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My Grand Father 1926- 2008

This is my Grandfather. Pop died at home this morning, Suddenly but peacefully.

This photo was taken at Vonnies on Christmas day..

As I was in the garden today trying to sort out my feelings I heard Pop whisper to me..”You need to get a bit of practice in on your batting Kimmy.”

I laughed out loud at that.. My batting performance in the Christmas day cricket match was very ordinary.

I felt very close to my pop in the garden today. Which is as it should be because my Grandfather gave me most of my fruit trees, he grew them all from seed, for me. I am getting a bit too teary to write much more here today. xxx Kim


Global Warming is to blame *phew*

A chance comment on my post *doh* has made me think.. …

Blogger Old Knudsen said…I heard that Global warming makes you appear heavier than you actually are. and not just you.

My response was:”Nice try ole Fella but I don’t think I can blame my fat arse on Global warming.”

Then I started to think well, maybe I can..

It has been a hot summer here in Tassie a lot hotter than I am used to. The unseasonable heat can possibly be attributed to global warming. So to compensate for the unseasonal heat I have had to drink a lot of beer..

We haven’t had any rain at all since well before Christmas. So instead of drinking precious water that could be used on the vegie garden, I have had to drink a lot of beer.

I am a tad stressed by the strange weather and what does an Aussie do when they are stressed? You guessed it. We drink a lot of beer..

The price of petrol is really expensive at the moment and the oil companies would have us peasants er consumers believe that this is due to global warming. So in order to use as little petrol as possible I have to drink a lot of beer. I never drink and drive.(because I crash..ooops)

So thanks to Old Knudsen for his comment I totally agree with him.

Yep global warming is definately to blame for my fat arse.. Now where’s the beer???


Wordless Wednesday

Yep, It is that time of the week again.
For more Wordless Wednesdays please click here. or here..

cheers Kim



I can’t believe that I had been doing it the wrong way for all of these years… *Doh*


Microwave Turkish delight

One of the photos that I had taken for this weeks Weekly Winners, was a tin of Turkish Delight that my mother had made for my birthday. I promised to share the recipe and so here it is.. This is a microwave recipe.. Mum reckons that this is a really simple way to make a yummy sweet treat. I haven’t made this yet… but It is very very yummy…

1/4 cup of powdered gelatine
2 cups of caster sugar
3/4 cup of cornflour
1 1/3 cups of icing sugar mixture
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1/2 tsp rosewater
1 to 2 drops of red food colouring
1 block of chocolate

1. lightly grease a slice pan. Line base and sides with baking paper, allowing a 2 cm overhang at both long ends.

2. place 2 1/2 cups of hot water in a large heatproof. microwave safe bowl. sprinkle gelatine over the water. Using a fork, whisk until the gelatine dissolves. Stir in the caster sugar. microwave, uncovered on high for 5 mins.. Stir well. Microwave, uncovered on high for a further 4 to 5 minutes or until mixture is thick and syrupy.

3.whisk cornflour,icing sugar and cream of tartar into the gelatine/sugar mixture. Microwave on high for 3 minutes. Stir in the rosewater and food colouring. pour into the prepared pan and refrigerate until firm.

4. this is where I would go and have a play in the garden.. maybe check my blog and sneakily read a couple of blogs.. (my computer is sort of in my kitchen hehehehe )

5. assuming that the Turkish delight has set. remove it from the pan.Using a hot knife cut into squares and put the squares on a new sheet of baking paper.

6.place chocolate in a heatproof, microwave safe bowl. Zap on high for 1-2 minutes stirring every 30 seconds..when chockie has melted, spoon it into a snap-lock bag. snip off the corner of the plastic bag and pipe the chocolate over the Turkish delight.. leave at room temperature until the chocolate has set..

* mum says to use the proper baking paper because greaseproof paper sticks like mad..

Store the Turkish Delight in the Fridge..

** warning this is very YUMMY.. don’t give any to your children or partners because then you will be forced to share…

Cheers Kim xxx


Drumroll Please…. And the winner is…..

Blogger Petra said…

blue and brown


green and brown


blue and white

*surprise me if I win* 🙂

January 31, 2008 6:58 PM

Yay!!!! Congratulations To Petra.. ..

cheers kim..


Weekly Winners #10

Here are my Favourites for this week. If you would like to see more
Weekly Winners, just go and have a visit with Lotus the fantastically talented Sarcastic Mom..

Also I will be drawing the winner of my giveaway very very soon..

So watch this space to see who the Lucky Winner will be..

Cheers Kim…


Favourite Photo Friday (on Saturday) #3


Project Support Beauty in Nature

The Amazing Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom, has written a wonderful post about Litter and how the sight of all the litter everywhere makes her feel.. there was such a good response to Lotus’ plea for help. A day was set and PROJECT SUPPORT BEAUTY IN NATURE.. was created…

What this in essence means is that We the people of the blogosphere can try to help our planet out a tiny bit, even if it is only for one day.. February 11th Please can you read Lotus posts.. They are really great.. and It means that I don’t muck up Lotus message. Thanks Heaps xxx


An Awesome Response….

When Veronica, She of the sleepless Nights casually mentioned to me that there was a great bloggy giveaway happening. Little did I realize that when I succumbed to my daughter’s bullying.. errr umm err, I mean agreed with her suggestion to join in the fun. That I would be absolutely gobsmacked with the response.. Like totally overwhelmed with the response..

I am a Potter.. I am still learning my craft. I dream about clay. I haven’t played in the Mud since late November.. I want to thank everyone that has entered the competition on my blog. I especially want to thank you because I am excited about this project.. Very very excited.. I have itchy fingers and I am itching to get my hands dirty.. Yay So thank you all very very much.. I have included some photos of some of the stuff that I have made.. just as an example..

I will be drawing the prize-winner Sunday the 3rd of Feb, Tasmanian time .. I have no idea of the time differences.. sorry.. I have entries from the US, from Canada,from Belgium and the UK and entries from here in Tassie and from Mainland Australia as well.. I will use the number generator thingy.. And I wish everyone that has entered the very best of luck.. It is only thursday evening here so there is plenty of time to go and enter the competition if you want.. cheers kim xxx (oh and I just had to sneak in a sunset photo.. cause I could..hehehehe)