by frogpondsrock
on November 19, 2007
Taz comments on my blogs and for that I am eternally grateful.. I love comments. I welcome all comments . The good the bad and the critical.. I don’t care. I wait with bated breath for my next comment.
My name is Kim and I am a commentaholic…
Anyways Taz asked me what type of frogs I had here and of course a light went off in my head. I can turn this into a blog, Yay. But of course things are never that easy are they?
Not when you are a serial procrastinator like myself, No Indeedy…Never Easy. Not when you have the amount of distractions at your disposal, like I do..hehehe.
The Distractions Are….
My Field guide to Tasmanian Frogs was at a friends place. I didn’t really need the book as I know my froggys very well. but there was a chance I could be wrong, or I might need the Latin names or SOMETHING….. Lotsa distractions there. I just could not possibly even think about beginning to write about my frogs without the bloody book.
Veronica my daughter rang me. Von has possum troubles *sigh* Please Mummy can I borrow your possum trap? Please Mummy can you bring it here to me Now?(…insert suitable whiny tone.) Please Please Please.
Just before I was leaving to deliver the possums doom er trap. The lawnmower wouldn’t start, so I waited around for another hour JUST In CASE the spouse needed anything from the servo. No! he didn’t But he did need me to borrow Veronicas Lawnmower, BECAUSE the world was going to End if he didn’t mow the grass right Fucking now..
When I got home The Spouse had fixed his lawnmower, so we had a spare mower and an able-bodied teenage son and SOMEHOW I caught the gardening/weeding/cleanup the yard bug as well.
It was time for a beer or three *hic*
So I still haven’t answered Taz’s Questions about the frogs and I will do soon I promise. Unless of course I get distracted..
Cheers Kim…
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by frogpondsrock
on November 18, 2007
I got a prize today YaY, well actually it wasn’t just me BUT that doesn’t make it any the less exciting.. Kelley at Magneto Bold Too had a competition to name the newest addition to their family….a Rabbit (YUM). Go over and have a look at her blog.. It is worth it…
Anyway back to the Prize.. Nobody won, her Son Boo named the rabbit Amy, a thoroughly gorgeous name by the way. So Kelley gave us all the prize.. YAY YAY YAY… thanks heaps
Kelley cheers kim..

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by frogpondsrock
on November 17, 2007

Here we go Veronica… Just for you Honey…
The spouse and I attached some chicken wire to the balcony railing today. This was to make it an Amy friendly zone.. I thought Veronica would like these pictures.
Tilly is Veronica’s cat and she is not pleased about the wire at all… Ha silly cat.
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by frogpondsrock
on November 16, 2007
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by frogpondsrock
on November 15, 2007
Gosh! It is only November and the Grass is already starting to Die off. Normally we don’t start to ‘brown off’ up here until mid-December and sometimes it is as late as January. I have posted these pics for a couple of reasons. One is to share, of course. The other is to get me off the computer and into the garden. It is snake -heaven in that tangle of grass around the pond. There hasn’t been any rain for a few weeks now, so things are starting to dry off very quickly.
Today is very windy, it is the sort of day that makes me think about bushfires. We are starting to get a bit low on water as well*sigh* So now I am going to go and empty the washing machine, I will use that water on the kitchen garden I have just started. I will try and post photos of my new garden soon..

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by frogpondsrock
on November 15, 2007
Your IQ Is 115 |
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional
Your General Knowledge is Exceptional |
What is logical intelligence anyway????
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by frogpondsrock
on November 14, 2007

