Hyphen-Mama and Mrs C both gave me this award a while ago. There are heaps of people that I would love to give this award to but everyone seems to have it already. I knew that I should have passed it on straight away *sigh*
So if you are looking for new blogs to read both Mrs C and Hyphen are well worth a look. They are both intelligent and articulate women. Hyphen isn’t writing much at the moment but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t got stuff to say.
Mrs C touches on a broad range of subjects and quite often I will think about what she has written long after I have turned off my computer.
Look at this Virtual hug. This was also a gift from hyphen-mama. I would like to pass this on to three people . Veronica, Tiff and Xbox.
Marylin from a little space for me has put me in her top ten list of blogs that she reads every day.. Yay!!! Thanks heaps Marylin.
Here in no particular order are ten seven blogs that I read every day.
Bendy girl from benefit scrounging scum
Holly from june cleaver nirvana
Ree from the hotfessional
Mrs C from Homeschool and etc
Julie from causes rats in lab cancer
Dawn from Kaiser Alex
*phew *I am all awarded out at the moment.. It seems like this post has taken weeks to write. I have heaps more awards to give to everyone but I can hear Kelley in the background demanding the ninja..
David is part of the backstage crew for his school’s Rock Eisteddfod performance this week and as such he needs to dress all in black. We were hunting about for a balaclava or something similar to mask his face when I remembered Kelley and The day of the ninja.. Yay thankyou Kelley you saved hours of angst.. Now Dave not only has the fun of being a part of the Rock Eisteddfod but can also runabout the place making ninja noises..
(which sound remarkably similar to meeeeeeefaaaarkingowwwwwtch)
To see more amazingly fantastically awesomely brilliant WINNERS or simply to join in the fun yourself go and visit LOTUS. After all this is her idea…..
Yes you did read the title correctly my laundry is full of snow. The washing machine has a nice covering of snow and I cant find the laundry detergent. Luckily I did a load or two of washing yesterday so we do have clean clothes.. Though, as I was doing the washing yesterday I remember wondering, if anyone else puts on a beanie and a scarf before doing the laundry????
I have written about my laundry before in a post aptly titled, “shit happens” .(go and have a quick read…) I could have my washing machine inside the house if I really wanted to. The bathroom is quite large enough and there is also the added benefit of running hot and cold water but I need the space for my pottery wheel.
I am halfway through a personal campaign that I have titled, “Operation Chaos”. The spouse has been somewhat lukewarm in his enthusiasm to build me a studio. The fact that we don’t have the materials or the money is neither here nor there. pffft.. The spouse also is obsessively tidy and a stickler for everything in it’s place and a place for everything etc etc etc.
I am lucky that Jeffrey loves me very much, a lesser man would have run screaming into the sunset years ago..
This is what you see when you walk in my front door. I was standing right next to my dining table looking towards the kitchen. Looks pretty chaotic to me..
The dining table is a lovely piece of pine that Jeffrey got when he helped a friend mill up some pine trees. He then turned into a gorgeous table that we are unfortunately not able to eat off at the moment because of operation chaos..
Operation chaos has spread to the loungeroom as well. Jeff also made the coffee table from a combination of macracarpa, myrtle and huon pine.. It is a really nice example of his woodworking skills. Such a shame that it is buried underneath an assortment library books, my tool box, underglazes and greenware.
I am sure that when Jeff comes into the house this is what he sees…
and maybe he wants to do this..
Operation chaos is working though. Jeff is going to put up some shelves for me in David’s old bedroom so that I can store my moulds, glaze materials and other assorted stuff out of our living area. When the shelves are firmly attached to the wall I will take some more photos of my unchaotic home..
You Are a Blueberry Flavored Popsicle
You are a very unusual person. For you, summer is all about adventure and travel.
You are brilliant and bright. Your mind is always sharp and working at full capacity.
You seek out new and different experiences. You get bored very easily.
