I am a bit frustrated today. Normally I am a pretty easygoing person, but today, I am restless. I should be in the studio at TAFE, preparing for my end of year assessment, but I am at home instead grrr.
At least the wind has stopped.
I am studying ceramics at TAFE, doing certificate 4 in art craft and design. The course is only 20 hours a week, but the most important part, for me is the two studio days – thursday and friday from 9.00 till 3.30.
Last wednesday I was out grocery shopping with Veronica and Amy,
the car was full of groceries, it was the end of a busy day.
The car died.pfffft. rrrr.pffft It wouldn’t start.
At least it wasn’t raining.
With the help of a mechanically minded passer by we got the car going and managed to make it home. The Spouse looked at the car, shook his head and said he would fix it the next day.A studio day sigh..
At least his rates are cheap.
After much tinkering with tools, revving of engines,
skinning of knuckles, yelling and swearing the car was
pronounced officially dead on Friday – a studio day.
At least he had tried.
On Monday our friend Russell turned up with a little Mazda, that was supposedly reliable and roadworthy etc etc. It just needed a few minor repairs and some love, but I didn’t care.
As long as I can turn the key and the car goes brmm brmm I don’t mind what I drive..
At least it was a cheap car.
Yesterday The Spouse took the car for a drive and decided that it would be best if he, his tools and a spare battery all came to the supermarket with me. Oh dear, oh deary dear..
There is a strange clunk in the back end. An Ominous clunk.
At least we didn’t break down.
So today, yet another studio day I am at home. Sigh
At least the bloody wind has stopped.
And for that at least
I am Happy
My friend Robin, rang me up the other day to tell me about some wheels for sale as part of a deceased estate. By the end of the conversation, I was under the impression that Robin and I had decided that He would lend me his wheel. Which was currently gathering dust in his garage and as I had decided to buy a new wheel some time in the murky future, next year, ish. This was a Good Plan.
A wishy washy plan but good nontheless.
Robin flew interstate to visit a new niece, and I didnt think about wheels at all.
Until I opened an email titled NEW BABY, thinking it was pics of a bald infant I was only sort of looking.Until these amazing photos of my mad, gorgeous,silly, extravagent friend emerged.
Robin pretending to throw on the wheel,Robin caressing the wheel, Robin grinning and pointing at the wheel and Robin telling me that he had bought me the wheel.
He is a good man, My potty friend.
I am a Great Aunt again, Yay!!! My great-nephew Hayden arrived yesterday at 2.16 pm. A healthy little fellow, weighing 7lb 11 oz.
That’s all the details I have at the moment, as I received the good news via text message…
The arrival of a new baby is always exciting.
I have just been reading Veronica’s story about the birth of her daughter Amy, my granddaughter. So I have decided to give a condensed version of
Amys Birth As seen by me..
It seemed that Veronica had been on the verge of going into labour for years, not days. The waiting was driving everyone batty especially Jeff, ( Von’s dad) That man just cannot handle stress at all, hehehe. I was in the pottery studio at TAFE when Nathan rang me , with the news that they were on their way to the hospital..Yes this was definitely it, proper hurting labour.
It WAS THE REAL THING this time…
The girls in my class wished me luck, told me to drive carefully.Or at least I think that is what thay said. My mind had gone blank and I had to go to the toilet and why couldn’t I think of something other than
I had a bit of trouble starting the car and my legs didn’t feel like they belonged to me at all.Disobedient Stranger’s legs.
Silly Car.Silly Legs.
A few deep breaths later, I actually managed to get the car out of the car park.
Concentrate! Concentrate!
Give way to the right. Red light. Stop the car.
Shit! I haven’t got any money, I need a bank.
Concentrate! Concentrate! My baby is having a baby!
Shit!! Go to the shopping center there is an ATM there. Phew, breathe breathe, CONCENTRATE!!!
I managed to safely park the car in the multi-level carpark of a nearby shopping centre. I was in a strange floaty frame of mind, elated and terrified
at the same time.Okay mission accomplished I had been to the bank,
All was good.
Until I realized that I had absolutely no idea where I had parked the car!!!!
I could feel an hysterical giggle trying to escape. Ok Kim don’t panic. Breathe Breathe, Calm, Calm,Calm.
15 minutes later I found the car.. YAY
Losing the car was so outrageously out of character that it acted as a very handy reality check. I made it to the hospital in one piece. Having parked in
yet another multi level car park, my mantra in the elevator was level 11 b. Level 11b. Level 11 b.
The rest of the story is Veronicas.
I have a gorgeous Granddaughter
I survived the birth
I am happy
I was reading yesterdays newspaper today, when I stumbled upon
this little gem of an article.
It is titled. “For your health,skip the cleaning.”
Yay, I have been telling my husband for years now,that cleaning is bad for your soul. Now here is proof, actual proof that cleaning is bad for your health as well.
Tadaa!!! I am not a terrible housekeeper at all.I am being health conscious. Hooray!!!!
According to a study reported in the
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Heavy use of household cleaning sprays could increase the risk of developing adult asthma by up to 50 per cent. Even a single weekly clean could increase the risk. The study suggested that one in seven cases of
adult asthma could be caused by over-exposure to household cleaning products.
I have excellent lungs. I intend to keep them too. I am thrilled to bits, that I have found yet another creative reason for my hopeless housekeeping…
I am Happy.
Hello out there, this is my first blog here. Phew. This is nerve wracking stuff.
The hardest part about this process, is starting.
My Daughter Veronica set this site up for me because I had been blogging
on Myspace and enjoying it.So now I am here as well.
YAY thanks Von.
I am still working everything out, taking tiny blogsteps, one sentence at a time.
So here is a bit about me.
My name is Kim, I am 41. I am a mother and grandmother.
I am happily married. I am a learner potter. I can watch clouds for hours.
I do not Vacuum. Not ever. No way.
I dream about clay.
I am Happy