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B.. is for BOOB..

The amazing Lotus aka sarcastic mom is hosting a (breast)feeding carnival.. My daughter the very bossy Veronica from Sleepless nights mentioned that maybe I should add my two cents worth..

My initial reaction was for goodness sakes Veronica what on earth could I possibly contribute to a breastfeeding discussion.I haven’t breastfed for years..But then of course the seed was planted…and the eternally bossy and demanding eldest child of mine has got her own way again *sigh*

I never wear a bra at home ..Ever.. My boobs are huge they are enormously massively ample.I can, if provoked use them as weapons of mass destruction.. A full blown Tittie smack from me is very similar to being body slammed by Hulk Hogan…

At a Tas Rally once I was so pissed off by the small titties and perfect bums vying for the crown of wet t-shirt princess that I stormed the stage, milk filled breasts in hand and squirted the compere with milk.. I loudly declared that these were proper TITS… and then squirted the whole front row of hairy biker type men for good luck… hehehehe I got a dozen cans of vodka udls for that … And a huge round of applause when I loudly asserted that boobs were for babies

I was young.I was pissed. (mum was baby-sitting Veronica) I was militant. I was sick and tired of it being ok to flash your tits if it was for the pleasure of men,, but breastfeeding mums were being made to feed their babies in stinky public toilets..

Below is a copy of a post I wrote last year on myspace..

sometimes I feel so old….

Luckily for me feelings of ‘being old’ are only fleeting.. and often are feelings of
self pity..Or maybe just hangovers??? who knows…who cares?…

But thats not what this blog is about at all.. this is about BREASTS and more importantly BREASTFEEDING And being able to breast feed in public, when
your baby needs to feed….below is a copy of my daughters blog.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Great Booby Fest

Ok I was recently over at Her Bad Mother, who had a link to The League of Maternal Justice who had these cute little buttons for me to stick on my blog.

Well yes they are cute but they are also meaningful. There will be a virtual nurse in on October 10th at 10am, to protest against Facebook deleting pictures of breastfeeding babies, but leaving up photos of half naked girls and pro-anorexia profiles.

You can get a button for your blog here.

Join in, show your support and breastfeed, bottlefeed, or reminicse about it on October 10th at 10am…..

Now back to me..Kim …I breastfed and was quite militant about being able to breastfeed in public… In the late eighties it was considered quite offensive
to whack the ‘ol titty out in public and give the offspring a feed… never mind that
you could never see more than a centimetre of bare skin… and only ever get a glimpse of a milky nipple, before the offspring latched back on…gleefully hogging the aforementioned nipple…

It gave me the shits, that a prominent Hobart venue charged top dollar for a
‘Los Vegas’ type revue/musical/thingy.. with topless dancers wearing impossible
feathered headdresses, and not much more… and this was totally respectable..
yet a mother breastfeeding her child in public was viewed as disgusting…
and offensive…sigh…
So I was part of a breastfeeding protest ‘feed in’ with lots of mums coming together to feed their babes in public…

It saddens me that nearly twenty years later my daughter still suffers the same prejudices that I faced feeding her.. feeding my grandaughter…


Okay maybe Veronica was right.. maybe I do have something to contribute to a discussion on breastfeeding.. but next time ok.. I think that I have shared a bit too much information here already..

cheers Kim xxx


Weekly Winners #15

Here are my winners for this week..

******* blogger has been playing up and I am only able to upload one image at a time… *sigh* So of course I forgot what I had uploaded and then uploaded the same image again…*sigh* Every second attempt I would get a google image error report.. with a please try again in 30 seconds..but. but. but. my pictures had VANISHED..PFFFFT into the void.. and so I had to start again… ad freakin infinitum….. so after much mucking about here are my weekly winners…

*collapses in an exhausted heap*

Cheers Kim xxxx

Oh Ps. you can see more weekly winners here…


Favourite Photo Friday on Saturday

Yay!!! It is Saturday and that means that it is time for… Drumrollll Puhleeeease… Favourite Photo Friday on Saturday….

