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twelve hours late oops

I do not know your name, but I know you died

I do not know from where you came, but I know you died Your uniform, branch of service, it matters not to me

Whether Volunteer or Conscript, or how it came to be

That politicians failures, or some power-mad ambition

Brought you too soon to your death, in the name of any nation You saw, you felt, you knew full well, as friend and foe were taken

By bloody death, that your life too, was forfeit and forsaken

Yet on you went and fought and died, in your close and private hell

For Mate or Pal or Regiment and memories never to tell It was for each other, through shot and shell, the madness you endured

Side by side, through wound and pain, and comradeship assured

No family ties, or bloodline link, could match that bond of friend

Who shared the horror and kept on going, at last until the end We cannot know, we were not there, it’s beyond our comprehension

To know the toll that battle brings, of resolute intention

To carry on, day by day, for all you loved and hoped for

To live in peace a happy life, away from bloody war For far too many, no long life ahead, free of struggle and pain and the gun

And we must remember the price that was paid, by each and every one

Regardless of views, opinions aside, no matter how each of us sees it

They were there and I cannot forget, even though I did not live it I do not know your name, but I know you died

I do not know from where you came, but I know you died.

by Kenny Martin © 2003



You Are a Chihuahua Puppy

Small, high strung, and loyal.
You do best in the city with a adults – young kids could crush you!
What Breed of Puppy Are You?

I can not believe this.


Yeah right. lol.

Now I have posted 3 posts. notice I am much more subdued this time around*sigh*.By finding the “Lost pic” of Taylors dam and then posting it. I somehow made the post of our fishing adventures, complete with pictures of my sons awesome sunburn Vanish pffft into yet another computer void.
The comments on the now vanished post are still there. Not making any sense at all though. Oh well at least people will think that its Veronica making inane comments and not my poor posting and computer skills lol.

Ha that’s what she gets for tagging me for yet another meme.


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The less said , the better ….

This is my dog Harry. This is my frogpond. The black spots you can see are tadpoles. The less said the better. We had been out fishing all day. Harry is an active dog, he is a collie/heeler cross. He had been home all by himself. (very very boring on the chain) So once we came home there was just enough time for a quick game of backyard cricket.. I really really like my tadpoles.grr. Luckily I love my dog. And it had been a hot day. . And for those of you reading from mainland Australia, It does so get hot in Tassie. lol.


Not lost in the void at all. YAY

Yay here is the photo of Taylors dam. The photo that I thought I had lost. This is the photo that went pfft into the computer void. I am rapt that I have actually gotten it together and posted 3 three THREE posts today. Did you notice, did you did you???? I posted THREE TIMES. I didn’t find this photo though. *sigh* I assumed that because it had vanished off the screen that it was lost.So I didn’t actually look for it. Or really give it any thought at all. Veronica told me that she had tagged me for yet another meme, so I clicked onto” frogpondsrock” looking for the dreaded meme and VOILA there was the photo.Yay


Meme, the big eight . .why are there only 7 then mmm???

Veronica from sleepless nights, tagged me to do this..Great , thanks heaps *groan*

Eight things I am passionate about.

  1. Totally ANTI-WOODCHIPPING.The destruction of Tasmania’s old growth forests for less than ten dollars a tonne of woodchips is criminal.Total Insanity..
  2. The freedom to protest against injustice, in a peaceful way. Without fear of persecution or prosecution.
  3. I am pro-choice. I believe that it is every womans right to choose for herself.
  4. Free Education. Free Education Free Education.
  5. Not killing animals for sport. I believe you should only kill an animal if you are going to eat it. I practice what I preach, on this one.
  6. Did I mention Free education?
  7. Paedophiles should be Named, Shamed and Chemically Castrated.
  8. My family of course

Eight things I would like to do before I die.

  1. Live for another 60 years (in good health) I would then be 101, YAY
  2. Travel to New Zealand.
  3. Enjoy heaps of grandchildren and great grandchildren
  4. Have my own studio
  5. Not have to worry about water. *sigh* (we are on tankwater)
  6. Have a perfectly clean. SQUEAKY CLEAN shining house, just for one day
  7. Have photographic evidence of the perfectly clean house.
  8. Be able to sing out loud, without my family covering their ears and groaning.

Eight things I say often…

  1. What part of No don’t you understand? ( said to teenage son, often oops)
  2. Now tell me, What did I just say? (said to spouse as well as teenage son, *sigh*)
  3. Has anyone seen my?? (keys, purse, phone, sunglasses)
  4. Get this SHIT off my tv!!!! (teenage son likes jerry springer* vomit*)
  5. What would you like for tea AND DON’T SAY FOOD!!!
  6. I am NOT PLAYING ON the computer.
  7. Why is there an empty packet in the pantry?( said to teenage son AFTER I have been shopping)
  8. It’s 10pm on a Sunday night and NOW YOU TELL ME you need a costume/hat/cake/etc for TOMORROW MORNING AAAAAAARRGHH!!!!!! .

Eight books that I have read recently…

  1. Illustrated dictionary of practical pottery by Robert Fournier
  2. Guilty creatures by Sue Welfare, this is so funny.
  3. I know this much is true by Wally Lamb.
  4. Stark by Ben Elton
  5. Maia by Richard Adams
  6. The Stand by Stephen King
  7. Gridlock by Ben Elton (again, but he cracks me up)
  8. A Field Guide Identifying Australian Birds.. Simpson and something the name has rubbed off , oops.

