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Wordless Wednesday

For more Wordless Wednesdays please click here.
cheers Kim xxx



Psssst. I hear that there is a madness happening within the blogosphere…People are actually giving away stuff..” gasp” For FREE.. Yes that is right,, FOR FREE.. People are giving things away..

My daughter Veronica.. She of the many Sleepless Nights.. Told me that I had to give away something as well.. So I will!!! Just to stop her Nagging me.. Umm So how about I make you a Ceramic platter.. suitable for putting cheese and biscuits and stuff on.. A one off Original ‘frogpondsrock’ handmade ceramic platter..Made by me??? What do you reckon? Would you like that? Would you? Would you? Or if you don’t umm you are obviously on the wrong page 🙂

So to Enter… All you have to do is leave a comment here on my blog telling me your two favourite colours.. and I will use these two colours when I glaze the platter.. how easy is that..WOW I wish that I had thought of this myself.. I will use a random number generator thingy to draw the prize as well..

cheers Kim xxx

Updated..# I have been totally overwhelmed by the response to this… Yay thanks heaps… so I have posted some photos of my work if you are interested.. click here 🙂
cheers kim xxx


Monday Means Meme Mayhem

I have joined Blog 365. Yep in a moment of weakness I went over to the blog 365 site and signed up.. So I am committed to posting for 365 days etc etc etc..I also ‘Blog Guiltfree’ which means that I don’t get stressed out about this committment that I have made.. At All!(gulp)..

Anyway.. the point is that I am starting to work out a bit of a structure to my ‘bloggy life’ as opposed to that other life in the real world.Where I have to cook food for the starving hordes and I have nothing resembling structure or order at all…*sigh*

I could be a real smarty pants here and throw in all sorts of analogies involving camels and drowning men and straws and suchlike.. but I wont.. nope I am going to stop blathering and introduce the: Monday Means Meme Mayhem… tadaa!!!

I totally stole this meme from Royalty “gasp” Yes I pinched this from Princess Polly
a Glasgow Girl and fellow blog 36fiver…

So with the appropriate FANFARE da da da de da duh de dah….. I am pleased to announce


this is BEFORE

this is AFTER.. oops..

No wonder the rotten thing was so bloody heavy.. apart from the essentials like phone,camera,wallet,hairbrush,mirror and tampons..I had a gluestick and a roll of stickytape and 2 rubber bands. A writing pad (but no pen or pencil) painkillers and anti histamines, I am allergic to bees and pain ..a purple plastic frog, a polished piece of glass ,3 shells ,a rock, one small container of bubble mix..( when you are a nanny you have gotta be prepared..) 8 band-aids and a handful of serviettes. roll on sunscreen(it’s Australia) and a handful of chocolate eclairs. a pair of nail clippers and $5.45 in small change a triple AAA battery and a clothes peg. a tin of breathmints and two qwik eze. I also had a rather large handful of shopper dockets and receipts. and three envelopes… Tadaa!!!!! one clean handbag .. thanks Princess Polly..

I am not going to tag anyone for this meme because like I said I did blatantly steal this from Glaswegian Royalty… So Feel free to nick it from me..

cheers Kim xxx


Weekly Winners #9

It has been a busy week here in Tasmania. There have been some awesome sunsets. There has also been a thunderstorm. I have rescued a lizard and of course my Grand daughter has come to visit..

If you would like to see other Weekly Winners please click this link..

If you would like to join in the fun as well, you can just nip over to lotus’ the awesomely amazing Sarcastic Mom.’s blog and 1,2.3 you are in like Flynn.

cheers Kim xxx


Favourite Photo Friday (on Saturday) #2

I rescued this little Lizard from one of my frog ponds… Normally these skinks are really really quick and it is nearly impossible to get a clear photo of them.. I was thrilled to bits with this shot..

So Thanks Heaps to Julie and her F.P.F.O.S….

cheers Kim xxx..


I don’t think so!!!

I have just been over to Sleepless Nights giggling away as I generally do when I read anything Veronica has written.. I wonder where she got that sense of humour from hmmm??? Anyway Veronica was writing about routine and predictability and stuff assosciated with living with a tyrant umm I mean a toddler.

one comment was:-“Yep,the routine is inevitable..and how we will wish for it when they are all grown up!

What???? No way Lady! I certainly don’t… No! No! No!

