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Helloo!!! and Thanks!!

Note to self: Don’t accidentally press enter or the post will publish itself…*sigh* I am always doing stuff like that.. I will press backspace and my photos will vanish pfffft gone.. Sometimes it is a wonder that I actually get to publish anything intelligible at all.

Now back to the business at hand. Thank you to all you lovely internets who answered my questions about commenting. For those of you who have no idea what the hell it is I am talking about, I asked whether you just left a comment and then buggered off, never to return. Or if you did return to see if I had commented back to your comment and so on and so forth…

It was fairly evenly divided between the comment and run group and the hang around and have a yak group..So I will keep on answering all my lovely commenters and I will keep on having fun in my comment section as well as out here in the open..thanks…

The consensus also was for me to buy the camera!!! Yay !!! Thank you I asked you all to talk me into it .. and you did yourselves proud…cheers..YaY!!!!!

The Offspring arrived home from South Australia yesterday. I reckon that boy is nearly as tall as his father now.. wow 6 foot 2 inches tall at 13..mmm note to self: stop feeding offspring quite so well…. more about this at a later date..

Miss Amy managed to press the delete button a few times, whilst Veronica and I were editing the Rss feed thingy in my toolbar.. So if I have been conspicuously absent from your posts and your comments and If you are missing me, even just a little bit hehehe. Can you let me know..please?

This is post number 94. I am racing towards my 100th post at a rate of knots, that is starting to freak me out ..just a bit.. 100 things about me.. Oh Dear.. what on earth can I possibly put in that post???? Help me out puhhleeeease???? What could you possibly want to know about me? What can I actually put in that post? Now if I was still drinking I could just get smashed and pretend that I had forgotten and skip straight to post 101.. But somehow I don’t think that will work now.. umm oops there was too much ice in my cordy and I forgot.. sounds a bit wimpy..

Ok thats me done for a bit.. I will be back later to post my weekly winners Yay..cheers Kim


Bits and Pieces.

Hello out there my internet lovelies.. *Waves Madly* It is going to be another scorcher today.Yesterday it reached 40 farking degrees up here and that was in the shade…that is 104 degrees for our Fahrenheit friends phew!!!

That is hot Farking hot!! H.O.T = HOT= bluurgh

I had to ask the SiL to leave on Wednesday morning..*sigh* I am pleased that I have my house back.I am pleased that The Spouse is happy again. I am not pleased that I had to kick her out, I felt terrible all day.A horrible mixture of guilt and relief and sadness…*SIGH*

Did I mention that it is HOT.. It is 30 degrees (82) already and it is only ten o’clock .. Bloody Stupid Weather..

A Question for you… I generally answer peoples comments in the comments section.. Do you actually go back and read the comments again, looking for follow up comments? Or do you just comment the once and bugger off ???

I am thinking of joining blog 365.. I don’t know what sort of delusional state I must be in at the moment to even contemplate such bloggy madness.. But contemplating I am…

Okay my lovelies I am off to water the Garden before the Death Rays err Sun frazzles my brain.

cheers kim


Hello out there…

This is for Taz, Mother of the gorgeous Maddison. Ages ago Taz asked me about my frogs and I haven’t ever really answered Taz’ question properly.. So dear Taz just for you here is a photo of one of the Brown Tree Frogs that live in my garden. I took this photo last night just on sunset..

This BT frog has just come out of his/her hiding place to catch dinner.. mozzies I hope..


Wordless Wednesday

You Can see more Wordless Wednesday offerings Here…


Weekly winners #6

Look! Look! Look! Yay this is the first time that I have managed to format my Weekly winners in such a way that it looks half reasonable..YAY!!!! Um! How long has it taken me? mmm only Six Weeks.. so without further ado .Drum Rrrrolll please. I am thrilled to bits to be participating in Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom’s Weekly Winners … Hurray…

Southern sunsets..

Stormy skies..

Veronica and Amy in my Garden eating fruit.

Redcurrants Yum!!!

Look Nanny! I’m in the Jungle..


Rollup! Rollup!Rollup!.. It’s time for Hoopla.