Eight songs that I could listen too, Over and Over… this list really depends on my mood and how much alcohol I have consumed at the time. so I will just list Songs that I absolutely Love…

  1. Butthole Surfers…. Avalanche.
  2. AC/DC …. Thunderstruck.. Awesome guitar by Angus… *drool*
  3. Cat Stevens….. Hard Headed Woman.
  4. Lou Reed…. Sweet Jane.
  5. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds…. Do you love me.
  6. Roy Orbison and K.d Lang . ….Crying
  7. Violent Femmes,. … Blister in the sun
  8. Nirvana….. Come as you are..

Eight things that attracts me to my friends.

  1. A wicked sense of Humour
  2. Her ability to see through my bullshit to the real me.
  3. She likes me.
  4. They actually are real live people.*waves*
  5. The ability to have a conversation about “stuff” and not a bitch-fest YAY!!!
  6. She finds my children as interesting as I do. and Vise Versa.
  7. They giggle when I sing and don’t gag me.
  8. My friends all know how loud my snoring is and still invite me to stay the night…YAY!!!

Eight people who should do this post… MMMmmm

  1. Bendy girl from Benefit Scrounging Scum
  2. Tex from Tex’s chainsaw massacre
  3. Tricia from momuv3
  4. Tracey from Why Bother
  5. Maddy from Whitterer on Autism
  6. Kellan from On the Upside.
  7. And anyone else who wants to.
  8. Phew I have finished…YAY


Spring is well and truly here. I am sitting on the step above my washing machine. if you look at the pics of ‘my laundry’ you will see that these two pics are closeups of a part of the garden, that is very close to my front door. phew that was a long sentence. My high school English teacher would be ashamed of me.

Spring is here. the new growth has been fantastic. The weeds are winning. bugger.actually I don’t weed very much.I tend to ignore most weeds and think of them as being just a part of the garden. Except for three. Chickweed,Fumitory and the bane of my bloody life Couch Grass. Ugh!

These pics show what a tangle my garden really is. I live in hope that the raspberry canes will grow faster than the couch grass and shade it to death. Ha! It’s a hard life being an optimist. I am making slow progress though.The Fumitory has been removed from the red currant patch. Fumitory is a climbing strangling weed. Luckily it is shallow rooted, so it is easy to pull out. It is still a big pain in the bum though.

Chickweed is also shallow rooted and fairly easy to deal with. Except that it is bloody everywhere you look*sigh*. Luckily It is edible and high in iron so I tend to smuggle it into a lot of salads. I use it when I haven’t got any spinach it’s very similar in taste. Also chickweed is good for your skin. I will write about that later on though.

Couch grass*UGH* my pet hate. The one weed in my garden that almost makes me want to give up. Rotten Hateful Stuff. Even the wallabies won’t eat it. I have given up trying to get rid of it. I am at the stage where if I cant pull it out, I just cut it back. I console myself with the thought that the unruly tangle of grass around the frogponds, at least gives the frogs some extra protection from predators. *sigh*.

The spouse is getting grumpy.

cheers kim.


Mmm good ventilation.

I like my Laundry it is well ventilated. Mmm Well maybe I am being generous with the word like.Can you see all the mod cons I have in my laundry?The view is breathtaking. Especially in winter, brrr. Ok Ok enough joking around. I am really pleased that I actually have a washing machine. I am exceptionally super dooper pleased that I don’t have to carry buckets of water to this washing machine. See the hose, It is actually connected to a tap that works.YAY

I wanted to share this with you for a couple of reasons. One being that Veronica in her 100th post mentioned that she grew up in a house without running water.Two I was in the middle of the rather complicated and time consuming washing routine, when Ronni rang asking could I look after Amy for a bit. Veronica was sick and needed a break.

I gladly abandoned the washing in favour of my gorgeous granddaughter. Veronica did look unwell. Actually Veronica has looked unwell since 2002, but that is another story.

I am getting GET OFF the computer looks from the spouse, so I will leave this unfinished. I will tell more about my experiences raising children in a tapless house. tomorrow.

cheers kim.


I can and I will…

I have spent some time tonight reading and commenting on other blogs. I am bit of a lurker. I feel a bit funny commenting. Specially if there are millions of comments before me. Also I read what I have written when I have commented and it always seems a bit superficial. Mmm i will have to get over this. Sooner rather than Later. I am always thrilled to bits when I get a comment though.

Funny isn’t it, when I am out and about I will compose blogs in my head. When It is time to actually sit down and write,I am empty. pffft all my words have vanished. I am finding it very hard to find my voice here. Maybe I am just overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things I could write about.

I could write about the ongoing battle with the elements I have up here in the hills at B******.

I could write about my obsession with clay.

I could write about lots of stuff.

I think I will just jump off the deep end and write about stuff.

Cheers. Kim. xoxoxox


A Cheese Update

The cheese is now 7 days old. It is starting to look really yummy. Or it was .This morning I noticed orange bits on the cheese. Eeeek. The cake rack had started to go rusty. Oh dear. I don’t think it will hurt too much. I hope it doesn’t anyway. Mmm maybe because my cheese has gone rusty, I won’t have to share it with Veronica. Oh well I am sure I have eaten worse things than rusty cheese.