Note to self: Don’t accidentally press enter or the post will publish itself…*sigh* I am always doing stuff like that.. I will press backspace and my photos will vanish pfffft gone.. Sometimes it is a wonder that I actually get to publish anything intelligible at all.
Now back to the business at hand. Thank you to all you lovely internets who answered my questions about commenting. For those of you who have no idea what the hell it is I am talking about, I asked whether you just left a comment and then buggered off, never to return. Or if you did return to see if I had commented back to your comment and so on and so forth…
It was fairly evenly divided between the comment and run group and the hang around and have a yak group..So I will keep on answering all my lovely commenters and I will keep on having fun in my comment section as well as out here in the open..thanks…
The consensus also was for me to buy the camera!!! Yay !!! Thank you I asked you all to talk me into it .. and you did yourselves proud…cheers..YaY!!!!!
The Offspring arrived home from South Australia yesterday. I reckon that boy is nearly as tall as his father now.. wow 6 foot 2 inches tall at 13..mmm note to self: stop feeding offspring quite so well…. more about this at a later date..
Miss Amy managed to press the delete button a few times, whilst Veronica and I were editing the Rss feed thingy in my toolbar.. So if I have been conspicuously absent from your posts and your comments and If you are missing me, even just a little bit hehehe. Can you let me know..please?
This is post number 94. I am racing towards my 100th post at a rate of knots, that is starting to freak me out ..just a bit.. 100 things about me.. Oh Dear.. what on earth can I possibly put in that post???? Help me out puhhleeeease???? What could you possibly want to know about me? What can I actually put in that post? Now if I was still drinking I could just get smashed and pretend that I had forgotten and skip straight to post 101.. But somehow I don’t think that will work now.. umm oops there was too much ice in my cordy and I forgot.. sounds a bit wimpy..
Ok thats me done for a bit.. I will be back later to post my weekly winners Yay..cheers Kim