Here we go ‘My Lovelies’.. What do you reckon this is?
I miss my brain.
I like how my brain works.
I like being able to think of a zillion things at once and pull all my various tangents into a coherent train of positive thought. I do get distracted easily. But usually my distractions are just distracting. But distracting in a good way like a really interesting cloud is a good distraction.
See this is what I mean this isn’t organized at all.
I like to have my mind organized. I don’t like disorganized thinking.
Cancer is a bad distraction.
Cancer is fucking up my thinking.
My mother has cancer. fuck fuck fuck fuckityfuckfuckratbrainshitfuck!!!!
[the narrowing of the bronchial lumen is lobulated.this therefore almost certainly represents a primary bronchogenic carcinoma.]
Most unusual in a nonsmoker says the gp.
I cant think of anything else to say. My brain is all foggy.
I am not in a good headspace at the moment. I think that this selection of photos probably reflects where I am at. Maybe. Maybe not.
To see happier photos you should nick over to Lotus and check out all the other participants..
I am having a bit of trouble concentrating at the moment. So please bear with me. I have been reading everyones blogs but I cant think of anything to say. So here are a couple of my favourite photos..
I am pleased to announce that River is the very first person to correctly guess what the Mystery Item was.. YAY YAY YAY for River..
I am having three teeth pulled out later on today…OUCH…. so as a distraction I am doing a Mystery object post.. YAY.. so here we go My lovelies.
What do you reckon this is????
Jane McGrath died yesterday. Sadly Jane lost her ten year battle with breast cancer and the resultant secondary cancers. The news of this extraordinary woman’s death made me very sad.
Suze from Frippery has written a lovely post about Jane. I just want to ask can you please click the button please? Two clicks and you will provide a free mammogram for a woman in need. It doesn’t cost you anything but you may help to save a life..
Thanks xxx Kim
Yay!!! I really enjoy being a part of Weekly Winners. Anyone can join in the fun, anyone at all. Well I suppose that it would probably be a bit difficult if you didn’t have a camera or the internet but you could try..Lotus wouldn’t mind at all. To see more weekly winners just click over to Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom and have a “butchers..”
This Week I am going to describe a few of the photos that I am sharing….
First a photo of a photo.. this is my daughter Veronica (she of the sleepless nights) trying to play guitar with her father. V was eight months old *sigh*
These next shots were taken on Tuesday. It was bloody freezing and really really windy. I had to keep on getting back into the car to thaw out. My hubby stayed in the car all nice and warm and laughed at me.. He didn’t think it was quite as funny when I put my freezing hands down his shirt.. ha!
I came out of the supermarket late Friday afternoon and the sunset was just amazingly beautiful. So I quickly snapped one or two shots in the carpark.
Then I tookmore photos as I drove home. Here they are.. All of these were taken by me as I was driving home. I really like how they have turned out.
I hope you liked these shots. You can find plenty of others at Lotus’.. YAY.
Here is ‘the mystery object.’ Once again you were very, very close to guessing what this mysterious item was..
Xbox thought that it could possibly be a glass dish or circular glass on a window.
Joyce said, “I think it’s the side of a glass bowl that has ridges on it.”
Tiff hoped that it was a tumbler full of Baileys.
River thought that i had taken the photograph Looking at the screen on a door or window through a ridged glass bowl.
Tadaa!!!! It was a set(or nest) of 3 Pyrex mixing bowls sitting on an old milk crate. The lips of the bowls did indeed form a ridgelike effect and the glass certainly was circular…
Thanks heaps for having a go.. I promise that next week there will be a jazzy little button for the winner..
June 25th, 2008 at 7:50 pm e
Jelly snakes. They have to be jelly snakes.Yum.
I was going to have a shiny gold star as an award button but I thought that a sunset would be nicer.
My three top molars were successfully removed by a lovely female dentist yesterday. I am still a bit brainfadey from the painkillers I am eating.. but all is well.. cheers kim