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Favourite Photo Friday (on Saturday)

Julie, from Causes Rats in Laboratory Cancer has come up with a favourite photo thingy.. I like Julies sense of humour. I especially like the fact that this is a Favourite Friday Photo Thingy especially for a Saturday. hehehehe…

Here is one of My Favourite Photos.


I feel like skipping.!!!!!!

This is how I feel today. One hundred things for my one hundredth post, took me nearly six hours to compose.. Admittedly I was also making tomato relish, watching the cricket and pottering in the garden at the same time… but but but that is beside the point.. Six hours of non-stop slaving over a hot computer deserves a little skip or two…and possibly a Yeee Haaa!!! as well…

cheers kim hehehehe


One hundred!

Ok here is where I take a deep deep breath and just ‘Jump in Boots and all”

1. My name is Kim

2. When I was 12 I changed the spelling to Kimme

3.I did it to annoy the nuns

4. and it worked. ha!

5. My eyes are green

6. they change colour

7. especially when I am pissed (drunk)…

8. I have stopped drinking

9. for a while anyway,

10. at least until I have lost some weight

11. I gave up cigarettes 14 months ago

12. and gained over 20 kilos (shit)

13. I still occasionally crave a ciggie

14. But I will never ever smoke again.

15. it is my birthday in 15 days

16. I will be 42..

17. I think I will stay 42 for a long time

18. it has a nice ring to it

19 foooorteeeee tooooooooo

20. and 42 is the answer…

21. If you have read the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy

22. you will know what I mean.

23. I am an Aquarian

24. Aquarians ‘know’ they are special

25. Mere Mortals think Aquarians are strange

26. other Aquarians are nodding their heads right now..

27. other readers are thinking “she’s Strange”.

28. In high school I was bit of a rebel.

29. I wanted to start my own religion

30. the nun’s had a fit.

31. They nearly expelled me

32. I wanted them to

33. I was bored shitless at school.

34. My dad died in a car accident

35. I was in year nine when he died

36. It was a tuesday

37. I have never visited his grave

38. I might one day

39. just to kick it.

40. Or maybe not *sigh*

41. Hey that’s how old I am at the moment….

42. in fifteen days time I wont be 41 anymore.

43. I just repeated myself hehehehe

44. did you notice?

45. I started to think about this post ages ago

46. well at post 74 anyway..

47. but I decided to do it later on

48. there was plenty of time I thought,

49. so now I am doing this at the last minute

50. and this has taken all day.

51. I am a very private person

52. I don’t like talking about myself

53. even to my close friends.

54. which is strange

55. because I am such an extrovert

56. And a show off

57. I like to shock people.

58. I once told some young greenies that we should chop down all the trees

59. and concrete all of Tasmania and

60. that plastic trees were a much neater option

61. they believed me and got quite irate.

62. but I didn’t let them know that

63. I was a greenie before they were even born..

64. I was captain of the debating team at school.

65. I find that debating skills are very handy

66. especially at the pub.. hehehe

67. Both my children were at my wedding.

68. Veronica was my flower girl.

69. We were married in an old country church.

70. Jeffrey and I have been together for 21 years.

71. We will have been married for 12 years next month.

72. I love him very much. *sigh*

73. I get distracted very easily.

74. what was I saying???

75. I am itching to get outside because the sky is pink and blue.

76.I want to photograph the sky.. again

77. We built our home together

78. room by room.

79. From recycled timber and 2nd hand bricks.

80. We used to heat hot water outside in an old copper

81. A wood fired copper.. *sigh* then we would

82. bucket it into the bath.. It used to take all Day..

83. It was hard work.

84. I love my hot water cylinder…

85. I love indoor plumbing.

86. I hate using good drinking water to flush the toilet.

87. I wear odd socks deliberately

88. I get cranky when Jeff cleans up the spiderwebs

89. I like spiders.

90. except when they fall on my head *shudder*

91.I refuse to kill anything I can not eat (insects included)

92. I can butcher and dress out an animal.

93. But the smell of blood makes me ill.

94. I want a dual cab 4 wheel drive ute

95. my favourite colour is purple.

96. I am allergic to Bees

97. I like to wear purple and green socks but

98. I haven’t got any at the moment *hint! hint!*

99. Vacuuming is definately bad for your soul ..

100. I like to play in the mud…

phew….cheers Kim


Tomato Relish..