Jientje over at Heaven in Belgium has Tagged me for a meme.. But it isn’t really a meme , it is a ‘hoopla’ *sigh* so if you are confused why don’t you pop over to Jientje’s and have a look see…
The rules are the same as all the meme rules. ( except this meme isn’t a meme it is a Hoopla) Tag someone blah blah blah . tell them blah blah blah etc etc etc.. oh and you aren’t allowed to cop out of tagging people either.. It is in Jientjes rules…so there ner ner..

12 random things about myself that have to do with Christmas…

1. I love Christmas!!! But I don’t like the commercialism of Christmas in fact I hate that side of Christmas.. So for years now I have only ever given presents to the children.

2. I am so envious of ‘those people’ that have bought and wrapped all their Christmas gifts by June.. Like how is that possible?? I am so hopeless when it comes to storing gifts..*sigh* I just have to give the pressies straight away.. For example I took the offspring Xmas shopping and then when we came home I promptly gave him one of his pressies right then.. Over the course of 2 days I just randomly gave him his pressies.. ALL OF THEM.. ( told you I was hopeless..)

3. I love cooking for Christmas. Not the ‘ sit down roast meal in 35 degree heat kind of silly cooking’. I love the planning and then the preparation of special festive food, Australian smorgasbord summer food.. Like ‘the potato salad from hell‘ and making the cheesecake to die for..( I will post that recipe later) that kind of cooking just ‘floats my boat’ hehehehe.

4. When Veronica was two, we were house-sitting for a friend and on Christmas morning I wasn’t feeling very Christmassy at all.. A friend turned up with a bag of cherries, a tub of ice cream and a big bottle of red fizzy cordial. I was thrilled to bits and ended up having a great day.

5. Veronica woke up on Boxing day asking,” Where’s all the presents today then???”

6. Christmas morning with Veronica:-age 3.. Veronica had opened gifts from Santa, gifts from interstate Rellies etc etc. When she asked,” Why there weren’t any gifts from us?” I was stumped.. I can’t remember how I answered that question.. but I tell you from that year on Santa only put one pressie under the tree.. Bastard wasn’t going to steal my thunder again hmmmph…

7.One Christmas Veronica would have been about 6 and Mum bought her a Barbie, Doll’s house. Our friend ‘Red’ (a hairy biker type) spent hours helping Veronica and her friend put this very complicated bright pink doll’s house together. (He made me promise not to publish the photos.) hehehehe… Now who has a scanner I can borrow????

8.We used to have an ‘open house’ Christmas eve piss up.. errr social gathering lol. Every person had to bring a packet of Balloons or three because I liked to fill the children’s room with balloons. One year we blew up 750 balloons. Veronica had to wade through chest high balloons to find her pressies and they were over Dave’s head.. *sigh * It was great…

9.I can remember when I was a child how hard it was to get to sleep on Christmas Eve. I can remember lying in my bed, covered only by a sheet because it was really hot and just knowing that I would never ever be able to go to sleep.. I can still remember the excitement when I woke up at the crack of dawn and realized that It WAS CHRISTMAS!!!!!! YAY YAY YAY

10.Mum and Dad used to put our presents at the foot of our beds and we were allowed to open them as soon as we woke up, as long as WE WERE QUIET… There were presents under the tree in the lounge room and we had to wait until everyone was awake before we could open those..I can still remember the thrill of going to the tree and seeing my name on some of those wrapped gifts..(and counting them to make sure my brother and I had the same amount *sigh*)

11.I love the smell of a proper Christmas tree and how the tree seems to fill my small home with the smell of Christmas.. The spouse hates Christmas trees and the bloody mess they make grumble grumble grumble, dropping bloody needles everywhere grumble grumble grumble.. Hehehe but he still goes and cuts me a pine tree that, “he’s had his eye on for a while”..

12. So this is number twelve YAY.. Thanks Jientje I enjoyed doing this. Once I actually sat down and Started to think about it properly…I do love Christmas….


Do Re Meme..

Yep got tagged for another one.. Julie from Causes Rats in Laboratory Cancer tagged me for this. I am also halfway through a Christmas Hoopla that Jientje from Heaven in Belgium tagged me with as well.Then there is the one from Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom and I am sure if I look hard enough I might find a couple more.

I must answer the question with the first letter of my name… K got that..

1.Famous singer:- kris kristofferson

2.Four letter word:- kiss

3.street:-Kim’s road..

