by frogpondsrock
on May 24, 2008
The mystery object was indeed a flower.

I fiddled with the original image a bit. (Ok Xbox a lot) I cropped the photo and then clicked on negative which changed the flower to blue.

I really like this blue. Thankyou very much for all your guesses.
Jientje from Heaven in Belgium was the first person to guess a flower. Jientje is an amazing photographer and she takes her readers on really good walks around Antwerp and other amazing places.
Bendy Girl aka Benefit Scrounging Scum, guessed that it was the inside of a flower seen up very very close. Bendy is another blogger who I enjoy reading very very much.
But the first comment that was correct came from Dirty Laundry Diva..
Dirty Laundry Diva Says:
May 22nd, 2008 at 9:53 am e
It is a macro of a flower… with color a alteration?
Yay! Dirty Laundry Diva as well as being the winner, has a blog that contains little gems like this handy guide.
Dirty Laundry Diva’s Grievance Guide For Idiots
Next Week I will make the Mystery Object Really Hard.. Muawhahaha
Cheers Kimxxx
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by frogpondsrock
on May 22, 2008
Ok. Let’s see if you can guess what this weeks Mystery Object is?

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by frogpondsrock
on May 21, 2008
I haven’t ‘done’ a Wordless Wednesday for a while *oops*. So here we go….

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by frogpondsrock
on May 20, 2008
Yesterday I was a tad pissed off. Well actually I was more than a tad pissed off I was bloody irate. My child had been insulted and “The Lioness Within” was having bit of a stretch and showing her teeth.
This morning it was all good. The blogosphere had rallied round, Points had been made and spleens had been vented. Thank you very very much…

I would like to give these flowers to everyone that commented here or on Veronica’s post. Woohoo!!
Or if you are allergic to flowers there is always the Rocking Frog Star award. Because seriously you are all Frog Stars and you rock!!!

Take one, Take Both… Seriously take them both… I am going to be a grandmother again in Late January or early February. So I am in an exceptionally good mood today..
Cheers Kim
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by frogpondsrock
on May 18, 2008
I am sure that it was only Sunday a couple of days ago. *sigh* If the days zip along this quickly at 42. What will it be like when I am older?
I can picture the days all piled up like a train wreck around me. All these days just squished into one another *sigh*.
Or I can also see myself as a spectator at a super fast game of tennis Monday ‘whizz’ Tuesday ‘whee’ Wednesday “why is my neck sore?” *Sighs again* (louder this time)
I am mixing up my Weekly Winners a bit. I found heaps of photo’s in my archives and it seems a shame to just leave them in there…
So without further ado I am proud to be participating in this weeks’ Weekly Winners, brainchild of Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom….

To see More amazing photgraphy do yourself a favour and visit Lotus.. cheers Kim xxx
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by frogpondsrock
on May 17, 2008
Veronica is going to make me a button that says “I guessed the Mystery object”. Or maybe one that says, “WTF? It does so look like a …….” This weeks Mystery object was very nearly guessed by Hyphen-mama.
Hyphen Mama Says:
May 16th, 2008 at 11:42 pm e
wait, can I change my answer to brown sugar on apples?
Well I think that H-M’s guess is as close to correct as any one has ever guessed before.. WooHoo.. It was indeed brown sugar, but on tomatoes. The photo was of the very first stage of Tomato relish..YAY..

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by frogpondsrock
on May 16, 2008
Well after all the failed attempts at mouse schwacking I thought that I needed a nice restful blog-post for tonight. So for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure) here is yet another mystery object..Have fun…

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by frogpondsrock
on May 15, 2008
I was having a yak on the phone to Veronica this morning and wandering around the kitchen at the same time when I noticed a mouse. A mouse on the “drying rack” above the woodheater..
ME: I think i just saw a mouse.
VON: A mouse? You need a schwacker.
ME: *giggles* I will get the cat hang on.. (phone in hand I go searching for a cat)
Von: You can’t schwack it with a cat.
ME: I can try.
VON: Get the camera too!!!

ME: *giggles*
( I find the camera and the kitten) I have to put the phone down because as talented as I am I cant take a photo of a mouse, hold a kitten and talk to my daughter on the phone at the same time.. I manage to get 3 blurry photos of the mouse.
ME: This is harder than it looks…
(more giggling from both vonnie and myself)
VON: What’s happening have you schwacked it yet???
(The mouse is now precariously balanced on a coathanger, and the kitten has wriggled out of my grasp and is focused on the empty cat food bowl on the other side of the kitchen *sigh*)

ME: Bloody stupid useless kitten..
Von: Grab a schwacker.. What’s Happening??
ME: I showed the mouse to the kitten, the mouse leaped off the coathanger and scurried behind the heater. I threw the kitten at the mouse (gently of course). The kitten ignored the mouse and the fucking mouse has vanished and the stupid arsed cat is at the food bowl again.. *sigh*
Von: At least you got photos. Are you going to blog about it???
Me: probably..
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by frogpondsrock
on May 14, 2008
I had been wondering what on earth I was going to do for my 200th post. I had considered just letting it slide but then I figured, that was doing myself a disservice because really If I cant celebrate the fact that I have reached a milestone of sorts, well then I may as well just play marbles or something like that in my spare time…
Ree wanted me to tell a story about myself.. mmm maybe later Ree. But If you do actually want to know a bunch of boring stuff about me there is my 100th post.. Holly suggested that I have at least one sky shot. So that is what I have decided to do. Here are some of my favourite photos of the sky.. I hope that you like them..cheers kim

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by frogpondsrock
on May 11, 2008

Yay it is Sunday again and apart from today being Mothers day it is also time to go over and visit Lotus The Amazingly Sarcastic Mom.… YAY…. My next post will be my 200th. I don’t have a clue what to write about at all. So any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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