I don’t miss having toddlers at all..I don’t miss the sleepless nights or the nappies. I don’t miss the massive amounts of washing or trying to shake a toddler off my leg so I can go to the toilet alone..I don’t miss the fear when they are ill. You know that overwhelming feeling of impending doom at 3 am when you have a small child who is ill.. Nope I certainly don’t miss that one at all.. I don’t miss the isolation of being the only breastfeeding mother trying to live an alternative lifestyle in a small very conservative rural community. I don’t miss the overwhelming loneliness I felt at all.. Not one bit…

I had started to write how I felt in Veronica’s comments when I thought that I would write about it here instead..

I love being a grandmother. It is heaps more fun than being the mother..

cheers kim


Awards.. yay

I have received two awards in the past seven days and needless to say I am thrilled to bits..
cue: -*Excited jumping up and down*.The first one, the true blue award was kindly given to me by Maddy from Whitterer on Autism. Maddy seems to think that I deserve this award simply for my ability to annoy the nuns when I was held captive.. oops I meant when I was at school… If you haven’t read either of Maddy’s blogs I urge you to go and do so… Whitterer on Autism is simply superb.. and Alien in a foreign field needs a giggle warning…

Jientje from Heaven in Belgium takes the most AWESOME photographs.. The amazing thing is that Jientje has only recently started to blog in English.. Jientje’s
blog is a really nice place to visit… Thankyou heaps Jientje …And again do yourself a favour go and check out Jientje’s Photography…

I would like to pass the True Blue Award onto Julie at Causes Rats in Laboratory Cancer.. what that woman can do with ‘Tatos really needs to be seen to be believed. Oh and you probably don’t want to be drinking anything whilst you are reading her tuesday tato head post. 🙂

I want to give the ‘You Make My Day Award’ to Tiff from Three Ring Circus .
Cause Tiff is an amazing Mum and Woman and I heart Tiff….

I have heaps of other people that I want to pass these awards on to as well.. But I have run out of time.. the spouse is huffing and looking pointedly in my direction and the sky is an enticing orangey pink colour.. cheers kim xxxx


Wordless Wednesday…

You can see more Wordless Wednesday’s here…. or here…


It is the wrong day..

Today feels like it is Monday..( Now shoosh Julie.) It is Tuesday here in Australia, it just feels like it is a Monday because I spent all day in bed yesterday, with a bucket.. poor me*sigh*.. I am all better now, thanks xxx..

So here is Monday’s Meme on a Tuesday, (stop giggling Julie..)

I was tagged for this meme by my daughter Veronica..this is a really cool made up meme.. made up by witchypoo aka pyschic geek.. ..

This meme is all about sharing handy household hints..

here are the instructions.. as copy/pasted from veronicas post.


Write your tip(s) with a link to who sent the meme to you, along with the instructions. They are better if they are your own discovery, or not widely known. Still, tips that make a difference to you are all good. After your tips, you will want to tag some friends who may even be hard up for blog fodder.

Ok.. Kim’s Handy Household tip number one..

This must be done in the middle of the night.. when the Toddler or Teenager, The Spouse or the MIL are fast asleep.. Ok.. Stealth is the word here..

Try and find yourself one of those wooden playpens.. the old fashioned sturdy ones are just fantastic..Set the play-pen up in the middle of your living area, rumpus / family room or even the kitchen will do in a pinch.. then place a comfy chair and a small table right in the middle of the playpen..
Now this is the tricky part… You need to get a small electric fence unit, complete with the white tape stuff and a car battery.. run the white tape all along the top of the playpen and connect the alligator clips to the car battery terminals.. remember to connect positive to positive(+ to+)or (red to red) making sure that the battery is well away from the edge of the playpen.. We don’t want anyone to be able to reach the battery at all… BUT ONLY CONNECT THE POWER WHEN YOU AND YOUR LAPTOP ARE SAFELY INSIDE THE PLAYPEN.

Tadaa now you can blog away to your hearts content, free from interruptions..Oh make sure to have your camera handy as well.. I am sure that once your loved ones have discovered the electrified play pen there will be numerous photo opportunities..

Cheers Kim.. ps. I am not going to tag anyone to do this one yet as I haven’t finished yet..


It could be worse..

Hello out there.. I am a bit sick today. But it could be worse…. I could be like this Lizard…