4.colour:- Khaki

5 gifts:- greatly appreciated

6 vehicle:- Kombi van

7.Things in a souvenir shop:- Kitsch

8.Boy name: Kim

9.Girl name : Kim

10.Movie title:- Kill Bill

11. Drink:-yes please oops I meant Kahlua

12:Occupation:- Kris Kringle impersonator

13. Celebrity:- Krusty the Clown

14.Magazine:- Killer Whale watchers Monthly almanac..

15. American city:- Kansas

16.pro sport:-kick boxing

17.fruit:- Kiwi fruit

18. reason for being late for work:- kahlua

19.something you throw away:- K.. I am a hoarder I don’t throw anything away..

20.something you shout: Kiss me quickly and don’t slobber…

I am going to wait until I meet a blogger who’s name starts with Y or Q or X .. then I will tag them really really quickly…Julie already grabbed V by tagging Vonnie *Sigh*
thanks Julie…thats one down and two to go YAY…

p.s I am going to tag Kelley from Magneto Bold Too… Because Kelley was sooo disappointed that she hadn’t been tagged as well.. cheers kim…



Veronica from sleepless nights
gave me these flowers the other day.. Thanks Sweetheart.. All Veronica asked in return was that when I gave these lovely flowers away that they be linked back to her so she can follow their progress through the blogosphere.. Too easy honey!!

I have been invaded by my Sil.. Ooops I mean my Sil is staying here .. Nah Fuck it this is a full scale fuckin home invasion and I am not coping very well.. Luckily I am off the grog at the moment or things could be worse.. much much worse.. mutter mutter mutter…

I could waste my time and yours and by having a really big whinge about how everytime I get on MY computer to write, someone is reading over my shoulder or lurking nearby and I feel that my head is about to explode… Or! Or! Or!…….

I could just give away some flowers and tell you all Thank You!!!!

Thanks for making me smile with you or cry with you. Laugh at and laugh with you. Just Thankyou for being there..

So please Take these flowers with my heartfelt thanks..

Cheers Kimxxx

*p.s These flowers are for everyone!! please just grab them!!


Update.. Help ‘B’ Get to Japan..

My God Daughter B.. has been selected to go to Japan.. You can read the full story here.

This is an Update for all you lovely internets who have entered the competion that Veronica is running and/or donated as well..xxx.
I have included two photos in this post so that you can see my lovely God Daughter hehehe or at least see her poor fingers.. I had to smile when I saw the Teenage nailpolish mmm pink and yellow noice… and I commiserated on the state of poor fingernails.. All the while (sneaky blogger that I am) composing my blog in my head.

Harvest time in the cherry orchards is a pretty intense time.. B is working in the processing sheds sorting cherries.. Her Dad is working there as well driving a forklift. So B’s struggles out of bed at 6am ready to start work by approximately 7.30 -8.00 am. Now any of you out there with teenagers will know how hard it is to drag them out of bed ..( So I am pretty impressed)
I have never been inside a packing shed but from the description B gave me I can sort of imagine it..
The cherries are on a wet conveyor belt type thingy B says the water that the cherries are in smells like ‘chlorine pool water’.. B’s job is to stand in one spot and sort the cherries as they roll past. The 1st grade premium cherries are destined for the export market and these cherries have to be perfect,( hence B’s short nails) The 2nd grade cherries are sent to the mainland and some are sold locally.. The third grade cherries are either thrown out or sold for Jam.. B works an eight hour shift and will be working there until all the cherries have been processed..

I was quite impressed with B’s determination to earn as much money as she could to help pay for her trip to Japan.. Quite impressed indeed!!!

B also wants me to pass on her thanks to you the lovely internets who have donated money towards her trip and/or made helpful suggestions for useful fundraising ideas..
Thank you Very much!!!

Veronica has extended her competion So why don’t you pop over and have a look.. you could win chocolate just by commenting wooohooo..

Here is a photo of B’s work ravaged hands hehehe and a photo of B and her Mum
cheers Kim xxx


Weekly Winners #5 wooohooo!!!!

These are definately the winners of the week.. If you would like to join in the fun, just click this link to lotus’ Weekly winners. and you’re in like Flynn, hehehehe

Cheers Kim xxx