by frogpondsrock
on June 17, 2008
I had to go to the dentist today and I am still feeling extremely a bit fragile. I have a terrible fear of dentists. I find this perfectly reasonable irrational fear very hard to deal with as I am a bit of a control freak. So I just ignore it. I pretend that dentists do not exist. I ignore my rotting teeth and I don’t smile in photos. When I finally am dragged kicking and screaming go to the dentist things have become pretty grim and unfortunately the end result is generally an extraction.
Today when I walked into the surgery and the dentist smiled at me, I just burst into tears.. (dentists do that to me, that’s why I avoid them)
The lovely female dentist patted me on the hand, handed me a tissue, glanced inside my mouth and sent me off for xrays.
Next Wednesday at 3.30 pm I am going to have 3 molars removed..
So moving right along and in accordance with my long held plan to counter my odontophobia.. Here is a total distraction.
This was taken when Veronica was about seven or eight months old.
Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words..

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by frogpondsrock
on June 15, 2008
Yay!!! It is time for Weekly Winners. I love participating in this weekly gathering of photographic delights. To see more truly wondrous weekly winners, Just nick over to Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom’s and join in the fun it is as easy as just going click, click, click…
I don’t normally bother with explanations but this first photo is a photo of a photo.. This is my Daughter Veronica holding her baby brother David.. Taken a few hours after he was born…

Thanks for visiting… i hope that you liked my winners. Cheers Kim xxx
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by frogpondsrock
on June 14, 2008

Look!Look!Look! Look at my lovely new scarf, knitted especially for me by Dawn. Don’t look at the grey hair!! Look at the scarf.. It is pretty and purple and warm and smelled really nice too!! Thank you very much Dawn I am thrilled to bits.
I received this gorgeous gorgeous scarf as a Pay it Forward gift. So now I am offering my own Pay it Forward.
I will offer an unframed photograph of a sunset or the water or something similar. (A photo yet to be taken.) To the first three commenters that request to be part of this Pay it Forward.
The rules are that you must then commit to offering something handmade on your blog to three commenters of your own etc. and ad infinitum. And so the goodwill and happiness travels onward throughout the blogosphere.
cheers kim xxx
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by frogpondsrock
on June 13, 2008
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by frogpondsrock
on June 12, 2008

As a 1930s wife, I am
take the test…
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by frogpondsrock
on June 11, 2008
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by frogpondsrock
on June 10, 2008
Well not exactly eaten as such, more like nibbled away at the edges of my concentration. I was fully intending only to have a quick look at this new thing. When before you could even whisper the words, “good intentions” I was giggling out loud at some of the plurks that plurkers had plurked.
I will blame Veronica. She of the sleepless nights, generous soul that she is enticed me over to the plurkside, knowing full well that I would have so much fun that I too would have my own sleeplessness.. Well at least until I nodded off mid-plurk. ( I am a nanna you know and as such I am allowed to have a nanna-nap )
It is fun. But be warned I have found it to be a tad addictive but that could also be because I am really enjoying being able to have proper conversations with lots of interesting people.
Rightio then I am off over there now.If you are interested this link should take you to my little piece of plurkdom.. Come and have a yak..
cheers Kim xxx
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by frogpondsrock
on June 8, 2008
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by frogpondsrock
on June 7, 2008
I have had some emails asking me to describe where I live. So I thought that I would steal copy Veronica’s idea of a pictorial post. Today I am just going to invite you to come on a drive “down the hill” with me.
You can click on any of the Pictures to make them larger if you want.. These photos were taken in the car as I was actually driving down the Hill. David was the photographer..

Leaving Home
Ooops the windscreen is a bit dirty.
Sorry about that..

Still on the dirt road, approx 1 kilometre from home.

The beginning of the bitumen.. about 2 or 3ks from home and the beginning of the proper drive DOWN the hill..

we are about halfway down and the landscape is starting to change from dry sclerophyll forest into more open farmland..

The last bit of the downward journey. They run sheep in these paddocks.

Sometimes if we have had good autumn rains this can be a good paddock for field mushrooms. Otherwise it is just a paddock full of boring old sheep.

We are now at the bottom of the hill YAY.. phew..
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by frogpondsrock
on June 6, 2008

Yesterday’s mystery object was *drumroll* a moth. Yep that’s what it was.. Here is the photo from yesterdays post. A moth had landed on my front door. Luckily for me the top half of my door is glass. Unluckily for you my “mystery guessers” it made for a really interesting photo…
Xbox though that I was being attacked by a giant snail. Well I can see that it really does look like a huge rampaging mollusc. I am sure that I could out run a snail, so they aren’t high on my list of things to be afraid of.Maybe in the next life when I come back as a head of lettuce..mmm..
Thanks for having a guess. Next week I should have a button that says something along the lines of “Yay I am a winner”.. Or “It does not look like a *——*”
Also whilst we are talking about Mysterious objects have you been over to Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom to vote for the BEWBS yet? My BEWBS are there *cough 11 cough* ho ho ho.. ooops I mean go and vote lol..
Then if you aren’t all clicked out there are some free mammogram buttons on my sidebar you can click those as well if you like.. “click go the shears boys click click click etc etc.. ”

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