I was over at Tex’s MissusDemeanors and she had photos of her two gorgeous Burmese cats. So I shamelessly stole her idea and here we are with a pic of my Tom cat ‘Smooch’.
Animals have always been a part of my life. Sometimes I will choose an animal. Sometimes they will choose me. Smoochy chose me…
We were visiting a friend in town and having a beer in his kitchen with the backdoor open. This friend is a keen gardener and hated cats with a passion. Every time a cat dared to enter his yard he would squirt them with his super high powered garden hose. You’ve gotta love mains water *sigh*
So imagine his horror when this skinny half grown cat walks into the kitchen, jumps up onto the table and walks over to me, makes eye contact with me and climbs onto my lap.
“Your cat then? “I ask thinking that maybe he had mellowed a bit and also thinking that he was doing a terrible job of feeding the poor skinny thing. I should have realized by his goldfish impersonation that this was not his cat AT ALL NO WAY INDEEDY!!!!!! This was one of the dreaded strays who were deliberately making his life a misery. TF is never lost for words ever. This Cat’s pure cheek had rendered him speechless..(At least for a few minutes)
The spouse looks at me and says,” No!”
Innocently I ask, “No what dear?”
“No you can’t have the cat…”
We were having to raise our voices a bit as TF was sputtering,” the cheeky bloody thing, I will sodding well fix it” and like minded threats. And through it all there was this steady rumbling sound, sort of like contented thunder, if you can imagine that.
Two beers later the spouse grudgingly agreed that maybe we needed another cat. I had reminded him that there were mice in the ceiling and that farm cats don’t cost much to feed.
I think he secretly admired the cat, just going into TFs yard was risky, let alone into his house. That was outrageously dangerous..
Ten years later I am posting his photo on the internet and telling his story .I called him Smooch because he is a smoocher. The spouse calls him Black Nuts,( not that he has any) it must be a bloke thing lol.
cheers …
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by frogpondsrock
on November 13, 2007
Veronica from sleepless nights tagged me to do 7 random facts about me.
There is a list of rules to go with this tag.. but oops I lost it in the cyber-void
I am a really private person. Anyone that knows me in ‘real life’ will probably be going. “Yeah Right Kimmy” because I am loud and extroverted and I take a wicked delight in shocking people with some of my more outrageous statements. But if aquaintances or neighbours have the totally wrong idea about me. I am more than happy to let the misunderstanding become the ‘truth’ about me ooops..
I get bored very easily and I need to be doing more than one thing at a time. I cannot just sit down and watch television by itself. I will read a book and watch t.v. Or like at the moment I am writing this and listening to the T.V and thinking about what I will make for tea and eating jellybeans.
I get distracted really really easily*sigh* I think I have undiagnosed attention deficit disorder but I am too embarrassed to talk to the doctor about it because its a kid thing.
I hate being told what to do. The Spouse is a bit bossy and my first reaction to his many and varied imperious demands is always” Oh fuck off will you!!!” Oh dear. Actually he is very lucky that I love him.
- I am a hoarder and a collector. I have a hard time throwing anything away because well, It might be useful one day.Or I definately need it, but not just right at the moment. I will need it though.. Guaranteed the day after I have actually thrown something out. It will be just the thing someone needs … oh dear.
I used to be a Punk Rocker, complete with leather jacket, chains, outrageous bad hairdo and many and varied studs and safety pins. Sid Vicious died on my birthday you know. *sigh* this was my claim to fame amongst other, lesser punks hehehe.
I know that these aren’t random or weird facts about me. Though they are actual true facts about me. Real life stuff my neighbours wouldn’t know hehehehe.
I am not going to tag anyone for this meme YET. If you would like to do it, go for your life.
Cheers kim
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by frogpondsrock
on November 12, 2007

See these lovely professional looking invitations.These are invites to an exhibition of ceramics. My work is in this exhibition, work that I actually like. Work that I hope to sell. My car has decided to break. A-FUCKING-AGAIN.
If you want to read the saga of the car click this, If you want to console me, comment and/or send me alcohol. *sigh*
As I have mentioned before it is really hard being an optimist BUT the car will be fixed by Wednesday evening. So I am not stranded up here for weeks like last time, well it felt like weeks … (It’s a long walk to the pub you know.)
So I am sending all my best wishes to my fellow students.I hope you have a ball and sell all your work. cheers Kim.
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by frogpondsrock
on November 12, 2007
I am still in a bit of shock. hehehe I definately must have had a touch of sunstroke yesterday. Obviously I gave the wrong answers. The sunstrokey type of answers. How could I be a chihuahua Puppy? I hate those dogs. Loathe those awful small dogs, with their evil pop eyes and their snarly little faces. Ugh they look like Mutant rats. Apologies to all the rat lovers out there.
So the sensible person that I am I decided to do another cyber quiz. YAY. hehehe.
Your Superpower Should Be Manipulating Electricity |
 You’re highly reactive, energetic, and super charged. If the occasion calls for it, you can go from 0 to 60 in a split second. But you don’t harness your energy unless you truly need to. And because of this, people are often surprised by what you are capable of.
Why you would be a good superhero: You have the stamina to fight enemies for days
Your biggest problem as a superhero: As with your normal life, people would continue to underestimate you |
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