I am a Sook.. I am queen of the Sooks.
This really is as painful as it looks.
All sympathy gratefully accepted!!!
I am a Sook.. I am queen of the Sooks.
This really is as painful as it looks.
All sympathy gratefully accepted!!!
I was driving home from Veronica’s yesterday when I was stung by a bee..(ouch).It was a hot day. I had the window down and this suicidal bee flew into my arm and Bloody well Bit Me for no reason at all…
I screeched to a halt..eerrr um I pulled over to the side of the road. One look at the poison sac/stinger thingy stuck in the soft part of my arm confirmed my worst fears… It was indeed a bee sting.. I am allergic to bees.. shit! shit! shit!
I had the offspring and Miss Amy in the car with me, which was lucky otherwise in my panic I might well have driven off the side of the mountain..and nobody would have ever found me again… ever *sigh*
The offspring immediately assured me that he was quite capable of driving home if I wasn’t up to the task.. (ahhh the confidence of youth and one lesson driving around a paddock). God luurve him..
Anyhow we made it home safely, I managed to eat the required tablets only 8 minutes after the vicious thing attacked me..
and and and I am posting this BECAUSE I AM A SOOK… SO THERE…
p.s I have photos of my poor poor arm .hehehehehehe
I can sing a so Ock
I can sing a So Ock
I can sing a so Ock Tooo..
I went out with shopping with my friend on Wednesday and she bought me these socks..YAY YAY YAY I am Happy.
I had this up the other night But I couldn’t work out how to remove the ‘borrow money’
loan linky thing from below the picture.. I didn’t think anyone had noticed the post at all…. Until.. Tadaaaa I received a comment from A. LUSH who managed to score 70% ..
hehehehehe cheers Kim *hic*
I don’t know why I keep on doing these things. Hehehehe Maybe because they make me laugh? I like to laugh. I especially like to laugh at myself..I am an over educated serial underachiever. I also am a champion procrastinator with scant regard for the niceties of grammar.
Thanks to the Fruit Femme. for this little gem…
Cheers Kim
p.s I hope if i start to speak more ” Orstayleeanne loike” I might possibly bring my blogs reading level down to kindergarten….YAY something to truly aim for. (I nearly said aspire oops) and that will never do…
I pinched this from Veronica, Ooops HEHEHE.. Now how can you be 65% Addicted to something??
You either are addicted or you are not…
cheers Kim
Oh My Farking Gawd I have a serious case of the giggles… I am being stalked by a telemarketer with a foul mouth and a bad attitude. So why Am I Laughing?????
The phone rings and the Offspring dithers and hands the phone to me..
( he knows the protocol we put telemarketers on hold here..)
Salesman: Hello Madam you have been selected for a free mobile phone
Me: No I am sorry I am not interested, thankyou, goodbye…click
ring ring ring
The offspring answers again
Salesman:Goddammit I am trying to give you free phone and you are hanging up
Offspring: Hangs up.
ring ring ring
Salesman: I am being fucking pissed off. I am trying to give you a fucking good phone
and you are fucking hanging up on me .
Me: Giggles, loudly (I couldn’t help myself)
Salesman: Why are you finding this funny.It is a fucking good phone Godammit
Me: Giggling loudly and doing a bad salesman impersonation walks away from the phone to get another beer…
Leaving the salesman hanging as it was…
he hasn’t rang back yet..sigh and I have been practising my accent too…
I was having trouble with my photos and my layout.*sigh* So I went outside aaand found this mess.. this is all the silt that had washed down in the storm last night. This is right outside my front door. I posted a photo yesterday of the raging torrent running past my door YAY.
So of course I took a pic, then I shovelled this dirt into a couple of containers,( I will use this in my new garden) but more about that later.. What I am really doing is using these BEFORE and AFTER pictures to experiment with my layout and posting skills… (My Very Very Basic skills.) And of course to actually have photographic evidence that I do stuff. Stuff not associated with the computer.. BUT I think my reasoning may be a bit flawed because if I actually want to show the Spouse my evidence.. OOOPS said evidence is on the computer.. *sigh*
Yesterday was really hot. I absolutely despise the heat. Hate,Spit Loathe!!!! It was 35degrees celcius,(thats about 92 degrees fahrenheit) at 8pm.*sigh*
So what’s a typical aussie sheila do in the stinking heat???? Well I wouldn’t know as I think the typical aussie sheila is a myth. But that’s beside the point.I know what I did… I got drunk. The more I glowed (that’s my mums influence, hehehe.. Horses sweat,Men perspire and Women glow and boy was I glowing) The more beer I drank.
I think I gave myself a bit of sunstroke doing the laundry in the full sun as well..
So if anyone reading this post has strange comments on their posts (cough Kelley cough) You can blame it on the heat… OOOPS and the fact that I am Tasmanian and whatever other pathetic excuse I can come up with ..hehehe
Anyway We had the best thunderstorm at about 3am. Yay and we had RAIN LOVELY RAIN.
I dont know how much rain..but the small house-tank is full and we got about 6 rungs in the big tank. The spouse reckons that we probably had about an inch of rain so YAYAYAY Yay… We won’t have to buy water this week ‘phew’ and my smelly sandshoes got a nice soak…
Veronica has just written a post about the ‘Stuff’ that falls from the sky..
Well guess what????? We have just had heaps of it. YAYAYAYAY
It is Raining.. I am Happy xoxoxox
cheers Kim..