by frogpondsrock
on February 18, 2008

I went looking for snakes today. I wanted to take a couple of photos but it was a bit hot and I couldn’t be bothered walking down the hill. A large black tiger snake likes to bask in the sun atop a pile of rocks, halfway down the hill.. and it is a bit of a bugger of a walk.
So I wandered over to a pile of car parts instead. I know that there is a tiger snake that lurks over here. I heard some likely sounding rustlings but didn’t see any snakes..
Witchypoo has mentioned a couple of times that she is a bit concerned that my frogponds will attract snakes.. So I thought that I had better take some pics and give her a better idea of the sort of country I live in.
This is part of my front yard. As you can see I don’t live in suburbia and I am lucky enough to share my home with heaps of wildlife.. including all three types of Tasmanian snakes.
This is looking down the hill, the one I couldn’t be bothered walking down earlier.
I have only been ‘surprised’ by a snake three times in my adult life, one of those times was when one of the cats brought me a young tiger snake as a gift..It was still alive but luckily it was only a baby. I get glimpses of a small copperhead hunting near one of the ponds occasionally but I have only ever see the flash of a tail disappearing.
I like snakes but I also treat them with respect. We taught the children ‘snake safe’ behaviour when they were very young.
My children walked down this dirt road to catch the school bus at the corner. Today David mentioned that on the walk home he saw a copperhead at the corner and then halfway home he saw a tiger snake disappearing into the scrub. Dave spoke about seeing the snakes as casually as a city kid would mention seeing an ice cream van on a hot day..It is something that you expect to see…
cheers kim
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by frogpondsrock
on February 16, 2008
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by frogpondsrock
on February 15, 2008

Look at this gorgeous little elephant. Look at the yummy celadon glaze.
Look at me grinning like the village idiot, (oops I deleted that pic *phew*)
Recently there was a great bloggy give-away hosted by Rocks in my dryer and Look!!! I won something. I went over to A Bunch of Burts and entered Tina’s competition for aThai hilltribes quilted zipper bag.
A parcel arrived for me today and inside the gorgeous quilted bag was this little elephant, carefully wrapped in elephant patterned paper. To say that I was thrilled to bits would be an understatement. I just cant explain how much this small gesture of kindness and generosity by Tina has made me feel .. ( apart from very happy)
Do yourself a Favour and go and check out her blog, A Bunch of Burts….
cheers kim xxx
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by frogpondsrock
on February 14, 2008

Today was Pop’s funeral but I really don’t want to talk about that. I do want to thank everyone that left a nice comment on my post about the death of my Grandfather and thankyou very much for the emails as well.. I was very touched by your concern and it helped me.. So thanks Heaps!!!! xxxx
This is ‘the spouse’ meeting our brand new niece Kaitlyn for the first time yesterday. Kaitlyn is just 6 weeks old and absolutely gorgeous *sigh* My brother and his wife came down from the mainland for the funeral. It has been a bittersweet week.
I am just writing stuff here and then deleting it.. Writing in circles so to speak.. I am so going to plan a new frog pond tomorrow.. then I am going to start on Petra’s platter. but right now I am going to have another can of beer and a great big cry…
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by frogpondsrock
on February 12, 2008

If you would like to see more
Wordless Wednesdays please click
or here… thanks 🙂
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by frogpondsrock
on February 12, 2008

It rained today.. Yippee!!!!!
Cheers Kim
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by frogpondsrock
on February 11, 2008
Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom is trying to clean up her part of the world.

Here in Australia, We have the annual Clean up Australia Day which is huge.
The similarities with these two projects are also huge. Clean up Australia Day was the brainchild of one person. Ian Kiernan. Project Restore Beauty to Nature is the brainchild of one woman Lotus Carroll

I live a ‘green lifestyle’ I often forget that how I live here in my little part of the world is not actually considered normal.. and the day to day stuff that I do as part of my everyday routine would actually be considered a bit strange..
So today I have just included some photos as bit of a starter.. I would like to write a bit more about how I live and I would like to share some of the stuff that I take for granted. Simple things like using this bright yellow container in the sink when I wash the dishes.. 1. It uses heaps less water and 2. I can then tip the water onto the garden..
this photo is just for fun…

I have an organic garden. this is old horse poo. I am soaking this overnight because the manure is old and very dry.I will use this as a mulch and soil conditioner in the garden tomorrow. If I put it in the garden dry.. It would either rob the garden soil of precious moisture or it would just blow away..
Eat more greens Yay…

I love this detergent. I put all my dishwater on my garden. this stuff hasn’t got any of the nasties in it that will bugger up the ph balance of my soil.. and it is cheap.. and lasts for ages.. etc etc. and it only smells a bit lemony..

When I build a new garden space, my first thoughts are for the frogs and lizards that I want to be in the garden with me. so I always try to create a habitat for them as well..
This will do for now. I will add to this later.. please check out Lotus post. and if you click here 🙂 🙂 :0you can check out what all the other bloggers have been doing..
cheers Kim and Thankyou xxxx
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by frogpondsrock
on February 10, 2008
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by frogpondsrock
on February 10, 2008

Yes that is right fellow chocoholics I feel like making a chocolate cake today. So I will share my favourite recipe with you all, in just one minute..
Tomorrow is the 11th of February here. As part of Lotus’ Project Support Beauty in Nature. I think that I will do something that My grandfather did every time that he went for a walk. I will take a plastic bag with me and just pick up the rubbish that I find.. If you would like to participate in this project and would like a pretty button for your page. Just go and visit Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom and Join right in….
Chocolate Apple Cake…
500 g cooking apples (1 pound)
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 cups of self raising flour
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
125 g of butter (4 oz)
250 g of sugar (8 oz)
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
Peel and core the apples, slice them thickly, cook them with very little water. Meanwhile sift the cocoa and the flour together thoroughly and return to the sieve.Have the bicarbonate of soda ready measured out and grease a large, deep square cake tin.
Cream the butter with the sugar and the vanilla essence.
When the apples are cooked, remove from the heat and drain well.Add the bicarb of soda at once. While the mixture is still fizzing turn it into the creamed butter and sugar and beat thoroughly. sift in about half of the flour and cocoa. Stir and beat quickly. Stir in the remainder of the flour and beat quickly again. Turn at once into the prepared cake tin and bake in a moderate oven for 30-45 minutes..
note: it is important that the apples are well drained. too much moisture will spoil the cake….
Cheers Kim xxx
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by frogpondsrock
on February 9, 2008

Yes it is that time of the week again.. It is F.P.F.(o.S).. Tadaaa!!!!
I feel like I need to keep my family close to me this week.. So this photo was taken on Christmas Day.. This is my Mum… Hi Mum!!! and of course the gorgeous Miss Amy… notice the frog.. hehehe I gave that to my grand daughter yay…
This is all the idea of Julie aka ‘Tangent Woman’. She can be found at Causes rats in Laboratory Cancer..
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