I bought an half case of tomatoes today. I am going to make relish..but totally addicted err um considerate blogger that I am *sigh* I am going to share My Grand Mother’s Tomato Relish Recipe with you first.. * hehehe*

12 lbs tomatoes
2lbs onions (chopped)
2 tablespoons of curry powder
3 tablespoons of mustard powder
2lbs of sugar
4 cups of vinegar

Put chopped Tomatoes and onions into pan, sprinkle with salt and stand overnight.
In the morning drain the liquid from the pan. Make a paste with curry and mustard powder and some of the liquid. Place all ingredients into the pan and bring to the boil. Simmer for approximately 1 and 1/2 hours.. put relish into sterilised jars while still hot and seal..

cheers kim


Wordless Wednesday

To see more W.W click here 🙂

or here 🙂



Storm in a T-Shirt..

A question for you Dear Internets.. How would you feel if your Teenage Daughter came home wearing a T-shirt saying Miss Wasted, Miss Floozy or Miss Gold Digger??? Or if your Teenage son came home wearing a T-shirt with Mr Arsehole, Mr Agro or Mr Pimp emblazened on the front???

Honestly how would you feel about it?

Megan at Imaginif [child protection became a serious business] has written an interesting article about this.. Go on over and have a look..If you have the time please read the comments as well. I found the comments as interesting as the article.

Cheers Kim..


Monday Blah! Blah! Blah!

This is how I feel today.. I am ‘UNSTOPPABLE WOMAN’!!!! Ordinary people see me and shout out! ” WOW!!! There goes ‘UNSTOPPABLE WOMAN’. Look at her Go!!!”

MMM!!! Nice Dream Kimmy. Now if Only I could get motivated to do something. YAWN’ mmm where’s that book???


Weekly Winners #7

Gosh!!! where does the time go??? It seems Like it was only yesterday that I was gloating about the fact that I had managed to format my ‘WEEKLY WINNERS‘ into something other than a dog’s breakfast…*sigh* Oh Well, Here are my Favourites from this week..

Bushfire Sunsets

Tasmanian Brown Tree Frog

Gum Trees, The View from My Balcony

If you would like to join in the fun of Lotus’ Weekly Winners, all you have to do is nip over to Sarcastic Mom’s blog and sign up.. It is as easy as clicking this link..hehehehe


Helloo!!! and Thanks!!

Note to self: Don’t accidentally press enter or the post will publish itself…*sigh* I am always doing stuff like that.. I will press backspace and my photos will vanish pfffft gone.. Sometimes it is a wonder that I actually get to publish anything intelligible at all.

Now back to the business at hand. Thank you to all you lovely internets who answered my questions about commenting. For those of you who have no idea what the hell it is I am talking about, I asked whether you just left a comment and then buggered off, never to return. Or if you did return to see if I had commented back to your comment and so on and so forth…

It was fairly evenly divided between the comment and run group and the hang around and have a yak group..So I will keep on answering all my lovely commenters and I will keep on having fun in my comment section as well as out here in the open..thanks…

The consensus also was for me to buy the camera!!! Yay !!! Thank you I asked you all to talk me into it .. and you did yourselves proud…cheers..YaY!!!!!

The Offspring arrived home from South Australia yesterday. I reckon that boy is nearly as tall as his father now.. wow 6 foot 2 inches tall at 13..mmm note to self: stop feeding offspring quite so well…. more about this at a later date..

Miss Amy managed to press the delete button a few times, whilst Veronica and I were editing the Rss feed thingy in my toolbar.. So if I have been conspicuously absent from your posts and your comments and If you are missing me, even just a little bit hehehe. Can you let me know..please?

This is post number 94. I am racing towards my 100th post at a rate of knots, that is starting to freak me out ..just a bit.. 100 things about me.. Oh Dear.. what on earth can I possibly put in that post???? Help me out puhhleeeease???? What could you possibly want to know about me? What can I actually put in that post? Now if I was still drinking I could just get smashed and pretend that I had forgotten and skip straight to post 101.. But somehow I don’t think that will work now.. umm oops there was too much ice in my cordy and I forgot.. sounds a bit wimpy..

Ok thats me done for a bit.. I will be back later to post my weekly winners Yay..cheers Kim


Weekly Winners #7

Gosh!!! where does the time go??? It seems Like it was only yesterday that I was gloating about the fact that I had managed to format my ‘WEEKLY WINNERS‘ into something other than a dog’s breakfast…*sigh* Oh Well, Here are my Favourites from this week..

Bushfire Sunsets

Tasmanian Brown Tree Frog

Gum Trees, The View from My Balcony

If you would like to join in the fun of Lotus’ Weekly Winners, all you have to do is nip over to Sarcastic Mom’s blog and sign up.. It is as easy as clicking this link..hehehehe