F.P.F.o.S is the brainchild of Julie... apparently julie is a pretzel eating hedonist *doh*

I have chosen these photos this week especially for Julie.. I have included some sky-shots because we share an obsession with the sky..I have also chosen some photos of the trees and stuff around my house because Julie mentioned that she liked the Aussie flora…


Too much info.. ok. *sigh*

Here is a dark sky shot that I took on Wednesday, I think that this shot mirrors my mood today..

I heard on the news today that the the ‘Ruddy Government’ as part of its cost cutting anti inflation measures, is going to abolish the annual carer payment bonus…

I heard this on the radio as I was driving to TAFE today. My first thought was ‘typical’..

My next thought was Oh Fuck! That’s Us! Shit Shit Shit… We need that money.. We really really need that money.. Because I am a full time carer, I was expecting to receive a $1600 cash boost in June this year, as we have received for the previous four years..

I wont go into details on how this decision will impact my family at the moment as I am feeling pretty gutted that any government would slash at the knees of the most Vulnerable members of society…Let alone an australian Labour government.. Bastardages…

But at the same time , Why am I not surprised??? It is so easy to cut the funds from disability payments or from programs aimed at helping families in crises .. Hell we are used to fucking living below the poverty line, and not having any services or support

I am crying now as I am writing this because it just isnt fair..I had actually been expecting this cut back but when I heard it this morning it was like a physical kick in the guts.. Truly I felt ill.. physically ill… I have been alternately sick or sooking.. All Day,, Bastards!!! I rarely get sooky and I never ever feel ill. but I think this decision might be enough to tip my scales..


Wordless Wednesday

You can see more Wordless Wednesday offerings Here or Here..


The new house, a partial update.

Veronica, Nathan and Miss Amy have settled in very nicely at their new home. Amy has been sleeping quite well in her new bedroom. So I am crossing my fingers that it keeps up.

The new house is on tank water, which means that all the water into the house comes from an above-ground rain water tank. To get the water into the house you need an electric pump. (this is a picture of ours)These pumps are pretty noisy so they are usually outside next to the tank.

Vonnie and Nathans pump was in the bathroom cupboard under the sink… mmm a very strange place for a pump… and it wasn’t working *sigh* The water that was coming out of the taps was just a trickle.

Today the Spouse and our friend poppy Stan fixed the water pump.. It is still in the bathroom, it is still very noisy but it is working… Yay…. and the water is gushing out of the taps WooHooo!!!
Nathan and poppy Stan put the ridgecapping onto the shed roof, so now the shed is waterproof, (well from the top at least..)

I don’t really want to write too much about Vonnie and Natty’s new home because It is Veronica’s story to tell and also cause Vonnie is a much better writer than me..

But I can tell you that in todays market it was a good buy. The soil looks like it is good fertile sandy loam.My green fingers are itching to play in that soil.. We think there might be a spring at the far corner of the block.I also think that there still might be one or two fruit trees in pots in my late grandfather’s garden, that we can plant this winter.The possibilities are endless….

I am really proud of the two of them.. Veronica and Nathan are full of plans and I think that the both of them are walking a bit taller…

Yours excitedly Kim xxx


Blitzen Wooo farkin Hoooo!!!!!!

You Are Blitzen

Always in good spirits, you’re the reindeer who loves to party down with Santa.

Why You’re Naughty: You’re always blitzed on Christmas Eve, while flying!

Why You’re Nice: You mix up a mean eggnog martini.


Weekly Winners #14

Here are my Weekly Winners.. YAY!

Join in the fun with Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom….


Favourite Photo Friday on Saturday

Here are my favourite photos for this week.
F.P.F.O.S is the brainchild of Julie...


Well, Fancy That!

You’re A Prayer for Owen Meany!

by John Irving

Despite humble and perhaps literally small beginnings, you inspire
faith in almost everyone you know. You are an agent of higher powers, and you manifest
this fact in mysterious and loud ways. A sense of destiny pervades your every waking
moment, and you prepare with great detail for destiny fulfilled. When you speak, IT

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.