by frogpondsrock
on April 18, 2008

Yep Julie was the one that picked correctly..
“I think it looks like some sort of lichen on rock, perhaps dead lichen since it’s that lovely gray color.”
Lichen it was indeed. But not dead Julie, nice silvery lichen happily growing away on a rock in the bush..
Once again some of the answers were just brilliant..
Lceel said…
Australia as seen from space.
Xbox4NappyRash said…Looks like Spencer to me.
Old Knudsen said…
Its melting snow from defrosting yer freezer now what did i win?
Hyphen Mama said…
Lichen on rock is taken? Darn. I was so going with that one. I hope Julie is correct.
thanks heaps everyone.. (Oh and Old knudsen It is all for the glory.. just the glory.)
cheers kim xx
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by frogpondsrock
on April 17, 2008
I have had a really full on day in the studio today. Bad news, is that I am really tired and a tad grumpy..Good news, is that we are having an exhibition at the Long Gallery at Salamanca in September Woot!!!
Great news, is that I have yet another mystery item for you!!
Cheers kim xxx
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by frogpondsrock
on April 16, 2008
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by frogpondsrock
on April 15, 2008

We have some very special visitors staying with us at the moment. The flat Stanleys have arrived all the way from Missouri in the USA..
The Flat Stanleys have been very busy learning about Australian animals and are really enjoying their Tasmanian holiday.

We visited a wildlife park near our home and showed The Stanleys some wallabies, the wallabies were very interested in The Stanleys as well.
One wallaby was possibly a little too interested in The Stanleys.. and had a bit of a nibble,Ooops!

Phew! The Stanleys needed a rest in Amy’s Pram after their close encounter, luckily there was no harm done.

We looked at different road signs. This sign is to warn motorists to slow down because wombats like to cross the road here..
We saw a wombat sleeping in a hollow log at the wildlife park as well..
If you would like to read more about the flat Stanley’s, Tasmanian holiday you can visit Mrs C at homeschooling etc…
Cheers kim..
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by frogpondsrock
on April 13, 2008
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by frogpondsrock
on April 12, 2008
And the Answer is…..

A close up of the detail on a moth’s wing.
Some of the answers were side-splittingly funny..
Xbox4NappyRash said…
Your freshly skinned baby kangaroo fur jacket with koala bear collar?
Mrs C. said…It’s a rabbit with an Aboriginal art shave job. That musta run you some money..
I was really fascinated by the intricate patterns on this Moth. I can see myself using these patterns on a plate or maybe on a sculptural piece..
Thanks heaps for all your answers..
Cheers Kim xxx
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by frogpondsrock
on April 11, 2008

It is the end of a long and busy week. I have a couple of posts whizzelling around in my head.
But for now, all I am going to do is have a beer or three. ..
So my lovely internets what do you think this is????
yours tiredly kim xxx
(ps. I haven’t fiddled with the colour either..)
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by frogpondsrock
on April 10, 2008
You Are Fairly Normal

You scored 65% normal on this quiz
Like most people you are normal in some ways…
But you aren’t a completely normal person. You’re a little weird too!
Why You Are Normal:
When you’re in a car, you prefer to be the driver
You would rather be pale than tan
You find the Macarena to be the more embarrassing dance
You think glasses can make someone more attractive
You prefer fiction to non fiction
Why You Aren’t Normal:
You’d rather have cockroaches than rats in your home
You are no longer with your first love
You know a little about many subjects
You prefer the moon to the sun
You would not eat meat from a cloned animal
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by frogpondsrock
on April 8, 2008
12 Sponge Fingers (or Madeira cake sliced by 3 lengthways)
2/3 cup strong black coffee
2/3 cup Tia Maria
1 ¼ cups double cream
½ Cup Mascarpone Cheese
½ cup castor sugar
½ cup grated chocolate
Line the base and sides of a loaf tin with plastic wrap
Place one layer of cake in base, mix the coffee & liqueur together and pour 1/3 over cake, put the other 2 slices of cake in a shallow dish and pour remaining coffee mixture over them. Whip half the cream till stiff, then fold in sugar and cheese, spread half this mixture over cake and top with grated chocolate, add the second layer of cake and repeat, add last layer of cake (don’t add cream as this will form base of cake later) and refrigerate 2 hours, invert onto plate, remove plastic wrap and decorate with rest of whipped cream and grated chocolate.
My Mother emailed me her recipe for this yummy Tiramisu.. Trust me people this is divine…
cheers kim
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by frogpondsrock
on April 7, 2008

If you walked past my loungeroom window and looked in. This is what you would see.
I have set up a trestle table in the middle of the room so that I can do some work.
The spouse has retreated to his shed.
David has followed him..
Why didn’t I think of doing this ages ago????
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