by frogpondsrock
on December 29, 2007
Hello my lovely internets. (I so totally stole that name from Kelley *sigh*) I have finally fought my way to MY computer. I have logged the others off MY COMPUTER and now I am going to post a whinging/whiny post. I am such a sook.
The offspring flew to South Australia yesterday and The Spouse and I had been quietly counting down the days to his departure. We had been really, really, really looking forward to having 15 days here all by ourselves. 15 days *sigh*.15 teenage-mess- free-playstation-messmaking-I am hungry free days.*sigh* 15 days of seriously reduced grocery bills. etc. etc. etc.
Kelley’s Nemesis Murphy had a quick squiz at my planned 15 days of nothingness and decided to intervene. *BASTARD*
I have houseguests.
hmmm they will probably still be here when the offspring returns from South Aus. They are lucky I love them.
But but but but………….
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by frogpondsrock
on December 28, 2007

These photos are here to remind me of the awesome beauty of my part of the world.. This is 7 mile beach and it is only 10 minutes drive away from the Hobart airport and approximately 30 minutes drive from Hobart..
It is probably an hours drive from my home…
I took the offspring to the Airport today..He is spending the next 2 weeks with his cousin in South Australia..
I was nervous about my son flying alone. I had butterflies as I was driving him to the airport, (big big fluttery butterflies). I was excited for my son and pleased that my very shy boy had somehow morphed into this confident young man..But at the same time I was sad. *sigh*
As he walked towards the plane he turned and waved and gave me the hugest ‘shiteating grin’ and I just grinned back hehehehe. Then just as he was about to board the plane he turned again and gave me the thumbs up, still with the silly grin all over his face….
My nephew and I stayed to watch the plane take-off and we watched the plane carrying my solo flyer until I couldn’t see it in the sky anymore *sigh*
Then just because we could, my nephew and I went to the beach for a walk and we found some cool shells and some sea sponges and rocks and stuff…
cheers kim..
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by frogpondsrock
on December 25, 2007
Heheheheheehe. sometimes these things are SCARILY ACCURATE…
You Are a Fruitcake |
 People pretend you’re sweet and precious, but they know how weird you really are! |
ps. I really wanted to be a Trifle…*sigh*
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by frogpondsrock
on December 24, 2007
Look ,Look ,Look!!!!! It is Christmas Eve here in Tasmania and because we are at the very bottom of Australia, Santa likes to make an early start.So just on sunset Santa was obviously very, very busy and he must of been a tad careless– BECAUSE GUESS WHAT ???? I managed to take a photo.YAY!!! DOUBLE and TRIPLE Yay.YAY YAAAAY. So Merry, Merry Christmas. I am sure Santa will be with you soon. Cause he’s all done with Tassie.xxxx

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by frogpondsrock
on December 23, 2007
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by frogpondsrock
on December 22, 2007

So many things have made me smile this week. I am hard pressed to list them..So here I go and in no particular order whatsoever…
Here is my smiley stuff..
- Eating fruit in the garden with my Grand daughter. It has been a while since I have had a small person in the garden with me and Miss Amy ate the red currants as fast as we could pick them for her.
- Spotting the Wedgetailed Eagle on the fencepost and actually getting a photo of her was pretty special.
- Reading the memes written by the small revolutionaries not only made me smile I was in serious danger of choking on my coffee at one stage. Thanks Alex ,Braden and Amy…
- Looking at my bright purple Christmas hair makes me smile as well .
I am one of those people that smile a lot. I am smiling now. Thanks to Lightening for this great idea. If anyone wants to be a part of this it is easy, all you have to do is go over to Lightenings page and pinch the Smiley Saturday banner and join in..
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by frogpondsrock
on December 21, 2007
I was driving to Veronicas today, a bit before 1pm and LOOK !LOOK! LOOK! Can you see her? Can you? Can you? She is the most glorious Wedge Tailed Eagle, just perched on a fence post. I had just driven around an almost hairpin bend on our gravel road and there she was.. *sigh*
I stopped the car and started to fumble for my camera, all the while really worried that she would fly away..I only managed to get 2 shots before she looked at me and slowly flew off..
I absolutely adore Eagles and this is only the third time that I have been so close to a wild eagle.. Wow..
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by frogpondsrock
on December 20, 2007
2,876,160How Many Germs Live On Your Keyboard?
<> ?>
Bet you are glad it is my Keyboard, and not one in the library…hehehehe
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by frogpondsrock
on December 19, 2007

Thank goodness yesterday has gone away.. Look this is my poor kiln just sitting there, stranded *sigh* the kiln is one of the reasons that I was having an ordinary day. The other reason was the bloody Spouse and his sidekick the offspring.. Men Hmmphh who needs them..
The kiln needs 3 phase power. I rang the power company and was assured on two separate occasions that three phase power wasn’t a problem. Yeah right and if you flap your arms fast enough you can fly.
We are 41 power poles away from 3 phase power. It will cost $1100 a span. without the connection fees etc etc etc. The spouses suggestion was to sell the kiln or at least think of the kiln as an expensive sort of cupboard. My suggestion back to the spouse was unprintable and most probably impossible.
I have previously shown you my balcony and the gorgeous honeysuckle.The spouse wants to enclose that space and turn it into a bedroom for the offspring. *sputter* turn my lovely balcony into a dark smelly ‘pit of doom’ full of the odours of teenage boy!!!!! *euww*
But where there is a will there is a WONT. I am full of WONT at the moment.. I wont give up my balcony and that is all there is to it.. but of course if I just say that out loud I am doomed to having a stinky ‘pit of doom’ right next to my kitchen/pantry/computer area.
But that was yesterday…
Today like most days was a pretty good day..
cheers kim xxx
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by frogpondsrock
on December 18, 2007
click here click here
To find out more about this
Special Award….
Or Just click on the actual AWARD…
shhh… ( thanks Veronica for showing me how to link it..)
I have had one of those days..*sigh* so I decided to give myself an award.
xoxoxox cheers kim…
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