by frogpondsrock
on March 21, 2008
“Tis the season to be jolly” Tra la la la laa lalalaaaaaaar.. Ooops! Wrong commercial opportunity. I mean wrong religious festival aka holiday thingy…. *sigh*
Lucky for Jesus, His mother was a saint. He made it to adulthood, albeit a brief one *sighs again*
I am so close to axe murdering my teenage son that it isn’t funny. The only thing that is keeping my son firmly anchored to this life is the fact that,” I AM AN OPTIMIST!!!” Things in Casa Rockyponds must get better.. or for Frogs sake I am going to run away and join the circus…
Last year I watched a docco on ABC and it was all about brain development. Apparently toddlers brains and teenagers brains are eeerily similar. *cue spooky music*.
I would never ever ask Miss Amy (toddler) to light the woodheater in the kitchen..
I did ask David (teenager) to light the woodheater in the kitchen..
We have had a run of very hot weather and I haven’t needed to light the fire for a while, so there were a couple of things on top of the fire-box.. A watering can was one of them..

And this my dear friends is just the thin end of the wedge…
Veronica writes most beautifully about her little brother….
Actually she describes the teenage boy annoyability to a T….
Yours Frustratedly Kim …xoxox
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by frogpondsrock
on March 20, 2008

Tracey from Why Bother, as part of her Easter Greetings to the Bloggiverse created this awesome piece of blingery..
To say that I am in total awe of her skills would be a massive understatement…
I am also extremely indebted to Tracey because I have reached the age of 42 and I only just now have found out where the easter eggs came from..
Thankyou Tracey.. Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou!
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by frogpondsrock
on March 19, 2008

You can see more wordless wednesdays here… Yay!!!
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by frogpondsrock
on March 18, 2008
This Map shows the fires that are burning around the state.
Fire is spreading in one or more directions. Effective control strategies are not in place for the entire perimeter.
Whole of fire perimeter is behind identifiable control lines. The fire is not out, active fire may be within the perimeter. Firefighting activities continue to extinguish the fire. The fire could breach control lines under difficult weather conditions
Fire is at a stage where firefighting resources are only required for patrol purposes
The red triangle in the middle of the map is the fire that has been worrying us.. But as you can see from this sky-shot today is a much nicer day, weather wise. It has started to drizzle as I write this. So fingers crossed people, that the drizzle turns into rain and helps our firies out..
cheers kim xx
edited to add.. the fire is now contained and it is still drizzling.. yay
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by frogpondsrock
on March 17, 2008

Phew!!! luckily the strong winds forecast for this afternoon haven’t arrived ,Yet….
This is the view from the western side of my house. all my “weather comes from the west”
This is the smoke from a big fire roughly 30 or so kilometres away.. that is “as the crow flies” or as the fucking embers float, whichever way you like to look at it.. It is too farking close..
All is well at the moment.Even though it is still a stinking hot 34 degrees at 8.30 pm. (and that is just wrong…)
It is very still and the strong and gusty nor westerlies haven’t arrived..
Yay…( I know I said that twice) but it IS hot..
So at the moment all is quiet on the Western Front…
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by frogpondsrock
on March 16, 2008
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by frogpondsrock
on March 15, 2008

I am not going to go into great detail awarding this AWARD… There aren’t any rules or linky things attached to it.. this is just a laid back rocky frog star, ponds and all type award..
So without further ado!!!! Drrrrumroll Puurhhleeeease.
The Winners Are..
Bendy Girl.. for her post– No special Treatment.
Tiff… for her post– 5 things I sleep with
Maddy.. for her post– small things
Lotus... because she rocks..
Julie.. for creating F.P.F.o.S
old knudsen for saying that I have the sexiest green eye since eric the cyclops
Fit Cat.. for her post —chocolate..
Kelley… because she hates the hot weather as much as I do..
Casdok… for this post, which like most of casdok’s posts make me think ‘outside the square’
Bettina.. because she will pass it along to the coven, thus saving me heaps of time (hehehe)
Taz.. because of her consistently nice comments..
Xbox4NappyRash.. for having the balls to wank in public (sort of)
Veronica.. because she is my daughter and isn’t really bossy(much)
Lou.. for sending tootsie rolls and making my heart sing with that small gift
Tex’sMissus... for quoting the Dalai Lama…..
Tracey… for her berry-misu recipe.. (and she will whinge if i forget her..hehehehehe)
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by frogpondsrock
on March 12, 2008
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by frogpondsrock
on March 12, 2008
It is Kelley’s birthday today hip hip hooray.So I was wondering just what do you give to a friend that you have never met????
I decided that I really didn’t want to send her cyber chocolate because even though the thought was nice Cyber- chokkie really isn’t that satisfying..(no guilt you see)
So because it was too late to organise a stripper to go to the Indian restaurant.. I could do the next best thing… Happy Happy Birthday Kelley….

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by frogpondsrock
on March 11, 2008
You Are Best Described By…

Farbstudie Quadrate
By Wassily Kandinsky
What Famous Work of Art Are You? I was having a browse through the world of blogthings because I enjoy the spontaneity of the answers to their quizzes. and also because I find them scarily accurate.. This quiz I took for fun with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. I answered the one question.. that is right .. one question, thinking that this will be different.. Well… I am slack jawed in amazement Kandinsky is one of my favourite artists… I am farking gobsmacked…* de do de do de do de do*
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