You are very creative. Of all of the types, you’re the most likely to invent a new popsicle.
I haven’t had the camera out much this week at all. I am sitting here wondering what on earth I am going to post for this weeks winners. I keep on glancing out the window hoping that the sky will go a spectacular colour or that the clouds will turn into dragonshapes *sigh*.. So here is a photo of my dragonless sky.
I don’t ever get tired of the view to the west of my home because it changes all the time.
I tried to take a photo of the crescent moon the other night and ended up with this.mmmm..
Look! Look! Look! These are out very early. Very early indeed but I am not complaining..
Umm what else is there .. I did go for a bit of a bushwalk this morning and I got a couple of shots.
Then there was a nice sunrise the other other morning.
So my dears I am sorry that there aren’t a lot of photos over here this week. I am sure that there will be trillions and zillions over at lotus place though… Cheers kim xxx
The guesses this week were very inventive and they certainly made me smile. (Thankyou).. Ree and Jayne also made me hungry for a nice cheese with some strawberries on the side . But alas no-one actually guessed what the mystery item was. So without any further waffle I present a photo of a swing…
cheers kim xxx….
Dear Lord,
Every single evening
As I’m lying here in bed,
This tiny little Prayer
Keeps running through my head:
God bless all my family
Wherever they may be,
Keep them warm and safe from harm
For they’re so close to me.
And God, there is one more thing
I wish that you could do;
Hope you don’t mind me asking,
Please bless my computer, too.
Now I know that it’s unusual
To Bless a motherboard,
But listen just a second
While I explain it to you, Lord.
You see, that little metal box
Holds more than odds and ends;
Inside those small compartments
Rest so many of my friends.
I know so much about them
By the kindness that they give,
And this little scrap of metal
Takes me in to where they live.
By faith is how I know them
Much the same as you.
We share in what life brings us
And from that our friendships grew.
Please take an extra minute
From your duties up above,
To bless those in my address book [& THOSE WHO COMMENT ON MY BLOG]
That’s filled with so much love.
Wherever else this prayer may reach
To each and every friend,
Bless each e-mail inbox
And each person who hits ‘send’ [POST].
When you update your Heavenly list
On your own Great CD-ROM,
Bless everyone who says this prayer
Sent up to GOD.com
I pinched this from Trish from My little drummer boys.. Thanks heaps Trish 🙂
I like the number 42. It is a multiple of 7 and I like the number 7 as well. I dont like 8 and the number 5 always reminds me of Winston Churchill. Don’t ask, I have no idea.
I am 42. The answer to the meaning of life is 42 and it has been 42 days since my mum was diagnosed with lung cancer.
Lung Cancer…. Just saying it makes me shiver. Lung cancer is a ‘sucked in we told you so, it’s your own fault kind of cancer’. A ‘you brought it on yourself’ kind of cancer. Smokers cancer.
My Mum has never smoked.
When I was a smoker It was the thought of mouth cancer that finally made me give up the fags. Not lung cancer, Hell I smoked 30 a day and didn’t even wheeze, though apparently I did smell (thanks Veronica)
I was talking to Veronica on the phone yesterday and she said that I am hard to talk to at the moment. I am sorry Sweetheart, the grown up logical side of my brain wants to hear all the stuff you have found out but the other 78% of me just wants to crawl into my mothers lap and have mum tell me that everything is going to be ok and that I am just having a bad dream. Dammit..
I want to paint. I want to do a really large blue and white painting. I want to go into my as yet unbuilt studio and throw all day, emerging at night covered in clay and tired enough to sleep. I want my life to be like a photograph of the sky. I just for once want things to be easy Dammit.
I am surrounded by half done things at the moment, half formed thoughts and half finished projects. As well as quite a few half written posts. Hi Mrs C, Hi Xbox, Hi River..
I have run out of time and I could save this post and finish it off later then it would also become another half finished thing cluttering up my head or I could just hit publish..