well. Now surely if you saw someone wearing this combination of sneakers and happy pants in the shopping centre,  you would definately think, “That woman Rocks!”

Ok, maybe if we add an hat then the image of my rocknessness rockishness fantastickness  will be complete..

I also rock by assosciation. This young woman is seriously awesome and funny and she rocks and she invented the word schwacker and I made her, so that means I rock as well. ner ner…

Then there is my son “the rock star”

I have also taken some photographs of rocks so surely that counts as well..

Still not convinced??  Ok here is proof positive that I rock..

Cheers Kim…



Image was pinched from ” the internet somewhere”  ooops..


Weeeekly Winnnnerrrrs.


all photos taken with a Pentax Optio E40

For more weekly winners please go and visit Lotus….


cloudy dreams

I often see things in clouds and once I actually saw Santa. Today I was feeling very fragile and then I saw this cloud…


Wordless Wednesday…

More wordless wonders here…


Weekly Winners..

I really enjoy being a part of Lotus’ Weekly winners.

all photos taken with a pentax optio E40

Cheers Kim


I nearly forgot…

Many thanks to Jayne for reminding me. Today is “international talk like a pirate day

You Are 65% Pirate
Garrrr, yer a true pirate down to yer bones.
Yer an originial sea dog, an’ ye certainly have earned yer sea legs.
No one be goin’ to accuse ye o’ bein’ a landlubber.
Ye got yer eye on the prize, an’ yer willin’ to go pillagin’ fer some booty.

Would you make a good pirate???



I recently told Hyphen-Mama that when I made sushi I would write a quick post with photos.

Veronica asked me to make sushi for Amy’s birthday. So seeing as I had already opened my big mouth promised that I would. I decided that I might as well turn it into a sort of  sushi by numbers photos.

Sushi rice:

5 cups of medium(short) grain rice,

5 cups of water

2 tablespoons sake (I always forget to add this ooops.)

* blended vinegar :- 12 Tbsp vinegar,4 Tbsp sugar, 4tsp salt

In a largish bowl wash the rice with cold water then drain. Keep doing this until the water is clear, this generally takes about 4 rinses.

Put the rice and water and sake in a large heavy bottomed saucepan, cover and bring to the boil over a high heat. When steam starts to escape from under the lid or if a white starchy liquid starts to  bubble out from under the lid,  turn off the heat. Don’t take the pot off the stove though. Just let it sit there for about 15 minutes.

Or you can cook your rice in a rice-cooker  until the rice is soft but not gluggy, each grain of rice needs to be clearly defined.

Mix the rice vinegar ( I use white wine vinegar) sugar and salt in a small saucepan and heat gently until the sugar dissolves.

Transfer the cooked rice to a large shallow bowl and sprinkle generously with the vinegar. While the rice is still hot fold the vinegar into the rice being careful not to stir the rice.(stirring the rice makes it go all mooshy).  I cover the rice with some clingwrap and let it cool down while I prepare the rest of the ingredients.

you can click on any of the photos to make them bigger.

The ingredients for this batch of sushi are cream cheese,carrot,cucumber,capsicum,white japanese radish, sprouts and some leftover roast pork. I tend to use three ingredients at a time and try to marry flavours as well as colour.

Put a sushi rolling mat on your work surface, then place a sheet of nori(shiny side down) on the rolling mat. Using wet fingers spread the rice evenly all over the nori.

Put a small smear of wasabi paste on your finger and draw a line across the middle of the rice. Then arrange strips of your filling across the rice.

Using the rolling mat as a guide begin to roll up the nori..

Then using a sharp knife cut the nori rolls into bite sized pieces and serve with a sweet soy sauce and some wasabi..

If anyone has any questions I will answer them in the comments..  I hope that you all have heaps of fun making and eating sushi.. cheers Kim

OOOPS!!! I forgot to mention that my mum taught me how to make sushi.

Hi Mum *waves*


For your entertainment…

Thanks to Icanhascheezburger.com for the following images..

Lolcats always make me smile…


weekly winners…

Yay for Lotus… this is all her idea you know..