by frogpondsrock
on February 27, 2008
I have been given quite a lot of awards in the past few weeks. Each time someone gives me a lovely piece of “bloggy bling” I think ,”Yay and Excellent and Woo Hoo!!!!” I have to think these excited thoughts because if I high-fived the air next to my computer and Yelled them out, I would set the dog off into a fit of loud barking, which would remind the spouse that I was “still on that bloody computer”etc.etc. Anyhow back to the most important business at hand Awards…
Julie gave me this loveable blog award.. I know that Julie gave it to me because I had saved it to the desktop as a ‘From Julie Yay’.. Unfortunately I have no idea why or when she gave it to me ooops.. But you can be assured that I did think “Excellent! Woohoo! High-Five” thoughts when I received
I would like to pass this award on to Veronica at sleepless nights, Cat at Fitcat, Maddy at Alien in a Foreign Field, Kellan from On the Upside,Miss Sniz, Tiff from Three Ring Circus , Trish from My Little Drummer boys, 2Paw and Tinkingbell who wishes she could knit in her sleep..

Another award from Julie ( Yay I heart Julie) this little award is a “bloggy blessing” I would like to pass this award onto Taz @Taliazko’s Weblog. Witchypoo @, Dawn from Kaiser Alex , Bendy girl @ benefit scrounging scum and Xbox4NappyRash because I really want his xbox hehehehe….

I still have a few more awards to hand out but my bum is getting a bit sore from sitting here and I haven’t even started on the links yet… hehehehe cheers kim
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by frogpondsrock
on February 27, 2008

You can see more Wordless Wednesday Wonders here or here or over here
cheers kim. (WooHoo!!!)
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by frogpondsrock
on February 26, 2008
Obviously there are a few things that I need to work on to enable my quest for world domination to succeed.
But as the founding member of the “Apathetic as all Buggery” club. I really can’t be bothered.
There is also the fact that I tend to get distracted very easily and once cup-cakes were mentioned that really was the end of what small ambition I possessed.. *sigh*
So to all the other Cup-cake inventors..(and you know who you are) here is a pretty little picture just to remind us that world domination is best left to those who want to rule the world.. (Magnetoboldtoo and old knudsen)
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by frogpondsrock
on February 25, 2008
You Are Not Destined to Rule the World |
 You are destined for something else… Like inventing a new type of cupcake. You just don’t have the stomach for brutality. But watch out – because many people do! |
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by frogpondsrock
on February 24, 2008
It is time to pass along some of the awards that I have recently been given. I have some more lovely bits of blingery lurking within the depths of my computer…. But I have trouble formatting my page when I upload too much stuff and it ends up looking remarkably similar to something the cat dragged in.. *sigh* So without further ado lets get on to the good stuff..
This lovely award was given to me by Maddy from Whitterer on Autism. I would like to pass this along to Tiff from Three Ring Circus because Tiff has a lovely spirit and I would enjoy meeting Tiff very much..
Also I will give this to Kelley from Magneto bold too because Kelley is feeling old at the moment (hehehehe) and I am sure that she will appreciate being told that she is beautiful within… I will also give this to Julie a true pretzel eating hedonist and Queen of the Tangents as well..
I will also pass this along to Mariposa, Secret Agent Mama and Jientje for their lovely photographs that make me smile..

The gorgeous Veronica, she of the sleepless nights made this lovely award… Clever clever girl that she is…*sigh* I am going to pass these flowers on to Tina from a Bunch of Burts, HRH from June Cleaver Nirvana and to Caroline at Laughing alone in the Dark.. I have just recently discovered these blogs and I am enjoying them very much… Also I would like to give these flowers to old Knudsen from Frank Fearless Free mmm I think they would look very nice on his sidebar maybe just under the weather…

Casdok had an awards post recently and if you haven’t read Casdoks blog you really should go over and have a look..
At the end of Casdoks post she put up this lovely little piece of bloggy goodness for anyone to have.. So of course I nicked it quick smart…
I would like to pass this along to Tracey from Why Bother just to stop her moaning about never getting any bling.. hehehehe. To Lou for his comments that make me giggle not just on my blog but everywhere he goes.. to Lotus from Sarcastic Mom her silliness just makes me smile and she forgave me for being a bit snippy..
This is only part one of my awards ceremony.. this has taken way too long to do.. ooops the spouse is getting a tad grumpy so i had better go and do some *shudder* housework
cheers kim xxx
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by frogpondsrock
on February 24, 2008
I cant believe that it is Sunday already…*sigh*Time is racing away from me as per usual… But at least the good thing is, that it is time once again for Weekly Winners Yeehaaa!
To see more Weekly Winners just click yourself over to Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom and have a quick squiz…
cheers kim

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by frogpondsrock
on February 23, 2008

Tadaaa! I am pleased to present my Favourite photo Friday on Saturday.
This photographic event is the brainchild of Julie from Causes Rats in Laboratory Cancer…
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by frogpondsrock
on February 22, 2008

I am tired and a bit sore, my right wrist is a tad tender and my knee is giving me a bit of grief.. But! But! But! I have had a great day today.. Yay.
I am finally back at TAFE after an impossibly long summer break. I have had two very intense days in the ceramic studio. I am a happy Happy girl..
Look at this sunrise.. I think the colours here capture my mood today.. The pic is a bit blurry because it was bloody cold this morning and I was on the balcony in my knickers taking this.. before my first coffee too!!!!!
” pretty skies wait for no woman”
It rained this evening.. Yay!! double and triple farking Yay and a great big WooHoo thrown in for luck!!!!
I had plenty of clothes on when I took this shot but then a leaf blocked one of the downpipes and I was not just shivering but soaked as well… hehehehe..
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by frogpondsrock
on February 21, 2008
Zucchini Pickle.
1 kilo zucchini chopped
500 g onions chopped
1 can corn kernels..drained
500g white sugar (or more)
2 TBS curry powder
2 TBs cornflour (heaped)
1 tsp tumeric
500g beans chopped
¼ cup cooking salt
2TBS mustard
1 tsp paprika
6 cups white vinegar
1 large red capsicum chopped
Boil 5 cups of the vinegar with the zucchini, onion ,beans and capsicum for 20 minutes add corn and sugar.
Mix spices with the cup of vinegar add to the zucchini mixture and boil for another 5 minutes..
then bottle… yumm..
cheers kim
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by frogpondsrock
on February 20, 2008

You can see other Wordless Wednesday Wonders here or here
Cheers Kim…
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